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15 hours ago, timendres said:

Well, of course, you are absolutely correct. The transformation of society over the past 30 years is nothing short of biblical. On the other hand, the more those in power depend on those information sources, the easier it will be to blind them if need be.


However, on a personal level, you still have the option of freedom. Without question, it is far more difficult than it was in the past - the new mandatory health coverage law being the perfect example of assaulting our freedoms. But it is still possible. It is just that most people cannot imagine the cost of total freedom. Others of us attempt to achieve a level short of that ideal. Unfortunately, today's youth have never tasted the freedoms we enjoyed 50 years ago, so I am afraid they have no concept of what we have lost.


Powerful people at the top have always had power to influence and control. And the bell curve dictates that society will usually move as a herd. Hopefully wise voices and good leadership will arise, as they have in the past. Only time will tell.


Real issues are on the horizon. We will see how our fellow citizens respond to the times ahead. I still believe people have an inherent desire for freedom and fairness. Unfortunately, there are times when they are lulled to sleep. Hopefully they wake up before we pass the point of no return.

"  Hopefully they wake up before we pass the point of no return. "


but we have already -the classic frog in boiling water syndrome. I mean how can you be optimistic when there is such an undeniable trend? for example here are two articles just from today describing the state of affairs in 2 totally unrelated countries-Germany and India(and of course we are already at this stage here in Thailand).





Big Brother has truly arrived – in India of all places. As the Hindustan Times reports, India’s government inter alia brazenly asserts that “privacy is not a fundamental right”. The cards are mandatory for all citizens, and since almost everything has to be linked to them (including bank accounts), no-one can afford not to apply for a card. As the Hindustan Times correctly notes: “Aadhar marks a fundamental shift in citizen-state relations: from ‘We the People’ to ‘We the Government’. If the rampant misuse of electronic surveillance powers and willful ignorance of the law by the state is any precedent, the future looks bleak”. [PT]




Gestapo is Back: German Homes Raided Over Facebook Posts




The German government has raided the homes of 36 people accused of hateful posting on social media.

With the internet, the government can simply hear and see for themselves what thought crimes are being committed, especially when people decide to post them on social media. But why shouldn’t people be allowed to be offensive on social media? Sometimes only by poking and prodding do we get to the crux of an issue. There is a place in society for all types of discourse, and when the government gets to define what constitutes “hate speech” they will simply label their enemies’ language as such.





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1 hour ago, Asiantravel said:

"  Hopefully they wake up before we pass the point of no return. "


but we have already -the classic frog in boiling water syndrome. I mean how can you be optimistic when there is such an undeniable trend? for example here are two articles just from today describing the state of affairs in 2 totally unrelated countries-Germany and India(and of course we are already at this stage here in Thailand).





Gestapo is Back: German Homes Raided Over Facebook Posts





I agree.

The populace has been quietly and efficiently dumbed down, thanks to reality TV...all too real... then to smart phones...smart? for the seller maybe...

Only a few hundred thousand people, worldwide (!), inform themselves via Zerohedge and similar blogs, while the rest drinks the kool aid constantly served by mainstream media: "everything is well, you have never had it better, don't forget to pay your taxes and to buy a sixpack..."

There will be no wake up, at least no wake up from the masses who won't move a finger as long as there will be electricity and pizza...if that comes to stop, then they will go back to barbarism straight away.


Our politico-economico-social system has been beyond reform for a while, especially since 2008.

We live now in the age of Running Man and similar movies...outrageous entertainment, brutal police, plenty of money for a few and nothing for the rest.

Difficult to know where things will go from there, but they will probably get worse before they get...even worse!

Trump could help by creating one or many major crisis that would precipitate the collapse...better than going through a long and painful agony...


On 7/2/2017 at 7:46 PM, timendres said:

Capitalism is the natural result of personal freedom and private property.

It is the current debt-based monetary system, and it's mismanagement, that requires growth, not capitalism.

Whether or not capitalism is moral or amoral depends on it's participants, just like any organization of humans.

Personally, I have more faith in thousands of individual capitalist business owners than I will ever have in a few communist "leaders".

What we really need is a monetary system that serves it's true purpose, minimal government regulations that level the playing field and protect society's interests, and more leadership and social discussion about how to move towards a future that is sustainable.

In terms of sustainability, I have more faith in capitalism to deliver that than any other alternative.



There is something like "the Credit Cycle." A major peak of the Credit Cycle occurred in the 1930ies. Was not counter-acted by expanding the money-supply. A deep deflationary depression had to follow.

The peak of the credit cycle unfolding during 2008, the central banks were in agreement: "No repetition of the 1930ies!"
The ensuing frenzie of printing money had the positive effect of avoiding a 1930ies scenario. Fine!

But it is only now, that it's getting really interesting, while the central banks are trying slow the "creation" of money.
- Has a "deflationary-cleansing" only been postponed? If not,
- Are no or depressingly slow growth-rates for decades the price for having avoided a "deflationary-clensing"? (The Japan Syndrome?)


Realizing, that no or slow growth rates will not reduce the youth unemployment rates in Europe (ranging from 10 to 40%, depending on country). A pack of dynamite, with the fuse already lit, me thinks.
Eighter way, "interesting times" ahead.


attitudes have changed considerably over the decades and now it's more about me me me

if things get tough will humans pull together in small communities or will they become animallike? 

 As the following clip shows a gang of bikers Venezuela chase down and attack a truck (with molotov cocktails) just to steal its sugar payload...



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