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Dear Governor - our house is falling down, please help says poor but smart girl aged 10


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Dear Governor - our house is falling down, please help says poor but smart girl aged 10



Picture: Sanook


PHITSANULOK: -- A ten year old Thai girl in Phitsanulok appealed directly to the provincial governor saying she was worried that the family's house was going to fall down.


The story of the poor family in Muang district tugged at the heartstrings of the Thai public with 25,000 shares of the tale.


Now the family are getting help not just from the governor but have been given emergency funds for the welfare department as their need is so great.


Siriporn Suthinpheuak, or Noon, who studies in P5 at Wat Mahawanaram School, read out her letter to reporters yesterday.


She lives at the house with her mum and dad and two brothers Ohm, 8 and Kao aged just 4.


She said: "We are very poor and in trouble with our lives. Dad is an air-con cleaner and sometimes he has work, sometimes not. Mum cleans dishes for 250 baht a day at a noodle shop by the river.



Picture: Sanook


"She goes out early and there is no one to look after us during the day. She shuts up the house because she is worried about us being in there.


"The house is falling down and it is not safe for us. I think it may just fall in the next time we have a big storm. The rain comes in and it floods - it's been there since granddad's time.


"The supporting structure of the house could collapse any time and it needs to be shored up to stop it falling.


"I try to help everyone - we economize and live frugally so we can get by.


"We are poor but I never take what is not mine. If I find any money I always hand it in to the teacher.


"So dear Mr Governor can you help repair our house so it is strong and safe again for me?"


On hearing the news governor Suphachai Iam-suwan made a visit with the Hua Ror district chief, the welfare department and the director of Noon's school to see what could be done to alleviate the family's hardship.


He has ordered the local authority to draw up plans to repair the house and use an emergency budget as the family are in danger of their house collapsing.


Welfare have also given the family some emergency funds to help in the meantime.


The school director confirmed that Noon was a bright girl with a future. Several times she had handed money in that she had found.


Noon thanked everyone for their concern touching the hearts of everyone present saying she was truly worried that the house would fall in on her and her brothers and parents.


Picture: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-13
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It looks like the ground it stands on has flooded frequently over the years and degraded the concrete 'sowpoons' to such an extent that the re bar is now exposed.

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Lucky family. Its a pity i have to fix all my neighbours dam houses. Been out cutting grass, fixing doors and windows, fixing broken roof tiles, getting ready to put in fences just today and now picking all there kids up from school because they are all retarted or elderly. I have children come to our house just to use our toilet. Annoying and sad But am i getting the impression in some places some officials care?

My local officials hate me because.... "Everything they can do i can do better".....


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Is there any of you guys in that area, that could lend them a hand for a few days???

Surely, a little bit of sweat and grunt fixing the stumps, would be good exercise...and you work up a thirst...lol


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