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I want to move my wife and baby to a new area of Thailand away from her thai family


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Great and glad to hear your good situation. Must be quite a few more folks in same situation.
There are also many folks in complex and frustrating situations with in-laws and not only in Thailand.
My Thai nephew, nice young man and his Thai wife also very pleasant, she never asks for anything, but her parents and her several big brothers and sisters are a complex nightmare. Nephew always worried when they will turn up again and unannounced and start to move in, and again nephew has to stand his ground and say 'move out, now'.                                                                                                                                                                     
Four decades ago in Australia my in-laws came to our house and gave my wife and I a door bell system for Christmas, FIL announced that he would remove the front door of the house and the entire door frame so that he could fit the wires into wall cavity and up into the ceiling.
He had made an awful mess of his own house with his many failed and ugly DIY attempts.
I noticed that the wires could be pushed through a small gap in the door frame set up.  I waited until he went shopping and I completed the job within maybe 30 minutes, nothing removed, nothing damaged at all.
He came back to the house and all hell broke loose, he seriously abused me and his daughter and he then tried to insist he would pull out the wires and do it again his way.
I asked him to respect that it was not his house, which made him even more abusive.
I asked him to leave the house. His wife (pleasant lady) visited often after that but he never came to the house again and banned me from going to his house.
Crazies are everywhere (and I'm a bit crazy sometimes too).

My old grandparents always said Hi Walls Make Good neighbors, I apply that to Family too.

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On 2017-06-21 at 6:05 PM, dexjnr555 said:

If you cant stand seeing Thais, why are you living here in their country?

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Since you cant read between the lines.... But want to be smart..

Ill happily explain for you. It seems hes surrounded by only Thais speaking Thai etc . Dont think that isolation makes anything good. I didnt come to Thailand to enjoy being with Thais. I came her to enjoy myself. And if he wants any meaningful diskusions it sure wouldnt be with some Thais

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1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

The fact the woman in  question (OP wife) is happy to consider the thought of moving, then I think she is relatively independent. 

I think there is a fine line between not being independent and families actually being helpful. If the family can look after the kids whilst they both are at work everyday, then that is being helpful. Much safer than a Thai childcare system. However, if the OP and his wife cannot even do their own washing, shopping, everyday tasks without the family, then I would agree with your initial statement (I know of one woman who cannot even go to the shops or visit her son without her mother coming - son lives with the father's family).

Also many other variables as to why someone would not want to move, for example, the OP's wife obviously has a stable career. Will the career be as stable if they move away? Depending on her profession, she may have to pay to move cities, is it really worth it? Not necessarily a case of her not being independent. 

first of all, i wasn't speaking directly of the OPs wife, i was just weighing in with my opinion on the general situation. the loss of nested quotes on the forum often spins these discussions out of context.


independence doesn't mean a severance of ties to their family it means a commitment to the new family and the ability to move forward with a new partner. The ability to make decisions that look froward look and are not heavily or unduly  influenced by ma and .


Family loyalty is all good, but people marry to have families of their own and if one partner is always looking back, its pointless.

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On 6/21/2017 at 2:26 PM, jerojero said:

Be prepared for her many repeated trips home to visit her family. Eventually she will say it's optional for you to join her, then her visits will become longer and longer, leaving you alone more and more. And finally she'll tell you she's not happy apart from her family and more unhappy than being away from you. All the above may indeed happen, especially that she's financially self sufficient.




If that's the case he'll probably wind up in Pattaya with the rest of us rejects, has beens, medallion men and alkies.


It's where many of us visited when we first came to the LOS and it's also where many of us wind up.

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She's going to leave him. If she makes more than him, is happy where she is, has family to help her with the kid and is comfortable, why should she leave for someone who doesn't appear to have  much on the ball?  I believe  we are missing some pertinent facts. Anyway, not my concern.

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Personally, and if this was me with a wife and new baby, I would be concentrated on finding a place where I could find a better job to support my family, and not one in which I could bum around the beach all day. 


Since your wife seems very happy where she lives now, and has a good job, then I do think it is selfish for you to want to move her, and you.I do know that Thai Families can become intrusive at times, but they also make great babysitters and there fee is always free. My wife almost spends as much time with her sister's baby as she does. 


I can undertsand your motive to move for a better job. Especially if your wife has a job she can easily replace in another location. But to just move to a place where you don't know anyone, and away from a place you both seem quite happy, is foolish in my books. The Grass always looks Greener on the other side of the fence.


Sorry if this is not the answer you want to here. But from me it is the truth at least.  

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If the OP is determined to screw up his relationship with his wife and child so he can swim in the sea. His choice but why bother putting it out for discusion? Insecurities or just looking for anti family quotes!

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On 6/21/2017 at 3:37 PM, lopburi3 said:

Not sure why you believe conditions by the sea will be an improvement (for what you mention) - although you might have to use government medical facilities some are very good in larger cities everywhere (and wife works in that field?) - food can be good anywhere but perhaps if you mean western food there would be more choice.  Beach is something most Thai avoid (for good reason - and sun can be pure cancer for western skin).  


You only mention one brother - are there other sisters?  If not she will feel a strong obligation to take care of her parents even more.  I would urge you to consider all sides and be sure wife is really up to making such a drastic change.

I don't believe the sun cause cancer for western skin. I see fishermen with skin under the sun for long periods yet they don't die from skin cancer.

I won't be surprise if doctor in the west start telling everyone the sun is good for you and it doesn't cause skin cancer.

If you keep eating highly processed foods that would likely give you skin cancer and lack of vitamin D3.

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On 6/22/2017 at 9:43 PM, Dumbastheycome said:

I  am  closely  related  to  other  humans.

Can I use  that fact  to  also  declare  a  rather  illustrious  all encompassing   rapport with  the  charmingly  subservient   natives from an advantaged  position?

Or should  I resign  myself  to the  current  situation  which is  that I  do  not  and  can not  sing  for my supper. 

I cook  it.

"charmingly subservient natives"?!?!?!?!? what a colonialist statement


i am invited everywhere BECAUSE of my renown as a musician, as a REAL artist who gives people chills and tears and goosebumps;

and i not only read, write, and speak Thai, but i understand and fully embrace Thai culture & lifestyle-

for these reasons, people gladly and gratefully invite me to come to their areas,

i do NOT "sing for my supper"- but if i am invited somewhere, everybody does expect that i will grace them with music,

and i gladly do so!!!


i can cook quite well, both western AND Thai food; since i live alone, it is more financially expedient to go out to eat-

and even when i am home, my next door neighbors insist i eat with them virtually every day

(and we share coffee and breakfast together, on them, in their coffee shop every single morning)

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On 6/23/2017 at 10:52 AM, sead said:

Since you cant read between the lines.... But want to be smart..

Ill happily explain for you. It seems hes surrounded by only Thais speaking Thai etc . Dont think that isolation makes anything good. I didnt come to Thailand to enjoy being with Thais. I came her to enjoy myself. And if he wants any meaningful diskusions it sure wouldnt be with some Thais

i've had FAR more meaningful discussions with my Thai friends than with all but a few expats and/or tourists;

i DID come to Thailand with the full expectation that i would be surrounded by, and happily interacting with,

THAI people- but not as a colonialist farang... 

the last thing i want to do is hang out with other expats, and i pity those for whom that is an enjoyable

and/or preferable option

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On 6/22/2017 at 1:26 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

What village do you live in? if at all. You are painting fantasy assumptions in your own mind, if the above load of rubbish is anything to go by.Unless you are a villager, you have no idea of how much respect you can get by a simple action. I dont buy them gifts, or lend them money. My MIL is 77, i treat her well. I give her 2000b a month, that allows her to do what she wants. She is active and goes out and buys her own food and even takes the bloody dog for a walk. She helps her friends who have nothing. She thinks her SIL is Felag dee jai dee mach mach. Is that a problem for you. I like to make her life a bit better, is that wrong. As for the gift of a drill to my BIL, why is that a problem. Is it a problem for you that i take 10 or so kids down to the lake and feed them once a month. Again, a problem for you? Having building experience i also help with laying drains and tiling shower rooms, Free, A problem for you?  I built some wardrobes  in our house and the wifes sisters house, Problem?  So what are the moral grounds that i am conflicting with.

It is up to me how i treat my family and those around us. I suggest that you mind your own business until you can come up with something worth reading

the fact they are still calling you "farang dee jai dee" tells me everything i need to know;

you're still a farang in their eyes, buying their "respect"-

here in our VERY close knit  village on the island, ALL my neighbors, and even those in other villages

(and everywhere else i am invited to travel/visit- for FREE- here in the Kingdom) say "ดอกไม้เป็นคนไทยแล้ว" ***

"dok mai ben kon Thai laow" = "flower is Thai person already"  

***(did NOT have to look this up to write it; ดอกไม้ = dok mai = flower is my Thai name)

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I would say the reasons you want to take her away from her family are not good enough reasons. I would stay. Thai culture in my opinion the family unit is their world. You are certainly a part of it but it is the western cultures where families split up and move everywhere. Hard as heck for a Thai woman to do that and she has the best job so stay and try to focus on what you have and not focus on what you don't have. Peace ?

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the fact they are still calling you "farang dee jai dee" tells me everything i need to know;
you're still a farang in their eyes, buying their "respect"-
here in our VERY close knit  village on the island, ALL my neighbors, and even those in other villages
(and everywhere else i am invited to travel/visit- for FREE- here in the Kingdom) say "ดอกไม้เป็นคนไทยแล้ว" ***
"dok mai ben kon Thai laow" = "flower is Thai person already"  
***(did NOT have to look this up to write it; ดอกไม้ = dok mai = flower is my Thai name)

Jenifer me old muka, from previous posts about your free meals, free breakfasts and now free travel, I hope they don't label you "free loader " as well!

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3 hours ago, jenifer d said:

the fact they are still calling you "farang dee jai dee" tells me everything i need to know;

you're still a farang in their eyes, buying their "respect"-

here in our VERY close knit  village on the island, ALL my neighbors, and even those in other villages

(and everywhere else i am invited to travel/visit- for FREE- here in the Kingdom) say "ดอกไม้เป็นคนไทยแล้ว" ***

"dok mai ben kon Thai laow" = "flower is Thai person already"  

***(did NOT have to look this up to write it; ดอกไม้ = dok mai = flower is my Thai name)

It is an odd situation that member is living in. Reading this forum you wonder how Thai people got their reputation for being so generous. But then you actually go outside, and then you see it.

Sit at a restaurant in a rural city and a stranger will send over a beer, the owner (if know you), will offer you to try new menus for free. I don't think I have ever been to a gathering where they haven't tried to force copious amounts of alcohol and food on you that people on 250 baht a day are buying. Buy a meal and it is 20 baht, not one price for you and another price for the 'locals'. Even the doctor we see in the private hospital (if we don't want to wait for the government) now doesn't charge us for consultation as we have developed a good relationship. I get 50% off at the biggest night club in the city (and I am a 'farang' - don't even go there or drink so it is useless lol).

The mother-in-law will cook lunch and dinner every day, or buy a pizza from the city if she doesn't have time to cook that day and she's coming home from the market (as food is her passion). She will do that with the money she earns from selling some of the farm  produce that the grandmother/grandfather harvests. The father-in-law saw the hub caps kept falling off, so spent his month salary on new mags to make it easier just for me to drive to work, rather than having to stop/pick them up (after giving the car to me in the first place). 

The Mrs and I both work full time, we are on combined salaries that are 10+ times more than the average. However, other than being respected due to her position, I really cant see how even if we were multi-millionaires that we would earn that much more respect in the 'family', or even 'village' context. City context, then yes, but not on a more local level. 


Playing Songkran in the city, the cousins (on 6,000 baht a month), will never let you pay for the food they just bought for you. The uncles will not accept money for doing things like maintenance on the house. Even sub-contractors you hire from the village, if they are not successful in their days work they don't expect to be paid. I had one who spent all day trying to install a pump. Dug the 30m trench for the piping in the middle of summer, but as he couldn't work out the pump he said not to worry about any payment. 

I understand the tourists spots are different. But you have to wonder sometimes about the people on this forum who claim to live in 'rural' villages. All families expect is you to stand up for the family, and you to stick by the family. There is even a joke in my nephews 'private'  school in city nearby that his uncle is a 'poor farang'. If it was all about face, shouldn't the family feel ashamed? What do they do, have a good laugh about it and use it as an excuse for him to only buy a small snack instead of a big one. Generally also say a joke along the lines of, at least he isn't a grandpa farang. 

I speak barely any Thai, i do not drink or smoke, and I cannot stand Thai food (spicy, sugar, salt). You don't even have to make an effort to be entrenched into the society - I am 'farang' as they come (other than the no drink/smoke). You just need to be, one, a half decent chap, and two, impress them in ways that matter. All i do is walk my dog around the village with my daughter, and the village respects that. Try and impress and people resent you, as much as Thai try to look rich, many don't like 'show offs', especially in rural areas. Which, is effectively what throwing money around is. 

Maybe for many families, money is important, like many families in all countries. But surely there will come a time where self-worth will take a hit if that is the case. And if it is money they are after, then posters need to just accept it, who cares? What posters on TV shouldn't do, is make outrageous generalizations due to the fact the family only married them for the little salary each month, it is what it is, don't categorise all Thai families being like that though,...and don't use sociological concepts like the 'power of purchase' to even explain a family. How disrespectful is that when discussing their own actual family lol. 

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4 hours ago, jenifer d said:

"charmingly subservient natives"?!?!?!?!? what a colonialist statement


i am invited everywhere BECAUSE of my renown as a musician, as a REAL artist who gives people chills and tears and goosebumps;

and i not only read, write, and speak Thai, but i understand and fully embrace Thai culture & lifestyle-

for these reasons, people gladly and gratefully invite me to come to their areas,

i do NOT "sing for my supper"- but if i am invited somewhere, everybody does expect that i will grace them with music,

and i gladly do so!!!


i can cook quite well, both western AND Thai food; since i live alone, it is more financially expedient to go out to eat-

and even when i am home, my next door neighbors insist i eat with them virtually every day

(and we share coffee and breakfast together, on them, in their coffee shop every single morning)

You  chose  to  overlook the satirical comparative.

Your  original  narrative  reads with such very  pretentious impression I  suffered chills  and   goosebumps !

You  will  have  to excuse  me  if  I do  not believe  that  although it is  more expedient  to go out  to eat at  no greater  cost than providing  musical entertainment that  somewhere  somehow there is  or  has  been some lavish  expenditure  to  provide  the  apparent  status  you  claim.

I  can  assure  you  that  I am no  colonialist. In  fact  quite the opposite.

"Class" is a  reference that  I  find  abhorrent!


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1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

It is an odd situation that member is living in. Reading this forum you wonder how Thai people got their reputation for being so generous. But then you actually go outside, and then you see it.

Sit at a restaurant in a rural city and a stranger will send over a beer, the owner (if know you), will offer you to try new menus for free. I don't think I have ever been to a gathering where they haven't tried to force copious amounts of alcohol and food on you that people on 250 baht a day are buying. Buy a meal and it is 20 baht, not one price for you and another price for the 'locals'. Even the doctor we see in the private hospital (if we don't want to wait for the government) now doesn't charge us for consultation as we have developed a good relationship. I get 50% off at the biggest night club in the city (and I am a 'farang' - don't even go there or drink so it is useless lol).

The mother-in-law will cook lunch and dinner every day, or buy a pizza from the city if she doesn't have time to cook that day and she's coming home from the market (as food is her passion). She will do that with the money she earns from selling some of the farm  produce that the grandmother/grandfather harvests. The father-in-law saw the hub caps kept falling off, so spent his month salary on new mags to make it easier just for me to drive to work, rather than having to stop/pick them up (after giving the car to me in the first place). 

The Mrs and I both work full time, we are on combined salaries that are 10+ times more than the average. However, other than being respected due to her position, I really cant see how even if we were multi-millionaires that we would earn that much more respect in the 'family', or even 'village' context. City context, then yes, but not on a more local level. 


Playing Songkran in the city, the cousins (on 6,000 baht a month), will never let you pay for the food they just bought for you. The uncles will not accept money for doing things like maintenance on the house. Even sub-contractors you hire from the village, if they are not successful in their days work they don't expect to be paid. I had one who spent all day trying to install a pump. Dug the 30m trench for the piping in the middle of summer, but as he couldn't work out the pump he said not to worry about any payment. 

I understand the tourists spots are different. But you have to wonder sometimes about the people on this forum who claim to live in 'rural' villages. All families expect is you to stand up for the family, and you to stick by the family. There is even a joke in my nephews 'private'  school in city nearby that his uncle is a 'poor farang'. If it was all about face, shouldn't the family feel ashamed? What do they do, have a good laugh about it and use it as an excuse for him to only buy a small snack instead of a big one. Generally also say a joke along the lines of, at least he isn't a grandpa farang. 

I speak barely any Thai, i do not drink or smoke, and I cannot stand Thai food (spicy, sugar, salt). You don't even have to make an effort to be entrenched into the society - I am 'farang' as they come (other than the no drink/smoke). You just need to be, one, a half decent chap, and two, impress them in ways that matter. All i do is walk my dog around the village with my daughter, and the village respects that. Try and impress and people resent you, as much as Thai try to look rich, many don't like 'show offs', especially in rural areas. Which, is effectively what throwing money around is. 

Maybe for many families, money is important, like many families in all countries. But surely there will come a time where self-worth will take a hit if that is the case. And if it is money they are after, then posters need to just accept it, who cares? What posters on TV shouldn't do, is make outrageous generalizations due to the fact the family only married them for the little salary each month, it is what it is, don't categorise all Thai families being like that though,...and don't use sociological concepts like the 'power of purchase' to even explain a family. How disrespectful is that when discussing their own actual family lol. 



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51 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

You  chose  to  overlook the satirical comparative.

Your  original  narrative  reads with such very  pretentious impression I  suffered chills  and   goosebumps !

You  will  have  to excuse  me  if  I do  not believe  that  although it is  more expedient  to go out  to eat at  no greater  cost than providing  musical entertainment that  somewhere  somehow there is  or  has  been some lavish  expenditure  to  provide  the  apparent  status  you  claim.

I  can  assure  you  that  I am no  colonialist. In  fact  quite the opposite.

"Class" is a  reference that  I  find  abhorrent!


even though the west (especially America) does its darndest to say that all born are of completely equal station,

and that there are no "class" differences or distinctions, the inescapable fact and truth is that there ARE indeed different classes...


you can believe what you wish, even if you choose not to believe the truth that i speak,

does not diminish the fact that i speak the truth...

pretentious? that's usually a term ascribed to others out of utter jealousy!!!


and let me ask you- do you speak Thai- well- and use it in everyday conversation here more than your native tongue?

if not, then you ARE a colonialist!!!

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1 minute ago, jenifer d said:

even though the west (especially America) does its darndest to say that all born are of completely equal station,

and that there are no "class" differences or distinctions, the inescapable fact and truth is that there ARE indeed different classes...


you can believe what you wish, even if you choose not to believe the truth that i speak,

does not diminish the fact that i speak the truth...

pretentious? that's usually a term ascribed to others out of utter jealousy!!!


and let me ask you- do you speak Thai- well- and use it in everyday conversation here more than your native tongue?

if not, then you ARE a colonialist!!!

You  offer  confirmation of  so  much.

Enjoy  your  utopical sense of  superiority.

My  daily  interaction  is 99.9 % with  Thai  and I  use  my  limited  vocab in  Thai  and   Kymer.

I am  referred  to  either  as  Uncle  or  younger  brother either  socially or  while  working  physically alongside in  my  north eastern  rural  environment as  ever  I  have done for  the  last  15  years.

I  have  no  jealousy.  I  have moved  away  from plastic as  much as  possible.



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even though the west (especially America) does its darndest to say that all born are of completely equal station,
and that there are no "class" differences or distinctions, the inescapable fact and truth is that there ARE indeed different classes...
you can believe what you wish, even if you choose not to believe the truth that i speak,
does not diminish the fact that i speak the truth...
pretentious? that's usually a term ascribed to others out of utter jealousy!!!
and let me ask you- do you speak Thai- well- and use it in everyday conversation here more than your native tongue?
if not, then you ARE a colonialist!!!

I didn't realise that you speak Thai, as you've never mentioned it before.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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On 6/23/2017 at 10:52 AM, sead said:

Since you cant read between the lines.... But want to be smart..

Ill happily explain for you. It seems hes surrounded by only Thais speaking Thai etc . Dont think that isolation makes anything good. I didnt come to Thailand to enjoy being with Thais. I came her to enjoy myself. And if he wants any meaningful diskusions it sure wouldnt be with some Thais

I can't read between the lines? I want to be smart? I am smart, definitely smarter than you. For starters, I can actually spell and use proper syntax/grammar, but that's a secondary issue here. On to the topic at hand, do not come to Thailand if you do not want to be surrounded by Thais speaking Thai. Yes, he probably won't have any meaningful discussions with Thais, because he can't speak the national language of Thailand, which is Thai. I bet you're the first person to blast foreigners in your own country for not 'assimilating'.  I don't think Thais would want insular people like yourself in their country.

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Strong family ties in Isaan families? That is what you call sending your daughter to sell her body in Pattaya in order to buy a new car for father? For me It is more like an immoral gang acting closely together for a purpose of material gain or profit. Yes, yes - not all of them are like this. But TOO MANY for my taste.

Move wherever you want , OP. It is your life and , as a man, you must live it by your own rules.

Edited by Zikomat
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1 hour ago, dexjnr555 said:

I can't read between the lines? I want to be smart? I am smart, definitely smarter than you. For starters, I can actually spell and use proper syntax/grammar, but that's a secondary issue here. On to the topic at hand, do not come to Thailand if you do not want to be surrounded by Thais speaking Thai. Yes, he probably won't have any meaningful discussions with Thais, because he can't speak the national language of Thailand, which is Thai. I bet you're the first person to blast foreigners in your own country for not 'assimilating'.  I don't think Thais would want insular people like yourself in their country.


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1 hour ago, dexjnr555 said:

I can't read between the lines? I want to be smart? I am smart, definitely smarter than you. For starters, I can actually spell and use proper syntax/grammar, but that's a secondary issue here. On to the topic at hand, do not come to Thailand if you do not want to be surrounded by Thais speaking Thai. Yes, he probably won't have any meaningful discussions with Thais, because he can't speak the national language of Thailand, which is Thai. I bet you're the first person to blast foreigners in your own country for not 'assimilating'.  I don't think Thais would want insular people like yourself in their country.

You do understand that you are totally of topic. This is about OP wanting to move from only god and himself knows. For me theres a BIG difference interacting and chitchatt with thais about daily stuff. Its also nice that the locals buy food and like you. But actually having a intelligent conversation about what usually interests a farang is what makes us different. Now im very proud of you all that are assimilated in Thailand and you should be too. But im not a immigrant nor parasite. I am a contributer to the Thai society in all aspects. The reason people are working as airplane mechanics to pilots or the coffeshops to the cleaners and cooks.bargirls,bussdrivers, taxidrivers, immigration etc etc is because  people like me and others contributing to thais having work. To tell someone they need to assimilate you can do to someone coming to a country and use their social security. 

All grammatical errors is a gift from me to you.

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19 hours ago, sead said:

You do understand that you are totally of topic. This is about OP wanting to move from only god and himself knows. For me theres a BIG difference interacting and chitchatt with thais about daily stuff. Its also nice that the locals buy food and like you. But actually having a intelligent conversation about what usually interests a farang is what makes us different. Now im very proud of you all that are assimilated in Thailand and you should be too. But im not a immigrant nor parasite. I am a contributer to the Thai society in all aspects. The reason people are working as airplane mechanics to pilots or the coffeshops to the cleaners and cooks.bargirls,bussdrivers, taxidrivers, immigration etc etc is because  people like me and others contributing to thais having work. To tell someone they need to assimilate you can do to someone coming to a country and use their social security. 

All grammatical errors is a gift from me to you.

You are basically saying that all Thais are stupid and cannot hold meaningful conversations. 

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6 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

You are basically saying that all Thais are stupid and cannot hold meaningful conversations. 

Nowhere. That is your statement. Are you telling me that you have met some Thai outside the tourist towns knowing where Germany is or what countries are around Thailand. What their political status is etc etc. What overuse  of antibiotics and fertilizers is doing to peoples And its not about that they are stupid but they are uneducated and we can go on an on about those reasons in another place.

I can help you with that answer...

Its no and thats where we should stop this debate. But if you dont want to talk about the weather and what to eat then you should conversate with a foreigner.

I know the boss and hes associates from central plaza somewhere in Thailand. Hes over 50. He doesnt know anything about Europe. And there stops my interest in further talks with him.

Do i really need to continue. I can take ANY farang from age 15-99 anywhere and can discuss anything  and we would have a long talk at the coffeetable. So no. I never said Thais are stupid. They simply doesnt care or know about what happens in the world and that what i meant with that the OP was looking for

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On 6/21/2017 at 7:15 PM, jeab1980 said:

Your right very selfish. The excuses you use better food/better hospitals i would disagree there. Nearer to Bangkok is not a plus but a negative.

I have little doubt seperation will come very soon. Uprooting her from her well paid job whos going to look after your rugrat?. All so you can swim in the sea. Yes selfish.

Such utter nonsense and negativity, sounds like you are a very bitter person. Is this a reflection on your own life.?

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2 minutes ago, ableguy said:

Such utter nonsense and negativity, sounds like you are a very bitter person. Is this a reflection on your own life.?

Get a life. The man is selfish its a me me me attitude. My life is absolutley fine and dandy thank you for asking.  Why would you class me as bitter for answering a question? I really cant see or read into my post any bitterness at all. Negativity yes a little twds the op for his selfish attitude as i see it. When i want to swim in the sea i go to the beach on Holiday not uproot my family to satisfy me.

Why is my post nonsense to you could it be you are a bitter person? Or is it more than likley you disagree with me which is fine. Why not say Im sorry but i disagree with you instead of "such utter nonsense".


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On 23/06/2017 at 10:00 PM, jeab1980 said:

If the OP is determined to screw up his relationship with his wife and child so he can swim in the sea. His choice but why bother putting it out for discusion? Insecurities or just looking for anti family quotes!

jeab1980 seems to be quite immature in all his replies. I've read all the pages of this thread and Im sorry to say that he seems childish in his personality.

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12 minutes ago, advancebooking said:

jeab1980 seems to be quite immature in all his replies. I've read all the pages of this thread and Im sorry to say that he seems childish in his personality.

Well im so glad you shared that piece of total nonsense. I will sleep a lot better now. Are you related to ableguy? I have read all this thread and come to a conclusion your a ****** but hey have a good life. Another poster who follows the leader. Nice try but no fish today boyoh.

Edited by jeab1980
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