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I'm working in Myanmar and visit some very poor rural areas, with plenty of dogs.


When I visit Bangkok next month, I have arranged to receive a vaccination for Japanese Encephalitis, since there is a possible risk of contracting this illness in rural farming areas.  A few months ago, I had a 4-shot booster for Polio, Pertullus, Cholera and Tetanus, plus a Hep A and B shot).


I'd also like to get a Rabies vaccination.  But I understand this this is a 3-shot vaccination, spread over 1 month.  But I'm only on BKK for a few days and I don't think that the hospitals in my area of Myanmar offer a Rabies pre-vaccination.


Is there any alternative to the 1-month vaccination schedule?


No. The schedule is:

Day 1

 Day 8

Day 28


If you will no be in Thailand long enough you could try explaining this and ask for the 2nd and 3rd doses to take with you. then you need only to find a nurse to inject it.


ask for the 2nd and 3rd doses to take with you. then you need only to find a nurse to inject it.


Very good suggestion.  I'll check with BNH to see if they can accommodate this.


Rabies vaccine, though, is meant to be kept under refrigeration. When I did precisely this, they -- the Red Cross -- gave me the box packed in ice. Which of course didn't last long. There's some question it seems whether refrigeration is absolutely necessary. But keep the stuff as cool as you practically can, nonetheless.

On 6/17/2017 at 5:24 PM, simon43 said:




Very good suggestion.  I'll check with BNH to see if they can accommodate this.

You can certainly buy the vaccine in certain pharmacies, but refrigeration will be a problem. Also be clear about whether you're getting an intramuscular or an intradermal injection, as it's not recommended to switch between the two. The intradermal dose is 10% of the intramuscular dose, and is often recommended by the WHO these days (certainly for post-exposure prophylaxis) but you might find it much more difficult to find a nurse who can administer the intradermal (ID) injection.


If you're periodically in Yangon you might be better trying to organise some of the shots in one of the rabies clinics there.


I got a reply from BNH - they will administer the first rabies jab and package up the 2 remaining vaccines for me, to be administered by a nurse in Naypyidaw.  I'll check with the school nurse to see if she is 'competent' to do this (intramuscular should be easy).


Lamyai3, I don't really get time to go down to Yangon.  I am only going to Bangkok to pick up a new visa.  So I've scheduled these vaccine jabs, a detailed eye-test and a heart stress test all at BNH for the Friday (the heart stress is first, then the jabs, then the eye-test...).  I'll return back to Naypyidaw just 2 days later.

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