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A Hiqh Quality Bar Joke: That Will Raise The Roof...

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A brain walks into a bar and asks the barman for a set of jump-leads, but the barman tells him to get out as he's barred.

"What?": says the brain, "I've never been in here before."

"Get lost," says the barman, "you're out of your head and you're trying to start something."


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We can but Live in Hope for 2007.. :D:o:D:D

A blind man with his guide dog walked into a bar.

The blind man picked up the dog and swung it around and around over his head.

The bartender runs up and asks;

"Blind Man, What the heck are you doing?"

The blind man replies;

"Just looking around.!!!!"


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We can but Live in Hope for 2007.. :D:o:D:bah:

A blind man with his guide dog walked into a bar.

The blind man picked up the dog and swung it around and around over his head.

The bartender runs up and asks;

"Blind Man, What the heck are you doing?"

The blind man replies;

"Just looking around.!!!!"


......hey..........I even laughed at that one....... :D:bah:

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A blind man with his guide dog walked into a bar.

The blind man picked up the dog and swung it around and around over his head.

The bartender runs up and asks;

"Blind Man, What the heck are you doing?"

The blind man replies;

"Just looking around.!!!!"



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