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Trump says he did not record conversations with former FBI chief Comey


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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump on a first date with a model - while they're undressing and ready to hop in bed; "you better hope I don't have a yeast infection."

Well, if he did, it would be the only cultured thing about him.

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As in my country, Australia, no one has had a clue how to mobilise against a threat such as USSR posed.

Instead, the countries that we looked up to including my own are run by carpet baggers. 

This includes all of the multi million dollar "security" agencies who are supposed to be defending and representing 

all the citizens. US has lead us into crusades from Korea and Vietnam to new ones in Afghanistan and Iraq and neighbours.

Now we have lunatics and fraudsters in the highest echelons of government that promised to represent the citizens.

Democracy appears to have turned into a rort, a tort and fully supported by "security" agencies. We the citizens took

the easy way out, never questioning. Now we have Trump, May, Turnbull, Putin et al. All scammers supported by all

parties of the so called democracy process. Buddha save us all.

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I have many friends who spent a lifetime working to protect the U.S against foreign hackers.

There are many problems doing that but often the main problem is that politicians don't want to or refuse to listen to the professionals who try to tell them about foreign hackers as that information does not jibe with what the politician WANTS to hear for his or her own personal political reasons.

Or as the saying goes, " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force the fool to drink."

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Nice going, Donald!
Try thinking things through from now on.  (Like that's going happen.) 
That tapes threat tweet really worked out well for you.  Now, you have admitted that not only have you lied - as if that's a surprise - but it sure looks like (check out Chou Anou's post #8 and link above) you have engaged in witness intimidation.  Plus, this gives even more credibility to Comey's testimony of that one-on-one dinner conversation that could have been left as a "he said, he said" legal contest.  Maybe you should have taken every criminal defense attorney's advice to their clients of keeping your mouth shut (or fingers not tweeting).   
So, what kind of indication is this of how well the president is handling negotiating with seasoned foreign leaders and diplomats?  
Donald, maybe you should get some advice from this classic book called The Art of the Deal.   

Since you brought up "The Art of the Deal". This is an article by the guy who actually wrote it, and it's a fun read.

It can be surmised with " I put lipstick on a pig". Enjoy.


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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