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On 6/20/2017 at 8:17 PM, ben2talk said:

It's a problem coming from - say - England where red means stop. In Thailand, many parts of Bangkok, simple red lights mean you can still filter through in the leftmost lane going straight, or take a left turn. This isn't a law, it's common practice supported by police.


You only get caught and fined when they wish to collect money - it has NOTHING to do with law enforcement. There are enough English speakers to actually fix all of these stupid pidgin English signs. They don't want to do it... if they're outside, they want to collect money.

The real problem is the little Englanders coming over here, getting behind the wheel and driving like the locals... but being ignorant that there are laws relating to traffic and the well known fact that application of said laws is both arbitrary and fleeting. Sometimes you’re the nail, and sometimes you’re the hammer.


They are the same little Englanders who probably whine about speed cameras in the UK and moan that are only to generate revenue and don't stop accidents. Sometimes you’re the chicken, and sometimes you’re the road.


PS. The signage to permit left-turn-on-red is a small blue sign with white writing, totally and unambiguously in Thai.


And that's me beeping my horn behind your ignorant ass at the above signed traffic lights.

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On 6/21/2017 at 6:55 PM, gmac said:

the BiB's appear to have hijacked it for personal gain, there seems to be no logic applied to the junctions where it is not allowed.


No. And if you're given a ticket, there's nothing personal about it. Further, it's logical why it's not allowed where it's not allowed and I'm glad it isn't, having been thru most if not all of the intersections in question countless times.



I seem to remember from years ago the only junction in Pattaya where it was not allowed, and I don't think there was any marking to that effect, was right outside the police box on the corner of 2nd Road and Klang.  Easy pickings as tourists had no idea they were doing anything wrong.


Yeah I've already said that.


Edited by JSixpack
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We have established that the SIGN is not clear, it is not easily understood, and it is NOT a standard sign recognisable by all people.
A red arrow pointing left, or right, or straight means 'STOP' for that specific direction.

Everyone else can see this, why can't you?

2nd road into clang.
Left turn explained by an extra sign.

Its a BLACK arrow
Thought it should be in RED
And the lights in green only show for ahead and right

Sorry my qualifications are in sciences not pigeon English. (MSc)

Oh. And by the way
29 years driving in Thailand.
So not quite new at it.
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2 hours ago, edd said:

2nd road into clang.
Left turn explained by an extra sign.

Its a BLACK arrow
Thought it should be in RED
And the lights in green only show for ahead and right

Sorry my qualifications are in sciences not pigeon English. (MSc)

Oh. And by the way
29 years driving in Thailand.
So not quite new at it.

Sorry, but that sign doesn't make sense to me.  While I consider myself fluent with the english language I don't tout myself as a know all about it either.


These signs make way more sense to me.






If the sign isn't present you aren't allowed to stop and turn, simple.

Edited by Roger Lee
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I am quite amused by this thread.

I remember the "good old times" when there was absolute nothing in English on 2nd rd/Central rd., only in Thai.

What a moneymaker :biggrin: Always manned police box.

Also often ignored are South Pattaya rd/3rd road.

Of course the moto taxis know when no police is around and will simply go through.

Better don't move upcountry where you will hardly find such a thing in English.

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21 hours ago, edd said:

Its a BLACK arrow
Thought it should be in RED


Well, no, not on THAT sign. Same same but different. :smile: Perhaps some mental agility is required for a successful adaptation to Thai style.



And the lights in green only show for ahead and right


Er, yup. But at least green ain't red, now is it?



Sorry my qualifications are in sciences not pigeon English. (MSc)


But with "pigeon" we now have to wonder about your qualifications in standard English, unless you're talking about that novel by Stephen Kelman, which I haven't read either. Perhaps this is reason the smaller sign was ignored, as KhunBENQ observes. Or is this ol' eyesight again? Anyway, by this time you should know what TURN LEFT WAITING LIGHT means. Or are further wallet-lightening lessons needed? One of our posters, for example, at least initially rejected the idea of bowing to avoid bumping his head on overhanging signs on the principle that they should not be overhanging as they aren't in the UK (a common reason for confusion here). If you see someone with a bloodied forehead regularly walking down Beach Road, I guess that's him.



Oh. And by the way
29 years driving in Thailand.
So not quite new at it.


Excellent! Be a shame if it got boring, eh. Seems no danger of that.


Edited by JSixpack
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