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Flight domestic with 3 days overstay

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No really true anymore.....according to a friend  of mine who works at immigration, all passenger lists at various domestic check ins are crossed checked with a database these days as part of a new system they have.....I cannot verify this but only on comments from my friend at Immigration and also from a few people I know working at AOT security.


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20 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

No really true anymore.....according to a friend  of mine who works at immigration, all passenger lists at various domestic check ins are crossed checked with a database these days as part of a new system they have.....I cannot verify this but only on comments from my friend at Immigration and also from a few people I know working at AOT security.


I think that has no basis in fact. They certainly would not have access to immigrations database. Perhaps for police arrest warrants or such.

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14 minutes ago, Ian1980 said:

So, this guest he no has any possibility to reach Bangkok?


No problem. Domestic airlines don't even ask for a passport number do to do a reservation and buy a ticket.

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16 hours ago, Canceraid said:

No really true anymore.....according to a friend  of mine who works at immigration, all passenger lists at various domestic check ins are crossed checked with a database these days as part of a new system they have.....I cannot verify this but only on comments from my friend at Immigration and also from a few people I know working at AOT security.


I strongly suspect this will turn out to be part of the security checks that airlines have these day, for protection against terrorism and such. As @ubonjoe says, the immigration database is not available outside of immigration itself, and a 3-day overstay is not going to get anyone on a no-fly list.

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Just a thought, has this 'guest' already been to immigration and extended whatever entry he is in Thailand on? (I'm making an assumption that he is some on sort of tourist entry).

Edited by Mattd
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2 hours ago, Mattd said:

Just a thought, has this 'guest' already been to immigration and extended whatever entry he is in Thailand on? (I'm making an assumption that he is some on sort of tourist entry).

He was on normal arrival visa and extend his stay once at immigration


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21 hours ago, JackThompson said:

For future reference, he could have applied for a 2nd extension at immigration and received "denied" + 7 extra days to leave.  

Since OP is enquiring about taking a bus to Bangkok, the application for the 2nd extension may still be an option.

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