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Video: Foul mouthed Thai customer in full-on rant because Burmese woman went over his toe


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9 hours ago, Prbkk said:

That said, Thailand does have an extraordinary number of the hiso types....and as everyone knows , in the main they are no class, new money, head up their <deleted> both in respect of their own worth and international views of Thailand.

It's not just hi-so as an entity. In this ridiculously class-ridden society, there are classes within classes within classes. The POS in the vid can't be regarded as hi-so, but he obviously feels he occupies a social position that is higher than the menial worker. Everytime I see someone acting all superior over another, often because they simply have a little more money, my blood boils. I'm outside of Thailand right now, and feel less likely to return as each day passes - and it's this superior-than-thou attitude that is a major reason for it.

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9 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

Must be a monster driving around.  Provided he can hire purchase a bicycle.

one  roller  skate  with square  wheels  would  be  more  appropriate

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The manager of this store had an absolute obligation to throw this worm out onto the street. He was abusive beyond comprehension. How nobody came to her rescue is beyond words, and shows how cowardly people can be. This guy probably has a little cash and thinks he is above most others, when in reality he is a maggot, dressed up as a man, and has zero class, dignity, elegance, sympathy, respect, heart, soul, patience, empathy, or willingness to forgive. And his parents are probably the same. The raised a boy without any class, and allowed him to believe he was hi-so. Most hi-so are the same as white trash. Let us see if it is possible to find out who this manager is, and shame him beyond the pale. 


The Thais regularly treat the Burmese with disdain, and disrespect. And the reality is that the average Burmese is smarter than the average Thai, works harder, and they keep this country going. The Thais should be eternally grateful for Burmese and Cambodian workers. Without them, this country would grind to a halt. Be careful who you are disrespecting, fool. 

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While the manager of the unnamed department store in Ratchada Phisek Road gave his employee little apparent support.


Anyone know what store this is? I will personally find out who this manager is, and call him out. We can then do everything in our power to shame him into submission. Nothing short of a sincere apology to this woman, the entire staff of the store, and a raise for all of his employees, will be sufficient. A clown is a clown. 

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14 hours ago, kannot said:

Reminds me of  a  time a non paying female tenant who was 2  months  late with rent laughed at me when I said " so you are the person who hasnt paid the rent" in the  lobby of the building.

She  looked at me like I was a piece of crap on her foot...............she wasnt laughing 5  minutes  later as i stood  outside her  room telling her she had 5  minutes to get all her stuff out or  it would be going off the balcony..........it then became "its  not fair" BS, like I gave a flying <deleted>............the Thai owners asked me to do this as they were too afraid to say anything just wanted her  out..............funniest thing  was they were standing farther down the hallway and after told my Wife  that they " didnt  like" the way I spoke to  the tenant..............incredible, couldnt decide who was the  biggest winker, owner or tenant


Face is the greatest form of cowardice on the planet. And very few Thais have the courage to rise up, and transcend this ugly weakness and limitation. It is the exact opposite of Buddhism. It is the complete inability to look within for the source of the problem, and take responsibility. This gal obviously suffered from this weakness too. And so did the landlord, being so obsessed over appearances. It is the complete and total inability to reflect, contemplate, introspect, and man up. 


Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. Nothing, less than zero. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, a man or woman is made a far lesser person. 


As many of us know, a percentage of the Thai population lives within fairly small boxes, of social convention, traditions and expectations, especially on the part of the family. That is not a life that some of us choose. Those that are bold and courageous, will find a way to break past conventions, and live a fulfilling life, based on their own choices, independence, and esteem. 

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I would have to conclude that a high percentage of Hi-So people are basically white trash. They have as much culture as Americans who grew up in a trailer park in Missouri, without a high school education. They may have gone to the best schools. They may have been raised with alot of money. They may have done some traveling. But, it is astonishing how little impact that has had on their lives, nor on their black hearts and foul, corrupt, mean spirited, racist, hateful souls. They look down on everyone without alot of money, and big houses, and fancy cars. They judge people based on their degree of whiteness. How foul. How unappealing. They appear to be some of the most shallow people in the country. I will take a poor person from Issan, over a Hi-So, anyway of the week, either as a friend, girlfriend, wife, or employee. All the Hi-So appear to be doing is sucking the country dry. Not much in the way of redeeming value. I am sure there are exceptions. But, as a general rule, I steer clear of them. They appear to be generations away from learning about philanthropy and benevolence. 

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Our reactions to events are shaped by our culture, our parents, teachers and authority figures. Sadly, in Thailand, all of these sources of guidance are flawed. The culture is a millstone in so many ways, parents are usually parents because of biological urges and not any aspiration to raising well-rounded kids, Thai teachers are a joke and the education system is one of the worst in the world wile the funding is one of the highest. Authority figures are 80% likely to be corrupt.


So what can you say about this POS? He's as much a victim as the poor Burmese lady, but deserves much less sympathy because although he didn't choose to be like this, he's doubtless had many opportunities to make something better of himself, but he's been supported in his obnoxiousness by his own culture.


Unfortunately, that seems to me to be a wonderful metaphor for today's Thailand. One of un-seized opportunities to be better than what we all see today.


And it  will get much worse before it gets better.

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10 minutes ago, nasanews said:

As people get older they get wiser and more humble except for low self esteem ones, they never progress.

Indeed. The entire pursuit of face, that many if not most Thais seem addicted to, is very likely just an attempt to bolster up their own self-esteem. In psychological terms, Thailand is home to a huge concentration of psychologically unwell people, and this is evidenced simply by watching the way they behave.

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On 6/16/2017 at 9:23 AM, BangkokNicky said:

Will not be so long until it's the other way round ..a lot money being pump into the  neighbouring countries at the moment .. 

Looking forward to the day when Thais are looked down upon by their poor neighbors. They are developing all around Thailand very quickly while the Thais are moving backwards.

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1 minute ago, dcnx said:

Looking forward to the day when Thais are looked down upon by their poor neighbors. They are developing all around Thailand very quickly while the Thais are moving backwards.

It will not be long many Countries are queuing up to Invest in Burma/Myanmar.,

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2 hours ago, Trumpish said:

Indeed. The entire pursuit of face, that many if not most Thais seem addicted to, is very likely just an attempt to bolster up their own self-esteem. In psychological terms, Thailand is home to a huge concentration of psychologically unwell people, and this is evidenced simply by watching the way they behave.

Majority of Thais specially old ones are very nice people but Each rule has its own.

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On ‎16‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 9:12 AM, ezzra said:

This is not a secrete that Thais consider themselves superior to

the citizens of the surrounding countries, even the 'Goo and Mung'

cultured locals feel that way....

WRONG!! Thais not only consider themselves superior to all other Asian nations - but to everyone else on the planet! Thais are without doubt the most overtly racist people I have ever encountered and the way they treat (all) foreigners is an absolute disgrace.

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2 hours ago, gios50hk said:

WRONG!! Thais not only consider themselves superior to all other Asian nations - but to everyone else on the planet! Thais are without doubt the most overtly racist people I have ever encountered and the way they treat (all) foreigners is an absolute disgrace.

This is the TRUTH Thais are xenophobic (mostly) and 'gob nai kala'

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On 6/16/2017 at 9:12 AM, ezzra said:

Thais consider themselves superior to

the citizens of the surrounding countries,

all countries; it is called extreme, baseless racism; fact is it generates a lot of reverse discrimination

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3 hours ago, nasanews said:

Majority of Thais specially old ones are very nice people but Each rule has its own.

I understand why you think that, but in my view, the statment needs a slight alteration. To:


Majority of Thais specially old ones are appear to be very nice people but Each rule has its own.


In Thailand, many things appears to be what they are not. Make no mistake, in Thailand, a friend in need is a pain in the ass. See if they still seem nice if you need help with something not trivial.



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Sorry its me again. I don't  know if anybody read my previous post in which I said that I am planning to move to the Philippines. I got one like. Which is OK.  But after having read all the comments about the foul mouthed Thai there is no other conclusion that most of your are all probably old toothless old man, sitting at the computer in the house which belongs to your lazy Thai wife, bashing the Thais and doing nothing about your situation. Probably because you can't. But  you are all super experts what's wrong in Thailand. Now, in the Philippines there are many things also wrong. Don't misinterpret me. What I'm saying is and as it seems all of you as well, the that Thai is a big racist, mean and greedy moneysucker with no mercy and "heart".  Whereas the Filipino is not. The Philippines is not the paradise in Asia and they also like our money. But comparing Filipinos and Thai is like comparing apples and oranges.  And what is an absolute plus is the language. Even a farmer in the most remote area in the Philippines would speak English.  Furthermore, all of the Thai wifes married to a foreigner were to 90 %  prostitutes (sorry  Bar Lady) in their former life. Which is again OK. But the problem is most of them are still behaving like one. I know many guys in Thailand they have to pay their wife lets say 20 000 Baht a month. Otherwise she would leave him. Some did. Here in the Philippines it is rather easy to find a good wife (if you want one at all). And I'm not talking  former prostitute. (By the way, if you know Thailand so well, you all know a middle class or for that matter a rich Thai  Lady will never marry a Farang. )  And if you treat her in descent and respectful way a Filipina will NEVER leave you. Of course the dumbest of foreigners would ask a bar lady in Angels City if she would marry him. The answer is obviously YES right away. Then these idiots are complaining about the Filipinas.. But whatever, I don't want to interfere with your life in Thailand. If you are happy there the better. But after reading your comments over a certain time, I have my doubts.

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7 hours ago, gios50hk said:

WRONG!! Thais not only consider themselves superior to all other Asian nations - but to everyone else on the planet! Thais are without doubt the most overtly racist people I have ever encountered and the way they treat (all) foreigners is an absolute disgrace.

I believe you are right. So. What might cause such a collective delusion? What are Thais taught that might lead them to believe they are superior to everyone?


Hint: They were not the first to come to this conclusion.

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3 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

... But after having read all the comments about the foul mouthed Thai there is no other conclusion that most of your are all probably old toothless old man, sitting at the computer in the house which belongs to your lazy Thai wife, bashing the Thais and doing nothing about your situation. ...

Not everyone would embrace the same solution, there are a variety of solutions, and each person will think they have the right one. And they do - the right one for them. My way is not yours, but it is wrong to look down on me (or anyone) for that, or to draw conclusions about me or my circumstances from the decisions which seem right for me. You might just as well try to draw conclusions about my religion, and in my opinion, you might get a better understanding of the Thai psychology of you explore exactly that, looking for the prime mover that causes what I believe is a diseased view of the world, a view which is directly affected by their inability to understand what you and I find more easy. The Thai education system is a disaster area, - just the way they like it.

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6 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

Sorry its me again. I don't  know if anybody read my previous post in which I said that I am planning to move to the Philippines. I got one like. Which is OK.  But after having read all the comments about the foul mouthed Thai there is no other conclusion that most of your are all probably old toothless old man, sitting at the computer in the house which belongs to your lazy Thai wife, bashing the Thais and doing nothing about your situation. Probably because you can't. But  you are all super experts what's wrong in Thailand. Now, in the Philippines there are many things also wrong. Don't misinterpret me. What I'm saying is and as it seems all of you as well, the that Thai is a big racist, mean and greedy moneysucker with no mercy and "heart".  Whereas the Filipino is not. The Philippines is not the paradise in Asia and they also like our money. But comparing Filipinos and Thai is like comparing apples and oranges.  And what is an absolute plus is the language. Even a farmer in the most remote area in the Philippines would speak English.  Furthermore, all of the Thai wifes married to a foreigner were to 90 %  prostitutes (sorry  Bar Lady) in their former life. Which is again OK. But the problem is most of them are still behaving like one. I know many guys in Thailand they have to pay their wife lets say 20 000 Baht a month. Otherwise she would leave him. Some did. Here in the Philippines it is rather easy to find a good wife (if you want one at all). And I'm not talking  former prostitute. (By the way, if you know Thailand so well, you all know a middle class or for that matter a rich Thai  Lady will never marry a Farang. )  And if you treat her in descent and respectful way a Filipina will NEVER leave you. Of course the dumbest of foreigners would ask a bar lady in Angels City if she would marry him. The answer is obviously YES right away. Then these idiots are complaining about the Filipinas.. But whatever, I don't want to interfere with your life in Thailand. If you are happy there the better. But after reading your comments over a certain time, I have my doubts.

Basically Filipinos are just more polite and 'nicer' than Thais. The only reason many of us stay based in Thailand is the vastly better infrastructure.

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3 hours ago, Trumpish said:

I believe you are right. So. What might cause such a collective delusion? What are Thais taught that might lead them to believe they are superior to everyone?


Hint: They were not the first to come to this conclusion.

Nationalism installed at a very early age. Flags everywhere, boasting about non-colonialism at every turn and a male dominated society based on class. Thais even hate Thais if they are not in the same 'class'. Basically it's like extreme Islam everyone who is not one of 'us' is an infidel dog.

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Sorry its me again. I don't  know if anybody read my previous post in which I said that I am planning to move to the Philippines. I got one like. Which is OK.  But after having read all the comments about the foul mouthed Thai there is no other conclusion that most of your are all probably old toothless old man, sitting at the computer in the house which belongs to your lazy Thai wife, bashing the Thais and doing nothing about your situation. Probably because you can't. But  you are all super experts what's wrong in Thailand. Now, in the Philippines there are many things also wrong. Don't misinterpret me. What I'm saying is and as it seems all of you as well, the that Thai is a big racist, mean and greedy moneysucker with no mercy and "heart".  Whereas the Filipino is not. The Philippines is not the paradise in Asia and they also like our money. But comparing Filipinos and Thai is like comparing apples and oranges.  And what is an absolute plus is the language. Even a farmer in the most remote area in the Philippines would speak English.  Furthermore, all of the Thai wifes married to a foreigner were to 90 %  prostitutes (sorry  Bar Lady) in their former life. Which is again OK. But the problem is most of them are still behaving like one. I know many guys in Thailand they have to pay their wife lets say 20 000 Baht a month. Otherwise she would leave him. Some did. Here in the Philippines it is rather easy to find a good wife (if you want one at all). And I'm not talking  former prostitute. (By the way, if you know Thailand so well, you all know a middle class or for that matter a rich Thai  Lady will never marry a Farang. )  And if you treat her in descent and respectful way a Filipina will NEVER leave you. Of course the dumbest of foreigners would ask a bar lady in Angels City if she would marry him. The answer is obviously YES right away. Then these idiots are complaining about the Filipinas.. But whatever, I don't want to interfere with your life in Thailand. If you are happy there the better. But after reading your comments over a certain time, I have my doubts.

Basically Filipinos are just more polite and 'nicer' than Thais. The only reason many of us stay based in Thailand is the vastly better infrastructure.


And far better security. The PI is dangerous. I do not want to be looking over my shoulders, day and night. There is real poverty in the PI, and it leads people to do desperate things. And the average guy in the PI is a skilled street fighter, unlike in Thailand, where very few have fighting skills. And the horrific food. It is hard to get a good meal in the PI. The food is atrocious. The PI people do not have a culinary gene in their bodies. Kind of like the Cubans. No idea how to handle food, or how to make a mean taste good. Zero. The Thais have that in spades. And the fruits and vegetables. They are quite good in Thailand, and quite dreadful in the PI. Lastly it is the air quality. They use a very low grade of diesel in the PI, and it is sooty, and horrific. It contributes to alot of lung disease, and tremendous respiratory issues. Those are some real issues to wrestle with.


Having said all of that, the situation in the PI with women, is way, way superior to Thailand. It is far easier to find a young, beautiful, smart gal who is nearly fluent in English in the PI, without having to commit an enormous amount of cash to the endeavor, than in Thailand, where the bar is getting increasingly higher, and higher, in terms of what women expect of a foreign man. Thai women are fast getting spoiled, and expect more and more these days. And Thailand is considerably more expensive than the PI. Lastly, PI men are far, far more interesting than Thai men. In all of the years I have lived here, it continues to astonish me how few Thai friends I have. Nearly all of my friends who live in the PI, have local friends. People with a real point of view, who are familiar with the outside world, and interested in having foreign friends, unlike Thailand, where the local men are indifferent, and fairly uninteresting, for the most part. The biggest difference, is that the PI is far more Westernized. Thailand is like another planet. But, taking all of that into consideration, I would rather live here in Thailand, than in the PI, and that is why I remain here. But, a large part of that equation includes the fact that I have a very good Thai woman, and adore her really lovely parents, and siblings. So, I am fortunate in that regard. But, if I were going to do it all over again I might have to consider the PI.

3 hours ago, binjalin said:


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10 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

Sorry its me again. I don't  know if anybody read my previous post in which I said that I am planning to move to the Philippines. I got one like. Which is OK.  But after having read all the comments about the foul mouthed Thai there is no other conclusion that most of your are all probably old toothless old man, sitting at the computer in the house which belongs to your lazy Thai wife, bashing the Thais and doing nothing about your situation. Probably because you can't. But  you are all super experts what's wrong in Thailand. Now, in the Philippines there are many things also wrong. Don't misinterpret me. What I'm saying is and as it seems all of you as well, the that Thai is a big racist, mean and greedy moneysucker with no mercy and "heart".  Whereas the Filipino is not. The Philippines is not the paradise in Asia and they also like our money. But comparing Filipinos and Thai is like comparing apples and oranges.  And what is an absolute plus is the language. Even a farmer in the most remote area in the Philippines would speak English.  Furthermore, all of the Thai wifes married to a foreigner were to 90 %  prostitutes (sorry  Bar Lady) in their former life. Which is again OK. But the problem is most of them are still behaving like one. I know many guys in Thailand they have to pay their wife lets say 20 000 Baht a month. Otherwise she would leave him. Some did. Here in the Philippines it is rather easy to find a good wife (if you want one at all). And I'm not talking  former prostitute. (By the way, if you know Thailand so well, you all know a middle class or for that matter a rich Thai  Lady will never marry a Farang. )  And if you treat her in descent and respectful way a Filipina will NEVER leave you. Of course the dumbest of foreigners would ask a bar lady in Angels City if she would marry him. The answer is obviously YES right away. Then these idiots are complaining about the Filipinas.. But whatever, I don't want to interfere with your life in Thailand. If you are happy there the better. But after reading your comments over a certain time, I have my doubts.

So you obviously came to Thailand, spent your time in the company of hookers and expats who also spent time in the same places and decided that was all there was to Thailand.

A friend of mine married a nice girl from Phillpines and they returned to UK. After a few years she got a UK passport and within weeks wanted a divorce and 50% of everything he had worked for all his life.

Try to stop making up stories about how wonderful other countries are and how much better women from other countries are.

I've worked in Norway and Sweden in the past and met some 'Scandies' with a drink problem and some 'working' girls, but, I wouldn't spend the rest of my life saying they are all hookers and alkies.

Have a nice day.


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Sigh, racism rears its ugly head again.  No different than all the <deleted> farangs who come and break law after law in Thailand, all the while crying about how the "Muslim immigrants" are "ruining" their home country...

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12 hours ago, Trumpish said:

I believe you are right. So. What might cause such a collective delusion? What are Thais taught that might lead them to believe they are superior to everyone?


Hint: They were not the first to come to this conclusion.

Mmmm.......I was told when I first came to Thailand that they are fiercely proud of the fact that they have never been colonised - maybe that has something to do with it? Whatever the case, it is simply inexcusable that any nation, government and people should behave so openly racist towards other nationalities.

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9 minutes ago, gios50hk said:

Mmmm.......I was told when I first came to Thailand that they are fiercely proud of the fact that they have never been colonised - maybe that has something to do with it? Whatever the case, it is simply inexcusable that any nation, government and people should behave so openly racist towards other nationalities.


No, it isn't right. Thailand was created by the Laos and Khmer empires. They have not been colonised - per se, though the Burmese comprehensively kicked their pants, on several occasions. Typically, after the Burmese went home, the Thais would wait until they were safely across the border, then go charging up to the line shouting 'Yah Boo Sucks, we kicked your asses, bet you daren't come back". etc etc. *yawn*.


Then there were the Chinese, they colonised Thailand pretty effectively, very effectively in fact. Then there was the French, and the British, neither of which countries thought Thailand was worth staying for. 


So not quite a triumph of superiority, which is what Thai students are told. But the question remains: who tells them this and why?


You can get a good understanding of how Thai society works by travelling to any 1st-world school and watching the behaviour of the ten-year-olds. Instructive. 

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