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anyway, even if it IS him and even if he is realy dead - he was made as he was by his very executioners, and before that he was originally their puppet and tool against Iran. as well as all those Talibans / mojahedins / Osama.

and after he's (or all others) got to know to much and especially of their methods and rebeled - he's become a monster and has been publicly and examplary executed.

what about Pinochet, who's died his own death without any trials or such popmous examplary stuff? his letter has been revealed, where he said he didn't regret power take over or whatever followed....

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the bbc video , although it stops short of the actual hanging , is quite disturbing to watch.

there is no doubt he deserved it , but to watch a man being led to his death and seeing the expression on his face is not pleasant.

here is his last moment.

i believe that murderers like him should face capital punishment and be made to feel the fear and terror that their victims were made to feel.


Nobody is dupe: it is not an Iraki decision

Sadham Hussein has been caught by US Army, jailed in a US prison, judged by a Court that everybody is estimating as manipulated by the US Administration, just few minutes before the execution he has been transferred to the Iraki hangman and the current US President is blessing the execution....

Unfortunately the GIs are going to pay an heavy tribute in the coming days as the Iraki civilians. In Europe most comments from Middle East specialists agree on that point. (If you are able to get the European TVs- and not only the BBC )

I do not deny about the life style of Middle East, but in this specific case, westerners are behind the scene and have gotten the power to decide.

You must not let your feelings confusing when taking such a decision: it is too heavy in consequences.


I guess we all know he was hanged for the Halabja poison gas attack in 1988. Now some interesting other information, from Wikipedia:

According to the Washington Post, the CIA began in 1984 secretly to give Iraq intelligence that Iraq used to "calibrate" its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops. In August, the CIA establishes a direct Washington-Baghdad intelligence link, and for 18 months, starting in early 1985, the CIA provided Iraq with "data from sensitive U.S. satellite reconnaissance photography...to assist Iraqi bombing raids." The Post’s source said that this data was essential to Iraq’s war effort.
Nerve gas agents killed about 20,000 Iranian soldiers immediately, according to official reports. Of the 90,000 survivors, some 5,000 seek medical treatment regularly and about 1,000 are still hospitalized with severe, chronic conditions. Many others were hit by mustard gas.
The Al Haddad trading company of Tennessee delivered 60 tons of DMMP, a chemical used to make sarin, a nerve gas implicated in so-called Gulf War Syndrome.
The U.S. firm Alcolac International supplied one mustard-gas precursor, thiodiglycol, to both Iraq and Iran. Overall between 300-400 tons were sent to Iraq.

So really, the CIA gave Iraq the technology and US companies supplied the sarin nerve gas and mustard gas that killed tens of thousands of Iranians in the Iraq-Iran war. And back to the Halabja poison gas attack, for which Saddam was hanged:

The U.S. State Department, in the immediate aftermath of the incident, instructed its diplomats to say that Iran was partly to blame.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying don't hold those who did it responsible. But really all we've seen is the puppetmaster dancing around the dead puppet chanting "justice has been done!".

just few minutes before the execution he has been transferred to the Iraki hangman and the current US President is blessing the execution....

iraqi hangman? they're wearing masks and there's no sound on the tape. how can you tell they're iraqi?

in a sense - yes.

that's how all dictators and all politicians should and will eventually end up.

after saddam - bush and blair (they murdered some 600 000 + of iraquis alone - not forgetting afghans).

thaksin as well did kill a few thousands suspected with using or dealing drugs and some 80 muslims in the deep south just in a one day massacre

...and of course the muslims have killed nobody down south by beheadings and burninngs...killing teachers and monks. All bush and blair did was give 50 million a chance to vote on their future, for better or for worst, and to take control of their countries. toad.


the u.s. DID give Iraq artillery, older fighter jets and the like. where did Iraq get its postion gasses...it made themselves...anybody can do it and it is easy cheap and fast...that is why it is favored. any scientific contribution came directly from the former soviet union. the west would not give iraq info on gas making because afraid they would use it against israel. when i was in iraq I was at a factory that had been used to make phosgene gas (a choking agent) and was happy to see it blown up (except for the fact that I was at MOPP for five hours). all of the equipment there was iraqi and old worn out soviet crap (the factory had been derilect for some time because it was too close t the no-fly zone). the french gave them mirage jets, the brits gave them some artillery and the germans actually provided them with outdated NBC equipment that would never have worked. you have to read more than one book and gain some experiences for yourself.


Iraq needs a megalomaniac leader?

I hear Toxy's looking for a job!

His last job comes replete with recommendations as he dealt with muslims so well...


Nobody is dupe: it is not an Iraki decision

Sadham Hussein has been caught by US Army

No, he was found in his hole by Iraqis and THEN handed over to U.S. troops. WARLYWOOD

, jailed in a US prison, judged by a Court that everybody is estimating as manipulated by the US

Facts very often get distorted intentionally by the US govt with the help of the media.

Remember his statue being toppled over? An american tank brought it down. Not Iraqis. WARLIWOOD

Iraqis found Zarqawi, then he was bombed.

Remember the female soldier, Jessica Lynch, who's unit was attacked and she was captured, they made her a hero? Turns out the Iraqis had taken care of her and then tried to bring her back in an ambulance but the ambulance was shot at, this followed by a videotaped rescue in the middle of the night?:o Again, WARLIWOOD.

There are many other such accounts easy to find in news articles.

The broadcast of Saddam's execution is simply one more episode of WARLIWOOD, brought to you by the nice people in WARSHINGTON.


Well done Bronco for getting two non-Thai-related

non-fun- related duplicate posts in the top ten on

"view new posts" as I type.

Yeah I know , you're a super-hero and you'll remember

my name for this but <deleted>

One of my new year's resolutions is to be nicer so I'm

just working it out of my system while there's still time.



Yes....monster.....megalomaniac......'butcher of Baghdad'........he deserved the gallows......if you believe in capital punishment.......

......however....how come Blair and Bush aren't also succumbing to the same fate this New Year?

Well done Bronco for getting two non-Thai-related

non-fun- related duplicate posts in the top ten on

"view new posts" as I type.

Yeah I know , you're a super-hero and you'll remember

my name for this but <deleted>

One of my new year's resolutions is to be nicer so I'm

just working it out of my system while there's still time.


HEY SIMPSON!!!!! give Bronco credit for the threads, but it was none other than yours truly who got them in the view new posts at the same time.... :o


What is it all about?

Same as always with these snakes! This one they will pay trough the nose so better stay clear of congregations of yanks for some time but hopefully the payback will be only on NA continent so that no one will get hurt!


"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested."



... My main concern by the way is that it has been turned into a circus.

Hang him , yes, no problem, but to video it and send it around the world you are making a farce out of it.

No. Not a 'farce'.

A 'psyops'. CIA-style.

And pumped out by the Zionist-controlled mainstream media to dupe the masses into thinking that 'progress' is being made in Iraq. :o

(Please note my new username. Had an 'unintended translation' problem with the old one...)

...The broadcast of Saddam's execution is simply one more episode of WARLIWOOD, brought to you by the nice people in WARSHINGTON.


And how many times have they 'killed' Zarqawi now? :o

Some of us aint be fooled too ez...

iraqi hangman? they're wearing masks and there's no sound on the tape. how can you tell they're iraqi?

Dunno...They look like Al Queda to me. I guess 'ol Sad'em is lucky they didn't saw his head off

You're a loonie...

And you're misinformed (or probably just another one in the legions of brain-washed, unthinking fools out there that lap up everything the media feeds them...)

No,you are a loonie.That site is the biggest amount of dross that I have ever seen.Do you believe that site??? :o

In the mid-seventies America faced a new and escalating crisis, with US commercial jets being hijacked for geopolitical purposes. Determined to gain the upper hand in this new form of aerial warfare, two American multinationals collaborated with the Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA) on a project designed to facilitate the remote recovery of hijacked American aircraft. Brilliant both in concept and operation, “Home Run” [not its real code name]allowed specialist ground controllers to listen in to cockpit conversations on the target aircraft, then take absolute control of its computerized flight control system by remote means.

From that point onwards, regardless of the wishes of the hijackers or flight deck crew, the hijacked aircraft could be recovered and landed automatically at an airport of choice, with no more difficulty than flying a radio-controlled model plane. The engineers had no idea that almost thirty years after its initial design, Home Run’s top secret computer codes would be broken, and the system used to facilitate direct ground control of the four aircraft used in the high-profile attacks on New York and Washington on 11th September 2001.

You're a loonie...

And you're misinformed (or probably just another one in the legions of brain-washed, unthinking fools out there that lap up everything the media feeds them...)

I suppose Rahyumdee that you see black helicopters in the middle of the night and you know that the CIA is making you impotent through the beams they send through your microwave oven. And you see people lurking behind every bush....

It is amazing...technology keeps advancing at such a rapid rate while the human condition on this planet keeps forever bogged in the mud.


well the jobs done, hanged





Do you honestly believe that?

I bet he is in Cuba or some other God forsaken Country with a leader like he used to be.

We saw the noose going around his neck and him supposedly in a blanket/bag when it was over.

He is not dead IMO until I see him being dropped on the gallows and its not his double.

......however....how come Blair and Bush aren't also succumbing to the same fate this New Year?

Perhaps we should have you swinging??? .... wouldnt be any less wrong than sending PM Blair and Pres Bush to the gallows. :o

Well, soilurker et al - how would you like to have been the marsh-arabs or kurds that were killed by the thousands and tens of thousands.

It's always easy to say that others need guidance and a strong hand - where do you draw the line of who needs this and who doesn't?!

Bizarre how the destruction of a people, even genocide, is seen as an acceptable alternative to chaos . . .

The only way out that I see is the partitioning along religious lines - possibly one side will be swallowed up by Iran, and then maybe not. The randomly drawn-up national boundaries by the Brits last century are the main reason why the place is in disarray.

Benevolent dictatorship? Absolutely.

Murderous dicatorship? No way.

et al ? Not quite sure what you mean mate.

I think your missing my point here. I am not in dissagreement with you. Ofcourse im against a regime that is prone to have oppression, murder and mayhem. If you think a benevolent dictatorship is going to sort out problems and work there, you may be just as misguided as most other westeners. The way i see it, the country ran while saddam reigned, now its civil war. Going from a murderous dictatorship to a benevolent dictatorship will be almost impossible to find an inbetween. Take a look at the extreem groups and views in that country, and you may see why saddam's rule was so.


Important news I agree.


Do we REALLY need two threads on the subject whose relevence to Thailand is tenuous at best?? Particularly as the two were started within 5 minutes of each other by the same OP, an act which would normally be pounced upon by the moderation team :o

Here's the other http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...=98992&st=0

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

in a sense - yes.

that's how all dictators and all politicians should and will eventually end up.

after saddam - bush and blair (they murdered some 600 000 + of iraquis alone - not forgetting afghans).

thaksin as well did kill a few thousands suspected with using or dealing drugs and some 80 muslims in the deep south just in a one day massacre

...and of course the muslims have killed nobody down south by beheadings and burninngs...killing teachers and monks. All bush and blair did was give 50 million a chance to vote on their future, for better or for worst, and to take control of their countries. toad.

Not accurate, they've done just a little bit more. Do some reading and critical thinking (or learn to think critically), before you show your ignorance by posting such drivel.

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