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How cops earn their daily bread....poster shows up corrupt Surin police


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5 hours ago, skippy said:

Why not write to the PM and stop your moaning ?

Why should the poster stop his moaning? This is a pubic forum and members have a right to their opinion whether they are moaning or not.

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4 hours ago, snowgard said:

This is a stupid answer. The police do their job but the politicans not. If you drive without a helmet or driving license or red light or ... and they stop you, you get a ticket. They can't do more. This are the RULES and the LAW.

And it don't give enough police to catch everyone who break the traffic law. Just think about how powerful YOU are if you stay 3h in the full sunshine and take care the traffic. It's a complete sh** job!!! But they MUST do it for just 11.000 - 15.000 THB the month.

The onliest way is to make harder rules. But this is not in the hand of the police. This the politicans and the Land & Transport Minister have to do. 

 "If you drive without a helmet or driving license or red light or ... and they stop you". True, but how often do they stop you, they do not enforce the law enough, that is the whole point, except when it's tea money time. 

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in 18 years i am usually fined every trip to thailand , in our local village in isaan the officer would give me a broad smile with his hand out joking that he was thirsty . ,     i found it funny sometimes


last month stopped in HAU HIN  at a checkpoint,  no international drivers licence ?  but i had .  cop asked me did i want to pay 500 baht there and then without reciept or a 1000 baht with a reciept.


feel sorry for some poor thai people who really cannot afford 500 baht fine ( thats more than a days wages )   



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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

I would think if the police wages were raised, education standards of the police raised and more money put into adequate equipment, this problem would be reduced. Just a thought

Somehow I doubt it.  Why do you think that the adequately-paid guys at the top are still involved in corruption.  When they have nothing, they want 100K but when they have that they want a million and when they have their first million, they want 100 million, as evidenced by the fortunes accumulated by many, if not most, of the top police and military personnel. They never know when to stop.


It is not a question of getting enough money to get by on, it is a matter of getting as rich as possible and it certainly is possible as long as the powers that be allow it to happen with their apparent blessing.  Virtually every member of the public, Thai and farang, knows exactly what goes on, but the authorities pretend that this kind of corruption either does not exist or is not widespread and therefore nothing is done to stop it, largely of course from self-interest.

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11 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

in 18 years i am usually fined every trip to thailand , in our local village in isaan the officer would give me a broad smile with his hand out joking that he was thirsty .


last month stopped in HAU HIN  at a checkpoint,  no international drivers licence ?  but i had .  cop asked me did i want to pay 500 baht there and then without reciept or a 1000 baht with a reciept.


corrupt pieces of ****


?? I'm confused... you were stopped at a Check Point and accused of having no International Driving Permit (IDP) to accompany your overseas License... But in fact you did have an IDP ?


You were charged for not having an IDP, and paid 500 baht instead of an official 1000 baht ??


Question: Why did you pay if you had your IDP on your possession ?... it just doesn't make sense, unless you were flustered and just took the hit because you became intimidated. 



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2 hours ago, JungleBiker said:

It's <deleted> obvious the UK justice system is better because people there will think twice before drinking & driving!! 



And what about the person killed, what will it cost them!??? Their life!


Correct on all points. To say that there is no corruption in the UK would be naive. You only have to look back at the affair over the MP's and the houses of commons and the Lords to remember those thieving bastards claiming mortgage money on already paid for houses and money for having a duck pool renovated and Tennis courts etc and fiddling expenses.. What a disgrace the people who we are meant to trust, turned out to be. Maybe there is still some corrupt coppers, but the copper on the street, and on the roads, would never take an open bribe now, because there are too many camera's and not only that, They dont want to do any jail time ( the bible says, 'Beware of people in high places', not that i am religious) No mate, if i'm pulled up by a British Cozzer, i know that i wont get away with anything. The days of his lordship slipping the local bobby a 10 bob note, because he was caught pissing up the wall, or having a crime committed by his son and heir forgotten about, have long gone.

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7 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

government does not pay enough to have a police force. cops have to make extra income. call it what you want but thailand is a safe country and the system works fairly well. 10 years i always felt safe in thailand. take away the extra income the cops earn and then there would be almost no police force. then thailand would be run by the unregulated criminals. people need to start appreciating/accepting things the way they are. cops have rolled me a few times and i accept it as a type of road user charge.  dont like it dont drive.

What a Bullshit:coffee1:

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7 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

yes, like i said i always felt safe. the fact is the cops dont get paid to do anything. they basically have to go out and earn their income. you cant keep thing they are the same as a police force in the western world.

if the police actually did their jobs, left their air conditioned offices, went out on the road in cars and bikes booking all the drivers/riders that broke the law they would make that much money the govt could afford to pay them a much more appropriate wage. Problem is they dont want to have to earn their money  and the govt doesnt want to pay them more, combining both is why they now look for tea money themselves. If the govt paid them and suplied the cars etc so they could be on the roads it would cut the death toll a lot and also raise quite a bit of revenue but no one wants to do it

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7 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

government does not pay enough to have a police force. cops have to make extra income. call it what you want but thailand is a safe country and the system works fairly well. 10 years i always felt safe in thailand. take away the extra income the cops earn and then there would be almost no police force. then thailand would be run by the unregulated criminals. people need to start appreciating/accepting things the way they are. cops have rolled me a few times and i accept it as a type of road user charge.  dont like it dont drive.

I enjoyed the read, even like your recalcitrance but it is not an excuse, answer nor progressive pathway forward. Just lite nonsense.


This blithe 'acceptance' of the lesser of two evils dichotomy actually imperils every subsequent generation afterwards. Wanting and needing honest policing should not be argued on the premises above. Those that think it is okay have just retired into a selfish space, that suits themselves. I am sure if an injustice was to knock heavily enough upon you, you would see things differently. It is funny how the worm can turn.

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3 hours ago, Billy Bloggs said:

But that is the problem they dont stop all at checkpoints in CM they let thais without helmets ride past, I dont care if I get stopped unless they have a made up charge, I wear a helmet have a taxed and insured bike, its just the having to stop and get out the license, wish I could get a license sticker for my helmet, by the way I wear a full face and sunglasses during the day no way they know if its my license.

And why you not make a video of it and send it to the press & police headquater and on facebook? I am for sure would do it if I had problems like this all the time. The onliest way to change things here is to report it to the press and higher police and wait for their response. 

But I live now 10 years in Thailand and never had this problems. Maybe because I drive a car and have now 8 years already a dashcam inside. In this 10 years the police stopped me 2 times and would charge me for drive in the right lane. I not paid because I overhault slowly cars and told they that they can look the video. So they let me go and I paid nothing.

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12 minutes ago, snowgard said:

But that is the problem they dont stop all at checkpoints in CM they let thais without helmets ride past, I


I can assure you this does not happen in Surin

i would say the biggest earner is 200 baht for no helmet

My experience is that the police have always been fair here i have been stopped but never had to pay.In fact they normally will let me through because they can see that my bike is highly unlikely to be a money earner.

The problem lies with the thai mentality

When i told my gf that she needed to get a thai driving licence to drive the car ( so the insurance would be valid in case of an accident) she simply stated 'no problem' i will just pay the police 400 baht if stropped and drive carefully so i don't have an accident. 

I have to admit the system works here ( if thai's are stupid enough not to wear a helmet, their choice) but for major  offences , drink driving, no insurance,no licence (not exactly hard to pass) etc, a bribe should not be on the table.

Police are low paid and to a certain extent i have some sympathy with them. Be polite and courteous and more often ( not always it seems) it can be a pleasant experience.



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8 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

yes, like i said i always felt safe. the fact is the cops dont get paid to do anything. they basically have to go out and earn their income. you cant keep thing they are the same as a police force in the western world.

Don't they get a base income? Granted it might not be very high.

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1 hour ago, optad said:

I enjoyed the read, even like your recalcitrance but it is not an excuse, answer nor progressive pathway forward. Just lite nonsense.


This blithe 'acceptance' of the lesser of two evils dichotomy actually imperils every subsequent generation afterwards. Wanting and needing honest policing should not be argued on the premises above. Those that think it is okay have just retired into a selfish space, that suits themselves. I am sure if an injustice was to knock heavily enough upon you, you would see things differently. It is funny how the worm can turn.

injustice knocked pretty heavily on me. i got a one year suspended jail sentence for not having a work permit and about 80 000thb in expenses when i did have a work permit but with the wrong address in it. i understand i cant change the system so i just had to wear it and move on. no one is going to change anything not any time soon.

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1 hour ago, seajae said:

if the police actually did their jobs, left their air conditioned offices, went out on the road in cars and bikes booking all the drivers/riders that broke the law they would make that much money the govt could afford to pay them a much more appropriate wage. Problem is they dont want to have to earn their money  and the govt doesnt want to pay them more, combining both is why they now look for tea money themselves. If the govt paid them and suplied the cars etc so they could be on the roads it would cut the death toll a lot and also raise quite a bit of revenue but no one wants to do it

dont know where to start with this one. almost no one pays tax so the government does not have the money to pay them the police. cops cant crack down too heavily on traffic regulation or they will loose their income. it is not really tea money, it is their livelyhood.  people are not going to pay tax, govt is not going to start paying the cops. cops are not going to kill the golden goose by strictly enforcing traffic laws. not going to happen simple as that, no matter how many ferangs complain.

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9 minutes ago, KingKongOfThailand said:

Don't they get a base income? Granted it might not be very high.

i know some cops in the na jomtien station. they start on 4000thb/month. kun jalern the boss told me he gets 30 000thb/month. cop jobs and promotions are expensive so i doubt base salaries even cover those expenses.

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2 hours ago, pumpjack said:

in 18 years i am usually fined every trip to thailand , in our local village in isaan the officer would give me a broad smile with his hand out joking that he was thirsty . ,     i found it funny sometimes


last month stopped in HAU HIN  at a checkpoint,  no international drivers licence ?  but i had .  cop asked me did i want to pay 500 baht there and then without reciept or a 1000 baht with a reciept.


feel sorry for some poor thai people who really cannot afford 500 baht fine ( thats more than a days wages )   



I'm pretty sure they don't get charged the same amounts!

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44 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

injustice knocked pretty heavily on me. i got a one year suspended jail sentence for not having a work permit and about 80 000thb in expenses when i did have a work permit but with the wrong address in it. i understand i cant change the system so i just had to wear it and move on. no one is going to change anything not any time soon.

So your argument with the police was to pay contra fines because it could be worse, yet you post the above re your work experiences?


You realise you do not seem a reliable voice to be heard on topic(s).... 

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31 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i know some cops in the na jomtien station. they start on 4000thb/month. kun jalern the boss told me he gets 30 000thb/month. cop jobs and promotions are expensive so i doubt base salaries even cover those expenses.

Yeah that's no much of a salary to be honest. I don't see why people are complaining so much, you want Thai police to be paid good salaries like we have in the West, guess what, you can forget about getting that pad thai for 30 baht, forget about renting your apartment for 5k baht. All things will go up astronomically to the point that you are paying Western prices. All those people in those poorer countries are doing you a favour by working for peanuts, you should be thankful they have a big enough heart! If that comes with the occasional 100 baht tea money, you should count your blessings, how anybody sees it any different is beyond me, I mean you are complaining but yet you choose to live in Thailand. Why don't you move back to your Western country and pay 30%-70% tax, a monthly salary a year for council tax, 500% electricity costs, inflated food prices, shit weather, inflated diesel prices, inflated coffee prices??? The list is endless guys!


Well? And you are complaining, about 100 baht every now and again? And Thailand is corrupt? But your own country that charges everything at a premium and keeps 99% of the population at near poverty level is the good guy, they are not corrupt?



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6 minutes ago, optad said:

So your argument with the police was to pay contra fines because it could be worse, yet you post the above re your work experiences?


You realise you do not seem a reliable voice to be heard on topic(s).... 

initially i had problems with the cops with work permit issues. that was before i started paying them a monthly service fee. doubt i would have had the same problems if i was paying them all along, no way to be certain of course. not really sure if i understood your point. does that answer it?

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Just now, williamgeorgeallen said:

initially i had problems with the cops with work permit issues. that was before i started paying them a monthly service fee. doubt i would have had the same problems if i was paying them all along, no way to be certain of course. not really sure if i understood your point. does that answer it?

Frankly, I dislike the appeasement nature of 'just pay' the police because the system could be worse. We know from Chamberlain you onsend these problems down the line or in this example corruption to another generation because you can pay and can't be flucked with the issue.


You have also now managed to individualise my generalised points to your circumstances and this flatters neither yourself nor your argument. 


Your 'injustices' really have no value in the way you present your scant details other than it sounds like you were trying to beat the system anyhow and deserved your wack. 

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The 1st question is can police survive on their salary? Are they poorly paid? 2nd question is would you be corrupted if you were in their shoe?

To get rid of corruption the whole system in the country will have to be overhaul. If all businessmen in Thailand pay their taxes honestly it would help quite a bit. ( why do you think accountants get good pay in big companies? They help avoiding taxes without getting Inland revenue guys sniffing around).

No petroleum, no gold, no precious stones, no good agricultural products, (except rice which don't get good price on the overseas market). Pathetic.


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