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My new "retirement visa" tm7 renewal dates?

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Just wanted a sanity check. Below is my first-time "retirement visa" stamp, issued recently.




Looks like I show up at the immigration office on or before 30-Aug-2017 for my next 3 month renewal. Ok so far?


Now what if I decide I don't like going to immigration and mailed a TM7 form to them? Say 2 weeks before and with a "return receipt requested", just to prove I did my patriotic duty in case of "we never got your renewal" questions.


1) Does this sound like a good way to handle the 3 month renewal situation?


2) And, will the next 3 month renewal be due 2 weeks earlier (say) than "normal" because I mailed the TM7, say 2 weeks before Aug. 30th "just to be sure"? I just want to make sure I get the *next* renewal date right.


Thanks for your help.


Edited by dblaisde
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36 minutes ago, dblaisde said:

Looks like I show up at the immigration office on or before 30-Aug-2017 for my next 3 month renewal. Ok so far?

It isn't any sort of renewal, it is a 90 day report.  It has nothing to do with allowing you to stay longer, and doesn't affect your extension of stay status in any way.


On the 2nd June you were granted an extension of permission to stay in Thailand, on the grounds of retirement until 23rd June 2018. This permission to stay is active and current until the date stated and not dependent on your 90 day residence report. [EDIT maths wrong on 90 days sorry -it's dated from the date of your extension on 2nd June  I think.]. This is the sole reason you have to do it and it doesn't keep your permission to stay alive in any way.


If you don't do it you are still legally allowed to stay until Jun 2018, and simply incur a fine for not reporting your address.


When you do this report the next one will be due exactly 90 days after the date you have done the first one (providing you have stayed in Thailand that entire period - if you leave before 90 days are up 1. you need a re-entry permit and 2. your next report becomes due 90 days after you return to Thailand).


It is important to understand the meaning of what you are required to do, and I think you are a little confused still.

Edited by partington
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Yes, on the advice of a friend, I *did* pay the 3800B to allow me as many trips out of the country as I wanted for a year, if that's the question you're asking.


1) I mostly wanted to know that I interpreted the dates on the stamp correctly as far as my reporting obligations go and


2) the situation if I decided to do the whole thing by mail. (eg the right way to protect myself if the renewal gets lost or mislaid-send it "registered return receipt"), and


3) how Immigration determines my next renewal date and


4) how well they'll inform me what that date is if I renew by mail.


All newbie questions. I just don't want to make newbie screwups, since I've been told they come at a high price in time and money.

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6 minutes ago, partington said:

You simply have to do this report because you entered Thailand on the 26th March 2017, and 30 Aug 2017 marks the 90th consecutive day you were in Thailand.

Not - first extension of June 2 is a 90 day report so next is due 90 days from June 2.


1,  Report due Aug 30 using TM47 in person/online or by mail sent 15 days early if office allows.

2.  Registered or EMS mail.

3.  90 days from first extension and 90 days from last entry thereafter.

4.  They return your copies and a receipt with due date if you mail.

Edited by lopburi3
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Thanks to all,


Yes, I understand (though I may not have phrased it well) that these 90 day check-ins are simply that. I just wanted to do them on the right dates, and conveniently: by mail if possible.

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40 minutes ago, dblaisde said:

Now what if I decide I don't like going to immigration and mailed a TM7 form to them? Say 2 weeks before and with a "return receipt requested", just to prove I did my patriotic duty in case of "we never got your renewal" questions.


Your edited your post after my first reply. Now the link shows your extension of stay stamp.

You will use a TM47 form ( download 5831286a31bce_TM47FormFillable.pdf ) to do your report of staying longer than 90 days in the country.

Instructions and address for doing your report to Bangkok immigration is here. http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php?page=90days

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Yeah, sorry about that (trouble getting both photos to show up, so I had to commit to see how it would look before continuing to write the post).


So I use TM47 for the 3 month "renewal" of my 1 year "permission to stay", and follow the "word salad" on http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php?page=90da. (no criticism of you, mind)


Thanks again. Fortunately I've got friends who do this all the time so I'll have "real world examples" to go on, since Thailand bureaucrats seems to belong to another planet at times.







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Also, remember, as you did get a multi re-entry permit, which suggests that you possibly intend to travel outside of Thailand, then if you do, the 90 days resets from the day (and includes that day) you reenter Thailand.


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8 minutes ago, dblaisde said:

So I use TM47 for the 3 month "renewal" of my 1 year "permission to stay", and follow the "word salad" on http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php?page=90da. (no criticism of you, mind)

You will be doing a 90 day report that is not a renewal of your extension of stay.

Just read the part titled "Notification by registered mail". 

You do not have number 3 on that list but that is not a problem since it is your first report.

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5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

You will be doing a 90 day report that is not a renewal of your extension of stay.

Just read the part titled "Notification by registered mail". 


5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

You do not have number 3 on that list but that is not a problem since it is your first report.

But presumably it will be a problem after my first re-entry, so I'm supposed to submit this pile of past "notifications" (number 3 on that list) for every 90 day reporting? (which means I've got to send them in, which hopefully they'll return, so I can resend them in for subsequent 90 day reports?) Tell me I'm hopelessly confused :)

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You send them:

Stamped (10 baht) return env with your delivery address

Copy of passport data page

Copy of entry visa/stamps

Copy of latest extension of stay

Copy of any travel/return stamps (update copy as required)

Copy of arrival card (update after each travel)

Your last receipt for reporting (for next report include that page they attached to your passport)

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4 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

You send them:

Stamped (10 baht) return env with your delivery address

Copy of passport data page

Copy of entry visa/stamps

Copy of latest extension of stay

Copy of any travel/return stamps (update copy as required)

Copy of arrival card (update after each travel)

Your last receipt for reporting (for next report include that page they attached to your passport)

Right on the money. Thanks. "I guess the patient will live another year".

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15 minutes ago, dblaisde said:


But presumably it will be a problem after my first re-entry, so I'm supposed to submit this pile of past "notifications" (number 3 on that list) for every 90 day reporting? (which means I've got to send them in, which hopefully they'll return, so I can resend them in for subsequent 90 day reports?) Tell me I'm hopelessly confused :)

How do you mean after your first reentry? 

As I stated before, if you depart from Thailand at any point, then the 90 days begin from (and include) the day you come back in to Thailand.

So if you leave Thailand before 30th August 2017, you will NOT need to report the 90 days on that date, the next report would be 90 days from the day you come back.

For example, If you happen to travel a lot and are not in Thailand for 90 consecutive days in any one period between now and your extension renewal date, you would not need to report for the 90 days.

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2 minutes ago, Mattd said:

How do you mean after your first reentry? 

As I stated before, if you depart from Thailand at any point, then the 90 days begin from (and include) the day you come back in to Thailand.

So if you leave Thailand before 30th August 2017, you will NOT need to report the 90 days on that date, the next report would be 90 days from the day you come back.

For example, If you happen to travel a lot and are not in Thailand for 90 consecutive days in any one period between now and your extension renewal date, you would not need to report for the 90 days.

I just meant such things as this, illuminated by lopburi3 above:


. Copy of any travel/return stamps (update copy as required)

. Copy of arrival card (update after each travel)

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Just now, dblaisde said:

I just meant such things as this, illuminated by lopburi3 above:


. Copy of any travel/return stamps (update copy as required)

. Copy of arrival card (update after each travel)

Sorry, now I'm confused :smile:


Lopburi3 gave nice clear instructions regarding postal reporting.


I am just saying that IF you do go outside of Thailand at any point, then the dates for the reporting change, the report is ONLY if you are actually in Thailand for 90 consecutive days.

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2 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Sorry, now I'm confused :smile:


Lopburi3 gave nice clear instructions regarding postal reporting.


I am just saying that IF you do go outside of Thailand at any point, then the dates for the reporting change, the report is ONLY if you are actually in Thailand for 90 consecutive days.

Right, and thanks. And what you say clarifies when I have to do these things. And I do saunter around to other countries sometimes, which will lighten the admin load here. :) cheers!

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