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When Did You Forget God?


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Did God ever allow even one of these amputees to grow another limb? Or, does God hate amputees?


that's besides the point corkscrew. i asked a rhetorical -and in my view justified- question and gave an example from my personal experience to make a few people (perhaps) think. your questions are irrelevant as far as my posting and the topic of this thread is concerned.

So your question was about hurt feelings? That our fellow readers are so sensitive (or so insecure) that we must say nothing that would make them wince?

But, getting back to my point, has anyone ever heard of a case where, with God's help, an amputee grew a new limb?

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those ludicrous teachings convinced me that the concept of a God made no sence at all.

How about you?

That the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth. I see a lot of people claiming to be atheists these days because it's cool to be a materialist and it goes well with a hedonistic lifestyle. But I reckon some of them would start praying in the proverbial foxhole because deep down nothing ever replaced that subconscious belief in a higher power.

I rejected organized religion as soon as I was old enough to think for myself but I was an agnostic until much later when I started learning about how man creates god:

"Two ideas are psycologically deep-rooted in man: self-protection and self-preservation. For self-protection man has created God, on whom he depends for his own protection, safety and security, just as a child depends on its parent. For self-preservation man has conceived the idea of an immortal Soul or Atman, which will live eternally. In his ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire, man needs these two things to console himself. Hence he clings to them deeply and fanatically." - Walpola Rahula

The Buddha had it figured out right: we are all responsible for our own salvation.

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"the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth"

that's really a big point. it's not like we're given lots of time to grow up and choose our religion. religionists (is that a word?) prey on young minds with a greater ferocity than nationalists.

to get back to the topic, i forgot about god when i was first exposed, in a calm and rational manner, to the idea that there wasn't one.

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Believers like to define he*l as a place where an infinite amount of pain is inflicted on the dam*ed for an infitite amount of time. And, these believers say that this is the place where non-believers will go when they die. So, this person who dies in sin will have more suffering than all the pain experienced by all the world's population since the beginning of time.

This is a loving God? I don't think so. If so God is the devil himself.

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those ludicrous teachings convinced me that the concept of a God made no sence at all.

How about you?

That the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth. I see a lot of people claiming to be atheists these days because it's cool to be a materialist and it goes well with a hedonistic lifestyle. But I reckon some of them would start praying in the proverbial foxhole because deep down nothing ever replaced that subconscious belief in a higher power.

I rejected organized religion as soon as I was old enough to think for myself but I was an agnostic until much later when I started learning about how man creates god:

"Two ideas are psycologically deep-rooted in man: self-protection and self-preservation. For self-protection man has created God, on whom he depends for his own protection, safety and security, just as a child depends on its parent. For self-preservation man has conceived the idea of an immortal Soul or Atman, which will live eternally. In his ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire, man needs these two things to console himself. Hence he clings to them deeply and fanatically." - Walpola Rahula

The Buddha had it figured out right: we are all responsible for our own salvation.

thats a very good point mate and thats why i love buddhism,

as it states that we are all responsible for our own actions and must be prepared to face the consequences of those actions.

this also relates to why i love thailand as one can do what he wants, ( drugs, wine, women, and song)

but when one takes its too far he must pay for his actions.


our society in the western world sucks big time because the law is designed to protect the perpertrator, the victim rarely gets justice and that sucks big time . :D

viva la buddism am viva la thailand. :o

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11 years from the age 6-16 in a catholic school, thank God he had helped me not to believe in the BS they have taught me! Actually I can't think of one bloody reason to believe in one bloody thing they say!

Unfortunately it is not only stupid people who believe in God.

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I don't remember when exactly I learned the existence of cults where they have plenty of women to shag around with. That was when I actually wanted to have a religion but never had the chance to meet any of those preachers. Anyone can guide me there nowadays? I will try my best to act like I believe in what they say as long as they provide me with plenty of w.........

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"the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth"

that's really a big point. it's not like we're given lots of time to grow up and choose our religion. religionists (is that a word?) prey on young minds with a greater ferocity than nationalists.

to get back to the topic, i forgot about god when i was first exposed, in a calm and rational manner, to the idea that there wasn't one.

I agree. Teaching religion to young children is a form of child abuse.

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"the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth"

that's really a big point. it's not like we're given lots of time to grow up and choose our religion. religionists (is that a word?) prey on young minds with a greater ferocity than nationalists.

to get back to the topic, i forgot about god when i was first exposed, in a calm and rational manner, to the idea that there wasn't one.

I agree. Teaching religion to young children is a form of child abuse.

100% agree! They don't have a choice.

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thats why i love buddhism,

as it states that we are all responsible for our own actions and must be prepared to face the consequences of those actions.

this also relates to why i love thailand as one can do what he wants, ( drugs, wine, women, and song)

but when one takes its too far he must pay for his actions.

There's nothing in Buddhism about only paying for actions that go too far. Drugs, wine and casual sex break two of the Five Precepts. If a lot of people are indulging, it just means a lot of people don't care about the precepts.

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Believers like to define he*l as a place where an infinite amount of pain is inflicted on the dam*ed for an infitite amount of time. And, these believers say that this is the place where non-believers will go when they die. So, this person who dies in sin will have more suffering than all the pain experienced by all the world's population since the beginning of time.

This is a loving God? I don't think so. If so God is the devil himself.

You speaking for all believers there corkscrew? I don't actually like to define hel_l at all.

But if I had to I think it would be more biblically accurate to look at hel_l as living in the absence of God. I would suggest that since you are already distancing yourself from God, you will not notice a big difference between this and hel_l.

God gives us freedom to live life. Freedom to choose and freedom to make mistakes. There is even provision in God's plan to pick up the pieces when we make those mistakes. But ultimately he doesn't force his will on us. Turning the problem on God is illogical. If you end up in hel_l you are responsible not God. I assure you God doesn't want anyone to perish, but he's not going to force you to do the right things. It is called freedom.

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"the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth"

that's really a big point. it's not like we're given lots of time to grow up and choose our religion. religionists (is that a word?) prey on young minds with a greater ferocity than nationalists.

to get back to the topic, i forgot about god when i was first exposed, in a calm and rational manner, to the idea that there wasn't one.

I agree. Teaching religion to young children is a form of child abuse.

100% agree! They don't have a choice.

Quote from Dawkins...."The God Delusion":

You've said that raising children in a religious tradition may even be a form of abuse.

What I think may be abuse is labeling children with religious labels like Catholic child and Muslim child. I find it very odd that in our civilization we're quite happy to speak of a Catholic child that is 4 years old or a Muslim of child that is 4, when these children are much too young to know what they think about the cosmos, life and morality. We wouldn't dream of speaking of a Keynesian child or a Marxist child. And yet, for some reason we make a privileged exception of religion. And, by the way, I think it would also be abuse to talk about an atheist child.

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Believers like to define he*l as a place where an infinite amount of pain is inflicted on the dam*ed for an infitite amount of time. And, these believers say that this is the place where non-believers will go when they die. So, this person who dies in sin will have more suffering than all the pain experienced by all the world's population since the beginning of time.

This is a loving God? I don't think so. If so God is the devil himself.

You speaking for all believers there corkscrew? I don't actually like to define hel_l at all.

But if I had to I think it would be more biblically accurate to look at hel_l as living in the absence of God. I would suggest that since you are already distancing yourself from God, you will not notice a big difference between this and hel_l.

God gives us freedom to live life. Freedom to choose and freedom to make mistakes. There is even provision in God's plan to pick up the pieces when we make those mistakes. But ultimately he doesn't force his will on us. Turning the problem on God is illogical. If you end up in hel_l you are responsible not God. I assure you God doesn't want anyone to perish, but he's not going to force you to do the right things. It is called freedom.

So, your concept of he*l doesn't involve pain? You just don't see God? Sort of like Earth Version 2.0?

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He1l? Heaven?

People die, they just vanish and become nothing.

It is clearly that this He1l and Heaven thing is just some well-thought saying from 8 yeared old kids!

Why even bother to think about its rationale and morals?

How childish! Yet there are doctors and lawyers who are religious. One just have to wonder that there really is a God playing us around!

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"the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth"

that's really a big point. it's not like we're given lots of time to grow up and choose our religion. religionists (is that a word?) prey on young minds with a greater ferocity than nationalists.

to get back to the topic, i forgot about god when i was first exposed, in a calm and rational manner, to the idea that there wasn't one.

I agree. Teaching religion to young children is a form of child abuse.

Well it depends on what you mean by religion. When a child is young it is the parents place to teach them. One parent will choose to teach his kid about God, another might teach his kid about cars or music, another golf. My kid might be the next tiger woods, but if he doesn't like golf he might look back on the years he spent swinging and missing as being child abuse.

Your statement would suggest that teaching anything that turns out to be considered to have no value in hindsight could be seen as a form of child abuse. In the case of religion there are over 5 billion people on the Earth who wouldn't agree with you. Actually, yours is a minority view point since you yourself are in the minority in not having a belief in a god. I'm glad my parents taught me about God. And I'm glad some of what they taught me stuck.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

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"the god theory doesn't make much sense is easy to say but not so easy to really believe when it's been drummed into you since birth"

that's really a big point. it's not like we're given lots of time to grow up and choose our religion. religionists (is that a word?) prey on young minds with a greater ferocity than nationalists.

to get back to the topic, i forgot about god when i was first exposed, in a calm and rational manner, to the idea that there wasn't one.

I agree. Teaching religion to young children is a form of child abuse.

Well it depends on what you mean by religion. When a child is young it is the parents place to teach them. One parent will choose to teach his kid about God, another might teach his kid about cars or music, another golf. My kid might be the next tiger woods, but if he doesn't like golf he might look back on the years he spent swinging and missing as being child abuse.

Your statement would suggest that teaching anything that turns out to be considered to have no value in hindsight could be seen as a form of child abuse. In the case of religion there are over 5 billion people on the Earth who wouldn't agree with you. Actually, yours is a minority view point since you yourself are in the minority in not having a belief in a god. I'm glad my parents taught me about God. And I'm glad some of what they taught me stuck.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

This quote might fit you:

I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

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Believers like to define he*l as a place where an infinite amount of pain is inflicted on the dam*ed for an infitite amount of time. And, these believers say that this is the place where non-believers will go when they die. So, this person who dies in sin will have more suffering than all the pain experienced by all the world's population since the beginning of time.

This is a loving God? I don't think so. If so God is the devil himself.

You speaking for all believers there corkscrew? I don't actually like to define hel_l at all.

But if I had to I think it would be more biblically accurate to look at hel_l as living in the absence of God. I would suggest that since you are already distancing yourself from God, you will not notice a big difference between this and hel_l.

God gives us freedom to live life. Freedom to choose and freedom to make mistakes. There is even provision in God's plan to pick up the pieces when we make those mistakes. But ultimately he doesn't force his will on us. Turning the problem on God is illogical. If you end up in hel_l you are responsible not God. I assure you God doesn't want anyone to perish, but he's not going to force you to do the right things. It is called freedom.

So, your concept of he*l doesn't involve pain? You just don't see God? Sort of like Earth Version 2.0?

Well since you claim to have never seen God, then I guess for you it might be like 1.0 all over again.

Without God of course there is pain. God promises to wipe away every tear. I believe in God and I believe what he says he will do. Think of it like this....

A 6-year-old child is told not to cycle his bike without his father holding on to help. The kid thinks he can do it on his own and falls off. He ends up with grazed knees and a bruised ego. His Dad feels the kids pain, and runs over to pick up his son and give him a hug. Some kids will choose to be angry at the father and refuse the support. How can the father wipe away your tears if you don't let him.

Maybe your life is full of contentment and purpose without God. Mine wasn't. We both have the freedom. This works for me, that works for you.

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thats why i love buddhism,

as it states that we are all responsible for our own actions and must be prepared to face the consequences of those actions.

this also relates to why i love thailand as one can do what he wants, ( drugs, wine, women, and song)

but when one takes its too far he must pay for his actions.

There's nothing in Buddhism about only paying for actions that go too far. Drugs, wine and casual sex break two of the Five Precepts. If a lot of people are indulging, it just means a lot of people don't care about the precepts.

im not saying that drugs and the rest are the way to go.

im saying that buddhism says, we are all responsible for our own actions and must answer for those actions.

this is what i live my life by.

i am responsible for my own actions and cannot blame it on some one else.

hope ive made that a bit clearer.

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This quote might fit you:

I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

"I believe in one fewer god than you do" - this means that I believe in one more god than you do.

Since atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and I believe in a God, you can not accurately contend that I am an atheist.

Who's quote is that anyway? It's poorly constructed.

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I had a really terrible and traumatic experience some years ago. A good friend of my’n was killed. I almost died. At that moment as I faced the possibilities I thought of Thor, and cried out for Thor to help. I am still alive, and thank Thor daily.

Until you have faced death and continued to live, you can not say that god does not exist. God does exist and he carry’s a hammer. His name is Thor.

Those of use who have faced such hardship have a special allowance to claim that god exists. I’m sure that my friend that wasn’t saved would agree. If not then it’s probably because he didn’t cry out to Thor.

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How old were you before you realized that the concept of God was silly?

I went to a Roman Catholic boarding school...those ludicrous teachings convinced me that the concept of a God made no sence at all.

How about you?


The only thing worse than a troll... is an atheist troll.

Blaming religious institutions for your lack of spiritual wisdom is a sign of immaturity... and a cry for help, i think.

Not everyone will seek or find "GOD" in this life. It's called free will.

But after that ... Surprise Surprise!

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This quote might fit you:

I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

"I believe in one fewer god than you do" - this means that I believe in one more god than you do.

Since atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and I believe in a God, you can not accurately contend that I am an atheist.

Who's quote is that anyway? It's poorly constructed.

As the historian Stephen Henry Roberts (1901-71) once said: "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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I had a really terrible and traumatic experience some years ago. A good friend of my’n was killed. I almost died. At that moment as I faced the possibilities I thought of Thor, and cried out for Thor to help. I am still alive, and thank Thor daily.

Until you have faced death and continued to live, you can not say that god does not exist. God does exist and he carry’s a hammer. His name is Thor.

Those of use who have faced such hardship have a special allowance to claim that god exists. I’m sure that my friend that wasn’t saved would agree. If not then it’s probably because he didn’t cry out to Thor.


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I had a really terrible and traumatic experience some years ago. A good friend of my’n was killed. I almost died. At that moment as I faced the possibilities I thought of Thor, and cried out for Thor to help. I am still alive, and thank Thor daily.

Until you have faced death and continued to live, you can not say that god does not exist. God does exist and he carry’s a hammer. His name is Thor.

Those of use who have faced such hardship have a special allowance to claim that god exists. I’m sure that my friend that wasn’t saved would agree. If not then it’s probably because he didn’t cry out to Thor.


Bloody ell corky ... have you been on the champers at the Oriental ..? Ive never seen you like this ... :o

However, as an answer, if you believe, and it works for you, then good, if you don't believe, and it works, then good also ... :D

Edited by davidjtayler
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This quote might fit you:

I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

"I believe in one fewer god than you do" - this means that I believe in one more god than you do.

Since atheists do not believe in the existence of God, and I believe in a God, you can not accurately contend that I am an atheist.

Who's quote is that anyway? It's poorly constructed.

As the historian Stephen Henry Roberts (1901-71) once said: "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

I just wanted to know who said it. Having read it again, it still makes no sense for the same reasons I gave above. He clearly doesn't understand what the word "atheist" means.

He lived for 70 years and you remember him for being a fool:

"From the creation of the world, My invisible qualities, My eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly observed in what I made. As a result, people have no excuse. They knew Me but did not praise and thank me for being God. Instead, their thoughts were pointless, and their misguided minds were plunged into darkness. While claiming to be wise, they became fools." - God

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