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Trump presses Putin at first meeting on interference in U.S. election


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15 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You are simply belittling known body language cues that are recognised throughout the business world. I know of no self respecting US businessman that would shake someone else's hand like Trump shook Putin's.  It was an epic FAIL. Trump established to the world he is Putins bitch. MAGA.

                       I don't give a whole lot of weight to hand positions when shaking hands.  Sometimes I even use my left hand if, for example, I'm on a motorcycle and the person I'm saying goodbye to, is on my left.   However, I've known since 4 years old that if you're a guy shaking hands with a female, the guy usually has his hand under the female's hand.  In some situations, the guy kisses the top of the female's hand.  And then there's the old custom of kissing the King's ring.....

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Putin the honest pacifist (  and cop, enriched by large-scale racketeering),  and Trump, the virtuous  heir , perfectly suited to the mafia origins of US rapacious capitalism (US authorities were relatively happy to allow organised crime to operate on its behalf and to act as an enforcer within the emigrant community... )  

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                       I don't give a whole lot of weight to hand positions when shaking hands.  Sometimes I even use my left hand if, for example, I'm on a motorcycle and the person I'm saying goodbye to, is on my left.   However, I've known since 4 years old that if you're a guy shaking hands with a female, the guy usually has his hand under the female's hand.  In some situations, the guy kisses the top of the female's hand.  And then there's the old custom of kissing the King's ring.....

Agreed, there's...



and then there's...



Then again, the First lady is swatting his hands away regularly.

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9 hours ago, Opl said:

Donald Trump 'behaving like a dictator by leaving underqualified socialite daughter to fill in for him at G20'


Is this a crime punishable by law? Or just another non event that the substance-starved media had to pounce on for ratings?


This, and that handshake nonsense….all distractions from the fact that they got nothing on the donald yet…except for the google links brigade.


The Don shook hands exactly the same with Teresa May…so now he's Teresa's bitch…555555555

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Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign


"Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times."


"The previously unreported meeting was also attended by Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, as well as the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to interviews and the documents, which were outlined by people familiar with them."


"While President Trump has been dogged by revelations of undisclosed meetings between his associates and Russians, this episode at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign."


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Putin set a trap and Trump fell into it


"The Russians just played the President. It was predictable. And he let it happen."


"Just yesterday, President Donald Trump questioned the validity of American intelligence on foreign soil and then questioned whether other countries or actors were involved in the hacking."
"And most Americans, save a few people including the President of the United States, are confident that Putin led the Russian intervention into the American election and into many other elections around the world."
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G20: Putin victorious as Trump puts Russia back in the US good books


"THROUGHOUT Vladimir Putin’s 17 years of being in power he has longed to be treated as an equal partner on the world stage by the United States president."


"While the Russian president was friendly with George W. Bush and was offered a “reset” by Barack Obama, in Trump he found an ally who would not question the actions of his government."


"Trump called his two-hour meeting with Putin at the G20 summit in Germany as “tremendous”.




His new best friend.

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Trump Gave Putin Exactly What He Wanted


"His fourth American president has given him exactly what he wanted: respect, camaraderie and freedom from criticism."


"Since at least the 1970s, Russian leaders and Soviet leaders before them had to face questions about political freedoms

and human rights whenever they met with their American counterparts."


"The Trump administration has ended that tradition."


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Trump officials decline to rebut Russia's claims that Trump seemed to accept election denials 


"Top advisers to President Donald Trump declined three times on Saturday to rebut claims from Russian officials

that Trump had accepted their denials of alleged Russian interference in the US election."


"Aboard Air Force One, chief economist Gary Cohn, national security adviser H.R. McMaster, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin all declined to knock down those remarks when pressed by reporters, deferring instead to Trump himself."
"President Trump will be happy to make statements himself about that," Mnuchin said."




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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is this a crime punishable by law? Or just another non event that the substance-starved media had to pounce on for ratings? This, and that handshake nonsense….all distractions from the fact that they got nothing on the donald yet…except for the google links brigade. The Don shook hands exactly the same with Teresa May…so now he's Teresa's bitch…555555555

                              I agree somewhat.  The type of handshake is not so important.  What's important is what was said at the meeting.  Unfortunately, both Putin and Trump want to keep as many secrets as possible.  Russia already has one of the most constricted press corps in the world.  The US is heading that way, if Trump gets his way.  Neither Trump not Putin has said one word publicly about what they discussed.  


                           Trump keeps restricting the WH press pool.  They started by not allowing video.  Then they devolved to not allowing audio.  When Russian agents were invited into the Oval Office, they were allowed to bring a few photographers, BUT NOT ONE US NEWSPERSON WAS ALLOWED TO ENTER.


                                   Newt suggested suspending press briefings altogether, and just have the WH issue written statements once in awhile.  


                  With all the damage Trump is doing to the US, its Constitution and institutions, that could be his worst lasting legacy: shutting up the press corps.   The US is resembling Russia and North Korea - a little more, as each week rolls by.


3 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign

"Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times."

"The previously unreported meeting was also attended by Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, as well as the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to interviews and the documents, which were outlined by people familiar with them."

"While President Trump has been dogged by revelations of undisclosed meetings between his associates and Russians, this episode at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign."


                          To be on the Special Counsel's team must be a juicy gig right now.   There's soooooooooooooooooooo much material to investigate.  The only drawback appears to be all the typing which will be needed.  It will be more voluminous than The Encyclopedia Britanica.   


                            side note:  my younger brother had just passed the bar in California to become a lawyer.  His first big case was a class action against a fly-by-night college which purportedly cheated its students.  A week after filing papers, a 1 ton truck U-Haul truck pulled up in front of his office.  The truck was packed to the gills with boxes.  The defendants were effectively burying the prosecution's case with millions of typed papers.  It was overwhelming for my brother, who didn't have any staff to assist.   He lost the case.


                               Will the same happen for the Special Counsel's team?   Trump and his people could ship over a few container loads of papers (or a large library's worth of digital data on hard drives) in order to try and overwhelm investigators.


2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

When you are not taking shit from anyone anymore, and they leave you alone knowing it is futile to attempt to con you anymore.

                    And somehow you know Trump can't be conned any more?   Well, let's hope so.   What's worse:  that Trump can be conned by Russian agents, or that 'Trump is the biggest con-man in US history' ?   

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33 minutes ago, Zack61 said:

Trump: Did you interfere with US elections?


Trump: Of course you didn't. What was I thinking? Now, what do we tell the press?



Im kinda curious how the google links brigade here would run the presidency…..if they could.


u interfered ….no we didnt …yes u did….no we didnt…..for the next 8 years?!


Isn't it better to find common things to agree on….why have both russia and china as enemies.


and instead tighten up your cyber defences instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)


mr trump is trying …you're not helping.



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17 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:



Im kinda curious how the google links brigade here would run the presidency…..if they could.


u interfered ….no we didnt …yes u did….no we didnt…..for the next 8 years?!


Isn't it better to find common things to agree on….why have both russia and china as enemies.


and instead tighten up your cyber defences instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)


mr trump is trying …you're not helping.



It would make more sense if you had said Mr Trump is lying. ... that's not helping. 

You are right when you say it is not good to have Russia and China as enemies but because the guy is a habitual liar you or I will never know his reasoning or his intentions on diplomacy. I'm not sure it's all about having one big happy family.  

Hes a taker. Not a giver and is used to doing things for his own advantage. A leopard and spots comes to mind. 

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im kinda curious how the google links brigade here would run the presidency…..if they could.

u interfered ….no we didnt …yes u did….no we didnt…..for the next 8 years?!

and instead tighten up your cyber defences instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)

mr trump is trying …you're not helping.


Well, the fact of the matter is, it's much deeper than your simplistic rendition ;

"instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)"


Investigations of collusion, fraud, racketeering and money laundering are in play.


I believe it's a safe bet that "8 years" is simply pie in the sky dreaming.


And you still don't get it; America was attacked. Not "You".

But stick with your "us and them" view as you always have.


Too bad you had to open your statements with a snide insult:

"Im kinda curious how the google links brigade here would run the presidency…..if they could."


Which essentially discredits your "can't we all get along", "Kumbaya" wish of:

"Isn't it better to find common things to agree on"



I won't waste time on it.

I firmly believe there is a very real chance of people going to jail and this occupier of the White House being run out of office.


The sooner, the better.

And then, America will be great again. :thumbsup:



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On 08/07/2017 at 7:04 AM, sirineou said:

Sure he did 'cause we all know Trump would never lie.


For all we know they played canasta  for an hour, while laughing about all the money they will make if they could lift the sanctions and  Exxon could finally develop the Kara oil fields. :laugh:

More likely they played fish. 

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'We'll talk to the White House and tell them to fix that': Putin is exploiting Trump's 'credibility deficit'

"But White House officials have continued to dodge questions about Lavrov's remarks, without correcting his account: Aboard Air Force One, "neither Mnuchin nor McMaster deny POTUS 'accepted' (as Russian FM Lavrov said) Putin's denial of US elex cyber meddling," CBS correspondent Major Garett tweeted on Saturday.

"What strikes me is that — for the first time — we have an administration in office whose credibility is about on par with the Kremlin's," said Ned Price, a former CIA analyst who served as the senior director of the National Security Council under Obama.

"When it came to conflicting accounts between Washington and Moscow, Americans used to be able to assume that the Kremlin was peddling bald-faced lies," Price added."


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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:



Im kinda curious how the google links brigade here would run the presidency…..if they could.


u interfered ….no we didnt …yes u did….no we didnt…..for the next 8 years?!


Isn't it better to find common things to agree on….why have both russia and china as enemies.


and instead tighten up your cyber defences instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)


mr trump is trying …you're not helping.



So I bet you want to move into Iran because..........they burn US Flags and hate the US. Move into N Korea because they fire empty missiles into the sea (willy waving), move into anywhere in the Middle East because............why not, but when there is ACTUAL evidence that the Russians have attacked US sovereignty and democracy you say but why not be friends with the Russians, move on, because.............you are a Trump supporter.


Will there be enough room in Guantanamo for all the traitors? I hope not, 100 to a cell would be cool.



Isn't it better to find common things to agree on….why have both russia and china as enemies.


and instead tighten up your cyber defences instead of moaning you got hacked (if you really did)

Just too pathetic for words.



mr trump is trying …you're not helping.

And that is straight out of troll central. I bet you have actually written that without any sense of shame. I pray for the America that used to be great that people like you are not American.


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4 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Aussie’s Trump takedown - news.com.au

That is an awesome, brutal takedown of Trump. 2 mins of honesty that hits the nail right on the head. It seems that the video/author is now trending in Washington so I guess Trump or his minions have seen it by now. Thanks for posting.

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Russia steps up spying efforts after election


"Russian spies are ramping up their intelligence-gathering efforts in the US, according to current and former

US intelligence officials who say they have noticed an increase since the election."


"Russians have maintained an aggressive collection posture in the US, and their success in election meddling has not deterred them," said a former senior intelligence official familiar with Trump administration efforts."


"Russians could also be seeking more information on Trump's administration, which is new and still unpredictable to Moscow, according to Steve Hall, retired CIA chief of operations."




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Trump, Putin discuss working together on cyber issues



"The two leaders also acknowledge the challenges of cyber threats and interference in the democratic processes of the United States and other countries, and agreed to explore creating a framework around which the two countries can work together to better understand how to deal with these cyber threats," Tillerson said.



Putin must be absolutely pissing himself laughing behind closed doors. The lunatics truly are running the asylum. I had to open my calendar to make sure today was not April 1st. The desire to use a huge list of expletives is so strong that I can feel the onset of Tourettes syndrome. You simply could not make this stuff up.


I struggle to believe that there is anybody on here can read the following and not consider that Trump is insane. But I know I will not be disappointed.




This is what TRUMP DISCUSSED WITH PUTIN !! Simply frakking madness. Donald, save all the time and money and just give Putin the keys to the NSA, CIA and FBI. The man is a traitor.

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