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Myanmar worker exodus from Thailand continues


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10 hours ago, observer90210 said:

The real wake-up call will start when the expats, fed up the A-O-L-Ma-xyz level visa hassles,

or fed up in being overcharged for everything and nothing,

start to line up at Suvarnabhumi, [with their cash] and commence leaving Thailand for good....



There is already an exodus taking place and has been for the last year or so...but not enough to form queue's at any one time.  Nine people i know have left for pastures new in the last six months.     More will leave and a few more will come until they have had a gut full of the xenophobic attitude that we all suffer from the Thai establishment.   They are lucky that many of us get married to Thai women and stay here with our money supporting the economy because the country doesn't really deserve it.

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16 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

There is already an exodus taking place and has been for the last year or so...but not enough to form queue's at any one time.  Nine people i know have left for pastures new in the last six months.     More will leave and a few more will come until they have had a gut full of the xenophobic attitude that we all suffer from the Thai establishment.   They are lucky that many of us get married to Thai women and stay here with our money supporting the economy because the country doesn't really deserve it.


I've heard that before, though I haven't seen any evidence of it (what evidence I might hope to see isn't clear to me). I think it could well be true though, it seems like a government pastime to denigrate foreigners of all nationalities, though I think this is in support of the 'Thai is best at everything' propaganda fantasy. That bit of xenophobia was designed to persuade Thais that their governmental and not-so--governmental structure made them number one in the world, so they shouldn't try to change it. Of course that approach to population-moulding depended on commoners (non-feudal-elites) not having access to the real world outside Thailand's borders, so that's well and truly collapsing now, and the results are all around us.


I say that because, oddly, I think that in 10 years, the environment for foreigners in Thailand will have improved. There's no doubt in my mind that Thais who do not change their approaches to life will become every bit as as successful as the Zimbabweans are now. A whole shed load of misery lies in wait for them, and their race to embrace it will accelerate after October this year, as predicted by many. After that, as I say, I think they will begin to see foreigners in a rather different light. Rightly.

Edited by Ivor Edwards
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13 minutes ago, Ivor Edwards said:


I've heard that before, though I haven't seen any evidence of it (what evidence I might hope to see isn't clear to me). I think it could well be true though, it seems like a government pastime to denigrate foreigners of all nationalities, though I think this is in support of the 'Thai is best at everything' propaganda fantasy. That bit of xenophobia was designed to persuade Thais that their governmental and not-so--governmental structure made them number one in the world, so they shouldn't try to change it. Of course that approach to population-moulding depended on commoners (non-feudal-elites) not having access to the real world outside Thailand's borders, so that's well and truly collapsing now, and the results are all around us.


I say that because, oddly, I think that in 10 years, the environment for foreigners in Thailand will have improved. There's no doubt in my mind that Thais who do not change their approaches to life will become every bit as as successful as the Zimbabweans are now. A whole shed load of misery lies in wait for them, and their race to embrace it will accelerate after October this year, as predicted by many. After that, as I say, I think they will begin to see foreigners in a rather different light. Rightly.

Ten years ago i thought as you do now but sadly, if anything, the xenophobia has become worse !

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I hope this is the start of pay back time for most of Thailand's neighbouring country's.


Thailand's expansion and wealth has increased significantly over the last couple of decades, and a lot of it is due to the exploitation of it's migrant workforce from neighbouring countries.


Those same people who make been treated appallingly by a vast majority of the Thai authorities and population.


Slave labour, people trafficking and prostitution are just the tip of the dirty, corrupt ice burg.


I for one hope the Burmese. Cambodian, Laos people go back to there home land, and become successful and happy, they deserve it.


And with the vast majority of the Thai population Buddhist, they will understand  Karma will come back to hit them hard....well deserved.


Edited by MorristheRunt
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20 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Ten years ago i thought as you do now but sadly, if anything, the xenophobia has become worse !


I agree but it's more recent even than that - it's got noticeably worse over the past 5 or 6 years, but I think it's got tangled up in other stuff - like what it means to be Thai is not so clear now as it was 5 years ago. There comes a tipping point, beyond which the overbalance towards xenophobia and resentment at not being unique any more diminishes. I think we'll see the beginning of that after October, by which time people will become more acclimatised to being bereft. The army will play this card for all they're worth, of course but there aren't many smart people in the Army, all they can do is pander a bit to the great unwashed to fend off what they fear will be a counter-revolution.


But it is coming...


While I'm at it, I have a word to the wise. It won't make the [post off-topic or anything because it is - kind of related.


It would pay every member to be very careful of what they say on TV, particularly in respect of 112-related matters. The RTP are paying a lot of attention to TV and it's members lately, not because of any 112 complaints but because a number of Thais have lodged complaints about supervisors and management not having appropriate work permits to do what they do in Thailand. As everyone will know, work permits and foreigners working unlawfully is a hot potato now with the junta.


My son-in-law is a copper, and he had a quiet word in my shell-like ear a few days ago. Since then, complaints have been lodged. The support girl (Linda I think her name is) was tipped off about this last week, but I doubt she mentioned it to anyone - head down, bottom up - you know. Besides, if the whisper I heard is right, she doesn't live in Thailand anyway. Thos who do though, are in for a bit of a torrid time by all accounts, it isn't just Cambodians and Burmese who are in the sights of the RTP and RTA.


I just got some peanuts, lovely with a nice cold beer while I watch the fun. Some WP-related victims used to be given the option of a 30,000 THB 'donation;'and all was forgiven. Not this time, it'll be a visit to one of the government hotels, a quick return flight home and their name on a blacklist. Bad news for those with Thai families...


Anyway, just a whisper, probably nothing to it, you know what Thais are like for their rumours.... still, I'm happy to be Thai and I love all Thais. Wonderful people.

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21 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Ten years ago i thought as you do now but sadly, if anything, the xenophobia has become worse !

I agree & we acted on it

Last year we started to notice a lot of what we considered "smart"

(Long time Thailand expat residents with businesses & homes) selling & moving


We decided it had been a good run of many years in Thailand & we loved it, but it seemed to be closing down

& the Junta seemed to be settling in for a long sat.


As such we sold our business & our Thai home

We figured it is never a problem to re-buy & move back someday if conditions improved

But if they got worse it would be a flood of homes & businesses for sale making our sale less profitable


Now from where we sit & watch we see similar real estate is already at much lower prices than we sold at.

So we watch but at the same time we realize what  we were missing now that we are back in a country that we have rights

as well as opportunities in.


We will surely go back to Thailand sometime but unlikely in the same way we lived before.



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7 minutes ago, meechai said:

I agree & we acted on it

Last year we started to notice a lot of what we considered "smart"

(Long time Thailand expat residents with businesses & homes) selling & moving


We decided it had been a good run of many years in Thailand & we loved it, but it seemed to be closing down

& the Junta seemed to be settling in for a long sat.


As such we sold our business & our Thai home

We figured it is never a problem to re-buy & move back someday if conditions improved

But if they got worse it would be a flood of homes & businesses for sale making our sale less profitable


Now from where we sit & watch we see similar real estate is already at much lower prices than we sold at.

So we watch but at the same time we realize what  we were missing now that we are back in a country that we have rights

as well as opportunities in.


We will surely go back to Thailand sometime but unlikely in the same way we lived before.



Congratulations. Braver then me, or your wife is more adventurous. Is she Thai?

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Whats all the fuss about they are illegal workers being exploited by the ruthlessly greedy.


Let them return home and maybe return as properly documented workers and let the Thai business owners employ people from their own country.


If Thais truly don't want this work the Govt needs to find out why.


I have never been a believer of the notion of "We bring these workers in because the locals don't like this type of work" 


It is a lie by those who wish to profit by taking advantage of people who will work for lower wages, and this happens in all countries.

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59 minutes ago, Ivor Edwards said:

Congratulations. Braver then me, or your wife is more adventurous. Is she Thai?


Thanks but it was not too spooky

Yes my wife is Thai  but holds dual  citizenship so easy to move back & forth


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27 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

Whats all the fuss about they are illegal workers being exploited by the ruthlessly greedy.


Let them return home and maybe return as properly documented workers and let the Thai business owners employ people from their own country.


If Thais truly don't want this work the Govt needs to find out why.


I have never been a believer of the notion of "We bring these workers in because the locals don't like this type of work" 


It is a lie by those who wish to profit by taking advantage of people who will work for lower wages, and this happens in all countries.

It's not all lies as i have asked many Thai men why they don't work and just hang around in Villages all day while their Wive's support the family running market stall's etc.  To a man they all say they don't like heavy and /or hot work and wife can earn enough so why bother !

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53 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

Whats all the fuss about they are illegal workers being exploited by the ruthlessly greedy.


Let them return home and maybe return as properly documented workers and let the Thai business owners employ people from their own country.


If Thais truly don't want this work the Govt needs to find out why.


I have never been a believer of the notion of "We bring these workers in because the locals don't like this type of work" 


It is a lie by those who wish to profit by taking advantage of people who will work for lower wages, and this happens in all countries.

Absolutely right. Increasingly, politicians and elites in this world try to lie in ways that sound like they *might* be true.


But it helps if you have a population that is stupid enough not to know the difference between the truth and an artfully composed lie.



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