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Albuquerque man awaiting trial may have fled to Thailand


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Albuquerque man awaiting trial may have fled to Thailand

Joy Wang




ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A former APS teacher is accused of sexually assaulting a student.


But in October, Judge Christina Argyres released Kenneth Jehle without bail. In fact, she even allowed him to move to Michigan pending his trial.


But now prosecutors are worried he might show up in court. That’s because they believe Jehle might flee to Thailand.


The state filed an emergency motion to review Jehle's conditions of release earlier this month.


Full story: http://www.kob.com/albuquerque-news/albuquerque-man-awaiting-trial-may-have-fled-to-thailand/4524005/


KOB: 2017-06-24

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14 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

Looks like another 'bad guy' possibly in !

This 'good guys in, bad guys out' policy from immigration isn't looking like too much of a success.

I think they misprinted the original policy; the good guys are gradually being forced out, whereas Thailand seems to attract the bad guys even more.

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Why do all the criminals, especially the pedo's think Thailand is such a great place to run to?  The cops here are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but if they get an arrest request from the U.S., they do have a pretty good record of following through on that. 


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now prosecutors are worried he might show up in court. That’s because they believe Jehle might flee to Thailand.??????what is the problem if he shows up in court on time?

good boy??

Why should every criminal flees to Thailand?  Can the Thai Authority explain? ?

how many are there already??

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3 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

Just my opinion, and I could be wrong, but I think if you took all the actual foreign criminals out of Pattaya and Phuket, those places would look like ghost towns. lol





No, that's nonsense. May be you should look for new friends. Pattaya isn't that bad.

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How many days of the so called teachers here have valid degrees apostled and also have police clearance certificates from their native countries,????? There should be a thorough check on all irrespective of their color and country...if that is implemented it would stop the rogues from landing as teachers and also weed out all the rogue elements...

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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I don't have any friends down there.  All my friends are respectable people in Chiang Mai. 


if your interests solely consist of bar girls, beer and bikes you will make plenty of friends in Pattaya

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6 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

now prosecutors are worried he might show up in court. That’s because they believe Jehle might flee to Thailand.??????what is the problem if he shows up in court on time?

good boy??

Why should every criminal flees to Thailand?  Can the Thai Authority explain? ?

how many are there already??

I hope you know that was a misprint.

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