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Education plan ‘will fail without broad support’


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I guess it´s fair to say that this ain´t something new. Every education plan in every sector has failed at the drawing board. Except the extended one criminals give eachother in jail.

Edited by Get Real
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“The problem is that we have hardly used any punishment in driving educational development."


This is the attitude that permeates the entire system from the students on up. Students know that cannot be failed which would be the ultimate punishment for poor performance. Beating school administrators over the head with a blunt object won't change the system. Removing the attitude of "must save face" is the ONLY way this problem can begin the path toward an honest solution. Honesty - what a novel concept!

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18 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

That would leave some village schools quite empty.


During my first years as a visitors my wife always pushed me to sit with the teachers at festivities. They speak English!

"What your name?"

"Where you from?"

"How old you?"

That's about it :sleep:



17 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I have had the same conversations with some doctors, who my wife also pushes me to talk to because they speak English.


16 hours ago, Trumpish said:


Yup, me too, including the Head of Medicine at Rama hospital in BKK, who qualified and was educated in the USA.


Well my wife always gets me to sit with the rocket scientists, and I have the same conversation with them!


Did I win?

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5 minutes ago, naboo said:




Well my wife always gets me to sit with the rocket scientists, and I have the same conversation with them!


Did I win?

You mean the guys from Issan? Probably you do win because they would be more interesting.

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10 hours ago, naboo said:




Well my wife always gets me to sit with the rocket scientists, and I have the same conversation with them!


Did I win?


There's a difference. In the first examples the problem is that Thais don't understand you. With the tocket sciences, I imagine they speak to you in words they think you'll understand. Might be wrong...

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so much goobledeegook and talk about "the system" and effects of "reform" and how participation is measured and "evaluated" for "feedback".... 

just one story.... again...

for 3 years I worked at one particular rural high school.... and parked my 4x4 in the same spot near the classrooms.  and there were always many empty, but covered, parking spots at that school. that's unusual maybe if it were an older urban school... but for this school it was true every day for 3 years.  but one day the lot was jammed with cars. no easy place to park. so I thought it must be a big meeting or a wedding party... no school today.  but it was a school day.. so I started asking ajarn "what's up?"... who do all of these vehicles belong to? answer: teachers. teachers from what school? answer: this school [now I am very surprised, eh?] okay... but so.... why is the lot normally much less full? [ if they are teachers that usually work here everyday ] ya know what I mean? answer: oh yeah! today there is an inspection team from Bangkok at the school....

and then there are, or were some just a few years back, at several local schools... fingerprint machines to track the attendance of..... teachers.  and not the contract teachers.. not that they were not required to submit their fingerprints by 8AM [actually, for them... a lot earlier than that ] but that the contract teachers would never be late because they can be fired and "retired" very very easily.... therefore the fingerprint machines are for managing the teachers who are not contract workers..... which only leaves one category of teacher left.

I don't think you have to be an education expert to figure out what one of the biggest problems is.... the solution of which hasn't been mentioned or brought up for "implementation" or "evaluation assessment" etc etc.... since exactly the same month that it last was being seriously put through.... and in the same location....[Lumphon park?] as the very protests..... which ended up being very successful.... against the then Bangkok government of Thaksin.... and.... since then as well...... everything ****but**** decentralization has gotten pulled out of the woodwork.  

just the parking lot story above... and the finger print machine thing.... I like everyone else have many other stories.... I found this particular thing to be profoundly contradictory to ****everything**** I have ever been taught, or experienced, at any level of the "education system" in the west.

and I just can't.... not.... comment on that.... even if Thailand, of course, is not my country and I am just a temporary guest in it.... and even though there are many others that should know the same as I do, if I am not wrong on this. 

I realize that an ****immense**** social contract is involved here... and I am scared just to post on it.... but it is also an immense holdback for this country... which is why the topic keeps coming up.... until somehow this, I really believe, must be dealt with to some degree.  in the USA..... in every state I believe that I know of.... we manage our schools independently, or for secondary schools and primary schools... by local board-elected districts that are about the same size as an average Tambon here.





Edited by maewang99
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It will fail because of Thainess and their absolute unwillingness to do the right thing, which is a total overhaul of the education system. And that includes replacing a lot of teachers.


They are racing to the bottom while their neighbors climb towards the top. Perhaps in 10 or 20 years it will be Thais cleaning the toilets of Burmese and Cambodians.

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

It will fail because of Thainess and their absolute unwillingness to do the right thing, which is a total overhaul of the education system. And that includes replacing a lot of teachers.


They are racing to the bottom while their neighbors climb towards the top. Perhaps in 10 or 20 years it will be Thais cleaning the toilets of Burmese and Cambodians.

I think that's quite likely considering what the soldiers are doing at present. Sadly.


Still, the people are prepared to put up with it so som nam na. A few of us appear to have 20/20 vision and the rest of Thailand wears bifocals (apologies for the misquote).

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I feel bad for these kids.  When is the last one that "succeeded?"  As far as I know, it's rife with corruption, and the government supports the system through fake titles and recognition.  Well, they already outspend most ASEAN countries, so it's not the cash.

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2 minutes ago, Redline said:

I feel bad for these kids.  When is the last one that "succeeded?"  As far as I know, it's rife with corruption, and the government supports the system through fake titles and recognition.  Well, they already outspend most ASEAN countries, so it's not the cash.


Well said. It's not the money, that's already the second highest per capita in the world (as I recall). It's the people.


As they say, if there are 15 ways to <deleted> something up, a Thai will find 16 ways.

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