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Video: Policeman unfazed as motorist hands over "red Driving License"


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"Let those of you who have not sinned, cast the first stone"

   In other words.....jealously will get you nowhere......or to put it another way....given the chance, how many of you (noble people) would turn it down?

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21 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

It says it on the slip of paper you get where you have to go and pay the fine. Usually the district where you got pulled up by the police. If a highway police officer, then the closest highway station to where you got stopped. The fine goes back into the budget to develop the country (like in Western countries). Not into the police officer's pocket, like if you pay on the side of the road. Many of us like to ignorantly believe that Thai is more corrupt than it is. It is extremely corrupt, just not as corrupt as us 'farang' think. Why do you think police are so eager to get the money on the side of the road? Even if it something as little as 100 baht? Why not wait to get the bigger fine at the station? As they know they wont get it back at the station.

Where corruption lessens the job for everyone is if you are stopped miles away from your home. As you will need to wait or come back to pick up your license. All they need is an online payment system (and other ideas previously mentioned) and there will be less corruption. 

not in thailand. any cop caught pocketing fines would probably end up dead. no one gets away with stealing from the upper level cops.  police and police stations  are very poorly funded. the fines collected by cops go to funding the cops, their salaries and bonuses. it does not matter where the fine is paid, people just miss perceive this as corruption. it does not get spent on improving anything. each police station acts as an independent company. westerners also confuse this as corruption but it is just private enterprise.

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1 hour ago, silent said:

I'm with you and  pray for the day when people are upset enough about their principles being violated they forthwith attend the nearest station and demand to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

yea people can cry about it all day but the cop has to go back to the station at the end of his shift, why cant he just take the cash with him?

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Why not start an undercover operation where undercover cops go out for such cops and get them on tape, oh sorry, forgot where I was for a moment.



Interestingly - there is another thread here on TVN about Thailand being ranked in the top 20 most dangerous countries in the world. (the Thai authorities have immediately repudiated this claiming that the study was inaccurate of course). Yet in 2015, author John Stapleton published 'Thailand: Deadly Destination' based on his own research and the book was featured extensively in the British press (eg; The Guardian, Daily Mail & Daily Telegraph). Stapleton provides pretty conclusive evidence supporting his assertion and this was before the recent bombings and religious skirmishes!


Furthermore, an even more recent study into global corruption levels - found that Thailand has gone from 100th to 70th most corrupt country in the world in the last 12 months alone! (in effect an increase of 30% between 2015 and 2016!!) In most civilised countries this would be considered an absolute disgrace and a total PR disaster. Yet here in Thailand the dramatically soaring levels of crime, corruption, danger etc seem to raise barely an eyebrow with General Prayut and his government officials. It seems his strategy to 'rid Thailand of crime and corruption by 2020' is well on track then!

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9 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

not in thailand. any cop caught pocketing fines would probably end up dead. no one gets away with stealing from the upper level cops.  police and police stations  are very poorly funded. the fines collected by cops go to funding the cops, their salaries and bonuses. it does not matter where the fine is paid, people just miss perceive this as corruption. it does not get spent on improving anything. each police station acts as an independent company. westerners also confuse this as corruption but it is just private enterprise.

As far as I know the fine goes to the central accounting department as it is in the system...Percentages of the fine will go back into police budgets, other percentages will go into complete other departments. I don't know where you got that info from. 

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

well i am sure many of us have done the same. i handed over 1000thb on the express way when a cop said my pickup was overloaded due to a single box tied down in the back. god knows where i would have gone to pay the fine to get my licence back. the system of paying the cops directly is far more efficient and the money all goes to the same place. problem is where some people seem to think it is corrupt and are making a bigger job for everyone.

I had  similar  but  just  refused to hand over anything, wasting their  time, after a bout 5  minutes they gave  up and said "go go"

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Just now, kannot said:

I had  similar  but  just  refused to hand over anything, wasting their  time, after a bout 5  minutes they gave  up and said "go go"

That works too as they miss out on all the Thais who will give by wasting time on you

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Police are in the same ministry as municipalities.

If people pay a fine of 100 baht for example...
50% (50 baht) will go to Bangkok Municipality Department. All of that money is spread around the country to implement projects, rubbish, build roads, many things. 

5% goes to the central accountant of the country.

45% goes into the police station budget. Paying staff (gardeners, housekeepers - non government), police vehicles, training and the like. 




Edited by wildewillie89
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5 hours ago, the guest said:

When you witness images like this, it is apparent there is something seriously wrong with the country. 

cops don't make very much money in thailand....so in all honesty, you can't really blame them for taking small bribes for something as little as a minor traffic violation...



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2 hours ago, silent said:

I'm with you and  pray for the day when people are upset enough about their principles being violated they forthwith attend the nearest station and demand to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I would suggest they wouldn't know how where to start  ?

Edited by Artisi
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1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

As far as I know the fine goes to the central accounting department as it is in the system...Percentages of the fine will go back into police budgets, other percentages will go into complete other departments. I don't know where you got that info from. 

i know a couple cops from the na jomtien station and they gave me quite a bit of information on the system. they may have been lying but it all seemed to make sense. i cant believe any money would be handed over from the cops to anyone. the whole system is very structured with the 10 levels of pay grades with the money being distributed between the pay grades. where did you get the central accounting thing from? do some research on how the police were formed and i think you will have a better understanding of how it all works.

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1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:
Police are in the same ministry as municipalities.

If people pay a fine of 100 baht for example...
50% (50 baht) will go to Bangkok Municipality Department. All of that money is spread around the country to implement projects, rubbish, build roads, many things. 

5% goes to the central accountant of the country.

45% goes into the police station budget. Paying staff (gardeners, housekeepers - non government), police vehicles, training and the like. 




now this is blatant propaganda trying to make the thais think some of their fine money is doing good for the country. each thai police station is basically the local mafia. they run and control basically everything which is why the law does not seem to be enforced, the cops are profiting from anything you can imagine. you really think the mafia would hand over their money in the hope of getting part of it back?

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7 hours ago, observer90210 said:

The junta should implement the following:


- increase the salary of street police officers

- any cop caught for corruption should be straighforward sacked and not just transferred

- use foreigners as informants to trap corrupt officials


Corruption will destroy Thailand on the short run as tourists and expats who bring in money are getting really fed up with being asked for tea money to get the job done! Thailand will loose millions as foreigners will take their money to other. It's really time to put a Stop to all this corrupt shit!

In June 2015, the Bangkok Post reported that, "Thai police officers are paid around14,760 baht per month (6,800–8,340 baht for entry level) and have to buy their own guns and even office supplies." He posits that one reason salaries are so low is that the sheer number of officers is staggering, roughly 250,000.

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1 hour ago, speckio said:

cops don't make very much money in thailand....so in all honesty, you can't really blame them for taking small bribes for something as little as a minor traffic violation...



Keep in mind that they know the salary is low before they join the police, so presumably, they join because they expect to make money from illegally taking bribes. In effect, they join the police in order to become criminals, yes? 

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2 hours ago, speckio said:

cops don't make very much money in thailand....so in all honesty, you can't really blame them for taking small bribes for something as little as a minor traffic violation...



And do you really think that the bribery/corruption in the "police" force is only limited to "minor traffic offences"? 

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1 minute ago, smccolley said:

Tourist prices are higher at all Thai attractions. Did you try showing your work permit? :smile:


Showing a work permit will just prove you earn more then thais.. better off looking like a backpacker or pensioner

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3 hours ago, speckio said:

cops don't make very much money in thailand....so in all honesty, you can't really blame them for taking small bribes for something as little as a minor traffic violation...



Are you serious ?   So you think corruption is or should be acceptable ?  

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4 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

It's kind o' cute that there are some noobs around who imagine corruption here can be eliminated with a few bandaids like a raise for cops and a new law or two ...   Well, here's a clue.  It's so well baked into the actual culture, so deeply entrenched in the local psyche, so much a part of the way things are done, the mindset, the daily experience and the common expectation, it would take generations to change.  And THAT'S assuming anybody really DID even WANT to change it.   Even here on this forum you can see it being defended as practical and efficient!   So there's nothing wrong with dreaming I guess, as long as you know that's all it is.


But that's not a good reason to be defeatist and accept the status quo. 


It looks like the people defending corruption are the ones breaking the laws. 

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8 hours ago, observer90210 said:

The junta should implement the following:


- increase the salary of street police officers

- any cop caught for corruption should be straighforward sacked and not just transferred

- use foreigners as informants to trap corrupt officials


Corruption will destroy Thailand on the short run as tourists and expats who bring in money are getting really fed up with being asked for tea money to get the job done! Thailand will loose millions as foreigners will take their money to other. It's really time to put a Stop to all this corrupt shit!

And when the junta is caught must they fire themselves? As they are accountable to no one this will not happen. To fire someone is to make them loose face which means the junta will loose support. By transferring an official they safe face and will continue to support the junta. The junta is the army who are civil servants and they take care of each other at the cost of the country.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

now this is blatant propaganda trying to make the thais think some of their fine money is doing good for the country. each thai police station is basically the local mafia. they run and control basically everything which is why the law does not seem to be enforced, the cops are profiting from anything you can imagine. you really think the mafia would hand over their money in the hope of getting part of it back?

My uncle is boss of police in my city, my cousin is a policeman, another cousin is a policeman down South. My wife is a Director within the municipality portfolio so her project funding comes from these very budgets. So if it was propaganda like you claim, she would not have a job. If that 50% didn't get distributed then your community parks grass wouldn't be cut, your roads wouldn't be built, your rubbish wouldn't be collected etc etc. Really believe a copper in Pattaya? Pattaya, people probably just pay the illegal fine, but we are talking about the 'legal' fine. 

Within the 45% the policemen also gets 60% of that for catching the guy. The 5% of the fine that goes to the central accounting department pays the police lol. Every government officer is paid by that 5%, as well as other taxes that come in. A Mayor, soldiers, nurses etc. I think the 10 level thing you speak of is actually C3 to C11 or 12 (whatever it is). Levels all government officials go by. Within those levels there are different salary sub-levels also. 

Look, I know we all think Thailand is 100% corrupt, but think about it logically. Even though there is 67 million people in the country, grounds are still watered, rubbish is still collected, government officials are still paid, roads are still built...so if we were to take your line then what is paying for all these things? How is my wife, father, uncles, aunties, cousins all getting paid (they work for government). Not a whole lot of people pay tax so where is the money magically appearing from? It is appearing from 50% of legal fines people pay. 

I know it doesn't fit into peoples line of thinking of the country, but just look at it logically lol. Not what people say, as its less than 10% of the population who actually ever get any sort of benefit from these sorts of things. So the ones who do not, just spread a lot of crap. For example, the fine/tax truck drivers have to pay in rural areas. People think that is corrupt money, it isn't, it is the tax that goes to fix the pot holes the trucks cause. Thailand is incredibly corrupt, I am not disputing that, however, they do still have your usual systems all countries have also....that is helped funded by LEGAL fines. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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