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Trump backtracks on cyber unit with Russia after harsh criticism


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Trump backtracks on cyber unit with Russia after harsh criticism

By Phil Stewart and Valerie Volcovici



U.S. President Donald Trump waves as walks on the South Lawn of the White House upon his return to Washington, U.S., from the G20 Summit in Hamburg, July 8, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday backtracked on his push for a cyber security unit with Russia, tweeting that he did not think it could happen, hours after his proposal was harshly criticized by Republicans who said Moscow could not be trusted.


    Trump said on Twitter early on Sunday that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed on Friday forming "an impenetrable Cyber Security unit" to address issues like the risk of cyber meddling in elections.


    The idea appeared to be a political non-starter. It was immediately scorned by several of Trump's fellow Republicans, who questioned why the United States would work with Russia after Moscow's alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.


    "It's not the dumbest idea I have ever heard but it's pretty close," Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told NBC's "Meet the Press" program.


    Ash Carter, who was U.S. defense secretary until the end of former Democratic President Barack Obama's administration in January, told CNN flatly: "This is like the guy who robbed your house proposing a working group on burglary."


    Trump's advisers, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, had recently sought to explain Trump's cyber push.


    Mnuchin said on Saturday that Trump and Putin had agreed to create "a cyber unit to make sure that there was absolutely no interference whatsoever, that they would work on cyber security together."


    But Trump returned to Twitter on Sunday to play down the idea, which arose at his talks with Putin at a summit of the Group of 20 nations in Hamburg, Germany.


    "The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't," Trump said on Twitter.


    He then noted that an agreement with Russia for a ceasefire in Syria "can & did" happen.


    Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona acknowledged Trump's desire to move forward with Russia, but added: "There has to be a price to pay."


    "There has been no penalty," McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CBS' "Face the Nation" program according to a CBS transcript. "Vladimir Putin ... got away with literally trying to change the outcome ... of our election."


    Trump argued for a rapprochement with Moscow in his campaign but has been unable to deliver because his administration has been dogged by investigations into the allegations of Russian interference in the election and ties with his campaign.


    Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating the matter, including whether there may have been any collusion on the part of Trump campaign officials, as are congressional committees including both the House of Representatives and Senate intelligence panels.


    Those probes are focused almost exclusively on Moscow’s actions, lawmakers and intelligence officials say, and no evidence has surfaced publicly implicating other countries despite Trump's suggestion that others could have been involved.


    Moscow has denied any interference, and Trump says his campaign did not collude with Russia.


    Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told CNN's "State of the Union" program that Russia could not be a credible partner in a cyber security unit.


    "If that’s our best election defense, we might as well just mail our ballot boxes to Moscow," Schiff added.


    Separately, U.S. government officials said a recent hack into business systems of U.S. nuclear power and other energy companies was carried out by Russian government hackers, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.




    Trump said he "strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it."


    He added: "We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!"


    In Trump's first attempt at ending the six-year Syrian civil war, the United States, Russia and Jordan on Friday reached a ceasefire and "de-escalation agreement" for southwestern Syria. The ceasefire was holding hours after it took effect on Sunday, a monitor and two rebel officials said.


    Any joint U.S.-Russia cyber initiative would have been a different matter. Depending how much it veered into military or espionage operations, it could have faced major legal hurdles.


    Language in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act prohibits the Pentagon, which includes the National Security Agency and the U.S. military's Cyber Command, from using any funds for bilateral military cooperation with Russia.


    Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia, also noted restrictions on sharing information with Russia that would clearly prohibit offering Moscow a sense of U.S. cyber capabilities. Russia would be similarly adverse to revealing its capabilities to the United States, he noted.


    "It just will not happen," McFaul told Reuters.


    (Additional reporting by Yasmeen Abutaleb, Jeff Mason and Roberta Rampton; Writing by Arshad Mohammed and Phil Stewart; Editing by James Dalgleish and Peter Cooney)

    -- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-10
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    1 hour ago, webfact said:

    "The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't," Trump said on Twitter.

    Well his tweets, which we are informed are 'official' Presidential communications, looked like they were intended to mean it could happen.




    Trump continues to make a mockery out of the US Presidency and its office. The trouble is that so few Americans look outside their borders and are unable to stop watching reality TV that they have no idea of what is really happening to Americas reputation in the big wide world. I bet if you asked most Trump supporters what a G20 meeting was they would think it was a reunion for some type of boy band. To read American media headlines that the US is becoming a pariah on the global stage is something I could never have envisaged a few years ago. Making America Stone Age Again.

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    It's almost as if he tries to check the limits of outrageous behaviors and statements he can get away with.

    Trouble is not even with the spin some of his supporters would try to put on this, but the very fact that such a statement was issued by the POTUS. The man is like a constant face palm.

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    11 minutes ago, Morch said:

    It's almost as if he tries to check the limits of outrageous behaviors and statements he can get away with.

    Trouble is not even with the spin some of his supporters would try to put on this, but the very fact that such a statement was issued by the POTUS. The man is like a constant face palm.

    Take a look at the following, Trump has lost the plot.


    Donald Trump posts G20 slideshow set to Make America Great Again anthem



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    6 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Simply calls for a switch to John Cleese - "...and now for something different...".

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    Even the nutcases over at Briebart, former home of Steve Bannon chief advisor to the inept one in the White House are getting a kick out of it:


    McCain: Putin Could Offer ‘Enormous Assistance’ in Cyber Efforts ‘Since He Is Doing the Hacking’


    "Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) joked about President Donald Trump’s tweet that proposed cooperating with Russia on preventing election hacking by creating an “impenetrable Cyber Security unit.”


    "McCain said, “I am sure that Vladamir Putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort since he is doing the hacking.”




    Edited by iReason
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    How can the man child buffon get away with this ?

    He needs to be impeached right now

    I cannot believe this is happening in the USA 

    1. Trump had an idea about co-operating.

    2 . He spoke to the person who he considered c0-operating with

    3 . Then decided it wasnt such a good idea after all

    This is shocking 

    He had an idea, speaks about it, then decides it wasnt such a good idea after all

    What is this World coming to ?


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    14 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Jeez... Cringeworthy.


    If that isn't Mussolini-esque propaganda, I don't know what is.

    Dare I say Adolf?

    (And he'll probably stiff the songwriter)


    The fool needs to be institutionalized.


    Then, America will be great again.

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    31 minutes ago, iReason said:


    50 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Jeez... Cringeworthy.


    If that isn't Mussolini-esque propaganda, I don't know what is.

    Dare I say Adolf?

    (And he'll probably stiff the songwriter)


    The fool needs to be institutionalized.


    Then, America will be great again.


    It reminds me of a North Korea propaganda movie about the Kim Jong's.  The man is mentally deranged. BUT !!! It is likely that all the Trump supporters have seen of the G20 is this 'slide show'.

    Edited by Andaman Al
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    29 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    How can the man child buffon get away with this ?

    He needs to be impeached right now

    I cannot believe this is happening in the USA 

    1. Trump had an idea about co-operating.

    2 . He spoke to the person who he considered c0-operating with

    3 . Then decided it wasnt such a good idea after all

    This is shocking 

    He had an idea, speaks about it, then decides it wasnt such a good idea after all

    What is this World coming to ?


    It is called 'engaging mouth before brain'! Trump's tweets are official Presidential communications, the White House have gone to great lengths to explain to us in the last few months. The only reason Trump has retracted is that the most Senior members of his Senate are taking the piss out of him for being as dumb as a rock. The fact that as you say "Trump had an idea about co-operating" and you (and he) see that as being a valid idea to even discuss is very telling about the fact that your synaptic gaps must be measured in miles instead of nanometers. Would you hire a babysitter from the local house being used to rehabilitate convicted pedophiles? How about giving North Korea a seat on the UN permanent security council? Putting Indonesia in charge of the World Anti-Corruption league? OR co-operating on preventing hacking with the man responsible for hacking you? Dumb as rocks!



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    46 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    How can the man child buffon get away with this ?

    He needs to be impeached right now

    I cannot believe this is happening in the USA 

    1. Trump had an idea about co-operating.

    2 . He spoke to the person who he considered c0-operating with

    3 . Then decided it wasnt such a good idea after all

    This is shocking 

    He had an idea, speaks about it, then decides it wasnt such a good idea after all

    What is this World coming to ?



    A Troll.

    Or clueless.


    Or both.


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    2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    . The only reason Trump has retracted is that the most Senior members of his Senate are taking the piss out of him for being as dumb as a rock.

      Really , the report says that Trump met with Putin, discussed it and then decided not to proceed .

       Did you see Donalds facial expression and were then  thus able to decipher the "real" reason why Donald decided not to proceed with the idea ?

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    1 minute ago, sanemax said:

      Really , the report says that Trump met with Putin, discussed it and then decided not to proceed .

       Did you see Donalds facial expression and were then  thus able to decipher the "real" reason why Donald decided not to proceed with the idea ?

    No, I saw Trumps Tweet !!! Did you miss that? What 'report' exactly are you referring to? There is no 'report'. All the information is from Trumps tweets.

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    5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

      Really , the report says that Trump met with Putin, discussed it and then decided not to proceed .

       Did you see Donalds facial expression and were then  thus able to decipher the "real" reason why Donald decided not to proceed with the idea ?

    Lets see the reaction from Trumps OWN people. This is why Trump has retracted. Clown in Chief, and you defend him - how embarrassing. I assume you do not value reputation or credibility.



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    I just read a comment in the media which really crystallised the reality of Trump for me. If he were behaving in the same manner as a CEO in a publicly listed company, he would by now have been removed by the Board.

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    36 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    I just read a comment in the media which really crystallised the reality of Trump for me. If he were behaving in the same manner as a CEO in a publicly listed company, he would by now have been removed by the Board.


    No doubt.

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    23 minutes ago, iReason said:


    58 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    I just read a comment in the media which really crystallised the reality of Trump for me. If he were behaving in the same manner as a CEO in a publicly listed company, he would by now have been removed by the Board.


    No doubt.


    Can we propose an amendment to the constitution in that the Presidency and Administration adopts the legal status of a public limited company. It's what Trump would like to do anyway, so lets just save some time and suffering. 

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    If Trump had a 15 year old virgin daughter, perhaps he'd like to appoint me (a middle aged man) to watch over her 24/7, to make sure she didn't do anything improper.  How different is that than Trump arranging for Russian hacking experts to collude, on the inside, with US intelligence agencies?  ....with access to all US agencies' most guarded security software.

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    1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    I just read a comment in the media which really crystallised the reality of Trump for me. If he were behaving in the same manner as a CEO in a publicly listed company, he would by now have been removed by the Board.

    If he wasn't prez, and tried to get a job at any US federal agency (even as a janitor), he wouldn't pass security clearance.  Same for Jared, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, and a slew of other Trump insiders.

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    2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    If Trump had a 15 year old virgin daughter, perhaps he'd like to appoint me (a middle aged man) to watch over her 24/7, to make sure she didn't do anything improper.  How different is that than Trump arranging for Russian hacking experts to collude, on the inside, with US intelligence agencies?  ....with access to all US agencies' most guarded security software.

    It's more like he tried to appoint a registered sex offender to do the job. The man-child still manages to surprise me with his reality disconnect....sadly.

    Imagine being the American intelligence community representative in this unit. It would be like attending therapy sessions led by your rapist!

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    9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    If Trump had a 15 year old virgin daughter, perhaps he'd like to appoint me (a middle aged man) to watch over her 24/7, to make sure she didn't do anything improper.  How different is that than Trump arranging for Russian hacking experts to collude, on the inside, with US intelligence agencies?  ....with access to all US agencies' most guarded security software.



    A 15 yo virgin????   What planet are you living on??

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    18 hours ago, webfact said:

    Trump said on Twitter early on Sunday that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed on Friday forming "an impenetrable Cyber Security unit" to address issues like the risk of cyber meddling in elections.

    Putin hypnotized Trump at G20  meeting: Look into my eyes, comrade.. You feel very sleepy now. Let's form a Cyber Sec Unit. Your idea, not mine. (snaps his fingers)


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    2 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    Putin hypnotized Trump at G20  meeting: Look into my eyes, comrade.. You feel very sleepy now. Let's form a Cyber Sec Unit. Your idea, not mine. (snaps his fingers)



    Considering Trump's attention span and ego issues, hypnosis could prove difficult. But making him think something's a great idea, and his own idea, not too hard, it seems.

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