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Places To Find A Girlfriend In Bkk?

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what is ur perceptions of a good gal ?? If you really fancy tat gal any gal will be good gal to you. My mum ever told me that " you can marry a bar gal as wife but dun ever bring ur wife to become bar gal"

I think you mean "You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl." :o

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i think i didn't write it the right way. dont get me wrong, i'm not picky, not at all. in the contrary, i prefer a good conversation and smart mind over a cute face any day, after all its what you have to live with when you turn off the lights at night. what i meant is not someone who's looking for a "customer", but a relationship. i know i can go to nana plaza to meet a girl if i want to, but the mt. everest of odds is stacked against me in that case. so i was looking more for a normal place where average girls, not hookers looking for customers, go to..


I hear you, baby. I've kind of wondered for the past few years where decent guys, who are looking for a real relationship and are not afraid of commitment, hang out. :D

By the way, is it you in the pic? :o

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By the way, is it you in the pic? :o

LOOK OUT, rainman... LonelyCutie zoning in! :D (Sorry, could not resist). :D

Actually, why not pop over to Chula or Thammasat, or even Bangkok University, and have lunch at the cantine, check out the library, and look charmingly lost... maybe ask a girl for directions... :D

Lots of "lovely cuties" there, and not so few who can keep up a good conversation too... Right age, unless you want somebody a little more mature.

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Sandy and Lovely, did you notice that Rainman's photo is from the sixties?

Did he say 5 months old photo?

How come he forgot the next 40 years.

Hmmm, the mind is the first thing to go and time fliiiies,... :o:D

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but the chance of finding a "normal" girlfriend is one in ten thousand

Throughout life I always found that if you look for something real hard, you will not find it cause it is likely right under you nose. If you wait for something the day it finally arrives seems a lot farther than if you just continue on with life ........

I suggest that you just go out and have a good time and exercise the least used words in a man's vocabulary, if you run up against someone that does not interest you, "NO THANK YOU"

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When its time, the girl/guy would come to you. Or just somehow, u 2 would just run into each other. Theres no need to actually go out to find them. When u see her/him, you would know that that's the persone u want to be with. No other questions asked.

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A bit more than 10 years older than LovelyCutie.

When life starts actuallly,... :D

Jeez.. Did you just talk about my age again, Brue? :o

Sandy, no big deal about innocent or not. He's young, usually young boys are yummy too. :D

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Well, i went to Robinsons today with the purpose to get some shopping done. Nice place, some ..very friendly departments.

Learning fast, Rainman, very fast.

Who is the teacher? :D:D

Men! :o

Just watch out, rainman darling.. I've met a girl one night at HRC. She said she worked at a big shopping centre during the days. And in the nights, she went out looking for someone for extra money and drugs.

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Well, i went to Robinsons today with the purpose to get some shopping done. Nice place, some ..very friendly departments.

Learning fast, Rainman, very fast.

Who is the teacher? :D:D

Men! :o

Just watch out, rainman darling.. I've met a girl one night at HRC. She said she worked at a big shopping centre during the days. And in the nights, she went out looking for someone for extra money and drugs.

Rainman, after you've been played you'll understand how crafty the little beauties

can be. It happens to us all at one point or another; it is just the way.

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Hey rainman,

Not sure how your quest for a "normal" relationship is faring but this might help. First I will add a word to your (like mine) limited Thai vocabulary "Nitnoy" eng. Little Bit. Next I would like to introduce my sister-in-law of the same (nick)name. Nongnit was twenty March 2004 and attends St John's University in Bangkok. Nitnoy is studying International Marketing and Japanese Language. Her English is sufficient to get by on a date with patience and is improving as many of her classes are entirely in Angit.

Nitnoy is interested in exploring a relationship with the right man. She has never dated and if your were to kiss on the first date it would be her first. This might make her sound prim but I assure she is outgoing, athletic and a great gal to take to karaoke as she has a terrific voice. She is also beautiful as you should see using the URL's.

At the risk of making this a diatribe I have to dispell much of the disinformation you have recieved from well-meaning expats. Bangkok like NYC or SF has it's seemy side and it seems like every girl is a hooker. Using the same analegy that does not mean that Greenwich CT or St Helena Sonoma CA have the same profile. Thailand is much the same only more so. The country towns are peopled with everyday families who raise families in a decent and disserning way.

Nitnoy has four sisters three are married one to a Japanese Aerospace supplier(they met when Nee was the Concierge ate the Amari hotel), another to a Thai business man (they met at a Cosmetics Expo in Bangkok) and Fern my wife I met at ANUGA in Koln, Germany. Nitnoy's elder sister Jin (23) is unmarried and is studying in Tokyo and Bangkok alternately. She has also never dated and I assure she is as beautiful as Nitnoy.

My point, there are girls who have not resorted to prostitution in Thailand and the profile of Bangkok which is where 99% of expats get their impressions is not typical. Do I speak from experience? well I have lived and worked in six countries, visted and conducted business in 110 others. I have a Ranch in North Eastern Thailand a house in Bangkok and I have visited every major city. My first visit to Thailand ws as First Officer on HMS Belfast in 1969.

This may all be for nought if you have found what you were looking for, but if not please let Nitnoy know via [email protected] or this site and I am sure she will reply.



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raiman, I wanted to make sure you got the pics of Nitnoy and I noticed they did not come out on the email. These URL's should get the right result. Incidentally the arm she is linked into on the first pic is mine...I will share the rest of the pic which includes her four sisters if you're interested??



Incidentally thank you mbkudu for the support. This webcrawler seems like a good guy and Nitnoy is a great gal...take my word I'm a Buddhist :-) :o

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Rain Man try the following thailandfriends.com also buy yourself a phrase book or 2 loney planet and rough guide I think is the best ones. And then keep then with you at all times.

Most educated Thai girls speak English especially if they go to St. John's University since it is one of the most expensive ones in town.

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Let me know where and when. I'll give you a good spank!  :D


*whip* Behave yourself, hon. I'll be going down to your place soon and promise I will spank you gooooood! :o:D

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