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Why Thailand is the most dangerous country in the world for Aussies abroad

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11 hours ago, DeaconJohn said:

Why is Thailand the most dangerous country for Aussies abroad?

Because so many of them act like idiots, that's why.

I may be wrong but I do think that "Some Aussies" (not all of them) do behave in such a way that you give out the wrong signals. What signals am I talking about? Well, it's like "Do you want a fight?" And the Thais are very sensitive people, they do think that foreigners should behave well and be humble in their beloved country. The Thais believe you come here you follow the rules here.  Otherwise they don't hesitate to be on the aggressive side.

After a few beers some Aussies start to talk down on just about anyone, of course i am talking about some Aussies who think they can take on the world, (that's why they went to iraq and afghan to fight the war).

So if the Thais murder them what can I say. If you are unaware that you are asking for a fight too bad. It doesn't matter who started the fight first. It's the unconscious wish to want a fight that counts.

By the way I don't think some Thais are happy to see Farangs dating their nice ladies and with money to spend on them. It's jealousy in its most ugly form., they just can't wait to get their hands on you. They think you should go home and look after your cattle farm, after all Australia is a nice beautiful country a lot more better than Thailand so to speak.

Go home your mama loves you.

Edited by madusa
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9 minutes ago, madusa said:

After a few beers some Aussies start to talk down on just about anyone, of course i am talking about some Aussies who think they can take on the world, (that's why they went to iraq and afghan to fight the war).


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Most a aussies nah scrarch that all ausssies I have had the displeasure of sharing company with have this swagger about them that's completely unwarranted and pretty fake tbh chaps. Like a bit of know it all but knows fac all

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

You can hear them coming a mile away, chanting ozzie ozzie ozzie, oi oi oi with bottles of beer in hand walking down Bangla Road pissed as and ready to rumble

are you refering to liverpool football club supporters hen party?

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1 hour ago, madusa said:


By the way I don't think some Thais are happy to see Farangs dating their nice ladies and with money to spend on them. It's jealousy in its most ugly form., they just can't wait to get their hands on you. They think you should go home 

"Blame the farangs",,,  "they should go home",,, the usual apologist replies. and what is "dating their NICE ladies". Most of them are paying THEIR prostitutes. Wise up.

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I am an Aussie, have travelled extensively throughout the world and now live with my wife in rural Thailand.

I have found Australia the most dangerous place to live. Far too much meth addiction and alcohol violence.

I made money working in the goldfields area of Kalgoorlie. Rampant violence every shift break for young men on drugs and alcohol.

I have seen drunken Aussie (and poms, yanks, euros and ruskie) louts and hooligans on my few visits to tourist areas.

They should be thankful that most Thai persons are tolerant. 

Then you get the risk taking adventurers. Another category but mostly just as mindless.


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12 minutes ago, brling said:

"Blame the farangs",,,  "they should go home",,, the usual apologist replies. and what is "dating their NICE ladies". Most of them are paying THEIR prostitutes. Wise up.

They are hard up for money and women (be they prostitutes or good women doesn't matter to them) So if you take a prostitutue and walk around town they just don't like it. It is an animal instinct in men . Don't you know that? Did you observe the monkeys, the big monkey will keep a few female monkeys and if other younger monkeys try to mount them he would fight them off. 

We are half animals when we come to sex, that's why they say, "Men are most like animals when they make love". Likewise I often bite my GF when I come.

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I live in in Thailand and i think its a great place I am Aussie and i dont fell threatened You are going to get idiots hurting themselves anywhere in the world Booze drugs and sex are a dangerous cocktail I would encourage more Aussie to come to Thailand I just been to Australia Most expensive place in food petrol cost of living i have ever seen And government regulations are everywhere So dont be afraid to come and live in Thailand I did and it was a great move

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On a tangent, I do wonder about members like newbie observer90210. Joined on Sunday, is a Senior member?? and already has a post count of 130. There are members in this forum who haven't posted that much in years, me included.




Edited by freebyrd
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A bit of common sense can keep you off the death and injuries lists whether you are from Oz or Timbuktu.


The biggest killer and maimer of visitors to Thailand is the country's network of racetrack roads. So stay off a motor scooter, particularly if you haven't ridden a bike for years or ever. And if do hire wheels,  make sure you have a helmet - and don't ride a bike or drive a hire car while under influence.


Avoid getting into fights or even showing the finger to Thai drivers who carve you up or do something else you object to. Thai men tend to be are small,  but are very macho and extremely dangerous. Carving you up can be lethal when it is done with a two-foot long Thai machete.


Thai men routinely carry something nasty to protect themselves from stopply fellow countrymen and to even the odds when challenged by a big, dumb falang. Oh, and most of the ones you are likely to encounter in tourist areas don't like Westerners much (overpaid, oversexed and - well, you know the rest) and need little encouragement to demonstrate this fact.


I realise it is a waste of time telling lusty young Aussies - or even old farts from Down Under - to stay away from  Thailand's notorious red light districts.  Let's face it there are only so many Thai temples one can struggle round before gagging for a tinny or two, or three and some pleasant female company.


But places like Bangkok's bustling Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy and their equivalents on popular islands like Koh Samui and Phuket are, after the murderous roads, the second most dangerous venues for foreign tourists - especially those who get legless. A drunk is an easy prey for unscrupulous bar girls and their aggressive minders - and the sweetest-looking ladyboy is capable of converting a stiletto-heeled shoe into a deadly weapon before you can say "Take that, handsome man".i


Be aware that there's no such thing as a fair fight here. Take on a Thai and half a dozen of his mates will suddenly materialise  out of thin air to make ensure who wins - and it won't be you. If you happen to emerge victorious from a rare one-to-one face off,  expect retribution later when you are least expecting it.


Having read this little lot, you won't be surprised to hear that a sensible precaution for anyone visiting Thailand is to take out take out medical insurance. The best way to avoid having to use it is to know where the most danger lies and take sensible steps to avoid it.


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It is absolute nonsense to state that Thailand is more dangerous without knowing the number of Austrialians that have visited the countries mentioned respectively. It's the same as saying: Mongolia is extremely safe to travel for Australians -because there were no deaths.

But maybe the real reason is because nobody from Australia visited Mongolia in that year?

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23 minutes ago, Bullie said:

It is absolute nonsense to state that Thailand is more dangerous without knowing the number of Austrialians that have visited the countries mentioned respectively. It's the same as saying: Mongolia is extremely safe to travel for Australians -because there were no deaths.

But maybe the real reason is because nobody from Australia visited Mongolia in that year?

Well we know the numbers coming are down along with the numbers from the UK which are also down a lot, so that sends a message, the place is on the drain, long may it continue.


You need to look at may things to see why a place is dangerous



Racial Abuse



Rip offs

Lack of Safety due to bib sat on their asses and their racial stance against farangs

Even sewage being put into the bays where tourists swim.


But the lies of the place stand out the most, no Fin Morales due to an education system that tries to turn people in to robot monkeys.

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10 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Well we know the numbers coming are down along with the numbers from the UK which are also down a lot, so that sends a message, the place is on the drain, long may it continue.


You need to look at may things to see why a place is dangerous



Racial Abuse



Rip offs

Lack of Safety due to bib sat on their asses and their racial stance against farangs

Even sewage being put into the bays where tourists swim.


But the lies of the place stand out the most, no Fin Morales due to an education system that tries to turn people in to robot monkeys.

You might like to note that tourist numbers are up overall by 5% year on year. 

The rest of your post was just mindless ranting as if your own "tiny Little Britain" that you live in 

has its own huge problems.

Of course no one in Britain has any issues


There is no theft.

There is no racial abuse

Their is no deception

There is no murder

There is no rip off

There is no sewerage.


My what a wonderful clean, healthy  country you have

Total racial harmony

Err what went wrong

Tourists are being murdered every few weeks in your Muslim dominated racial harmony. 

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They are hard up for money and women (be they prostitutes or good women doesn't matter to them) So if you take a prostitutue and walk around town they just don't like it. It is an animal instinct in men . Don't you know that? Did you observe the monkeys, the big monkey will keep a few female monkeys and if other younger monkeys try to mount them he would fight them off. 
We are half animals when we come to sex, that's why they say, "Men are most like animals when they make love". Likewise I often bite my GF when I come.

Thank you for sharing that with us....
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18 hours ago, freebyrd said:

On a tangent, I do wonder about members like newbie observer90210. Joined on Sunday, is a Senior member?? and already has a post count of 130. There are members in this forum who haven't posted that much in years, me included.




You think he might be a spy for the government

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