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Shocking BP yesterday- better today. Where am I?


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11 minutes ago, superal said:

Good reading the link , too many good reports to effected by the placebo scenario . Buying fresh as opposed to frozen has some differences that are surprising . The following link also brings more fruit/veg into consideration .


Interesting.  I'm also back on the bananas.


Need to be a bit careful about health claims, because the body can only take in so much at any one time, but fruit and veg does form the mainstay of any healthy eating plan, so there must be something in it.  The fact is prior to a fortnight ago, the closest I was coming to fruit was the jam in my donut.

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7 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Interesting.  I'm also back on the bananas.


Need to be a bit careful about health claims, because the body can only take in so much at any one time, but fruit and veg does form the mainstay of any healthy eating plan, so there must be something in it.  The fact is prior to a fortnight ago, the closest I was coming to fruit was the jam in my donut.

the closest I was coming to fruit was the jam in my donut.

Full of sugar & fat . Sugar to be avoided , causes many problems . The jury seems to be out on salt though with a difference of opinion especially for people like us who live in a hot climate .

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 9:17 PM, mommysboy said:

That's not good. Losing weight is a key factor for some in lowering BP.  I guess only a controlled diet, and a good exercise regimen will help.  The really tough bit of luck for those who find it near impossible to lose weight is that these people were the ultimate survivors a hundred years ago when food may have been scarce at times.


The people I know who have lost weight (not really something I've ever had to do) said they stopped eating cakes, biscuits, etc and did more exercise.  I have seen it first hand on a daily basis with my step-daughter.  I think a first step is in realising that life can be better and it can be done.

I have almost given up the cakes etc for over a month, but have lost zero weight. Very depressing.

Perhaps being less stressed burns up less calories- I used to stress a lot.


I did the fruit fast for 24 hours and never felt satisfied no matter how much fruit I ate. I guess to lose weight one has to be hungry, but it's a serious bummer.

There are fat burning diets on the internet, but some of the ingredients are unavailable in LOS, so I never had much luck with them. Anyway, they are designed to lose weight before surgery, and soon as eat "normally" again the weight goes back on.

Even starvation doesn't work, because as said, the body goes into "survival" mode.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have almost given up the cakes etc for over a month, but have lost zero weight. Very depressing.

Perhaps being less stressed burns up less calories- I used to stress a lot.


I did the fruit fast for 24 hours and never felt satisfied no matter how much fruit I ate. I guess to lose weight one has to be hungry, but it's a serious bummer.

There are fat burning diets on the internet, but some of the ingredients are unavailable in LOS, so I never had much luck with them. Anyway, they are designed to lose weight before surgery, and soon as eat "normally" again the weight goes back on.

Even starvation doesn't work, because as said, the body goes into "survival" mode.


I do think somewhere along the line you need to get used to not having any food for longer periods of time than at present. I think you know this from what you write.  It's actually easier to feel hungry, than feel half full needing more. 


Fruit doesn't hit the mark for that fully satiated feeling.  Nothing wrong with a bag of chips (french fries), just not too often or too much.


All of us, almost to a man, say things like eat normally, without realising we eat, drink, smoke far more than we think.


It sounds like you are trying hard but haven't yet found something that you can build on.  And that part of you is also trying to prove that nothing works.  Is this fair to say?  Again, this is excruciatingly human.  Just need to step back a bit perhaps.


Perhaps go with what Sheryl is doing.  I find her advice generally puts me in the ball park.



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Just updating that everything seems fine:


Three readings today:


117/81  60

126/72  56

108/77  60


I think I am very susceptible to the effects of stress/anxiety.  I think this is my essential level when I'm eating, sleeping, and exercising well, and not worrying especially.


It could be coincidence but I did notice a big drop after I'd started eating berries (more fruit generally).



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  • 4 weeks later...

My daughter needed a jab today so whilst at the hospital I took the opportunity for a BP test in a clinical setting: I wish I hadn't the results were very high again, eg, 155/80 and  higher thereafter.  Just before I left my house I took a reading at 110/65, and upon returning home I tested about the same. 


So I am beginning to wonder if the machine I have is ok.  Yet, my wife also did a test at home and hers was the same optimal reading it always is and has been since I've known her.


I'm hoping I really just have a very marked case of white coat syndrome. I do feel a bit flight or fight at the hospital.  Too many reminders of illness and mortality I guess!


But equally, I am not wholly satisfied that I don't have some form of BP issue, or perhaps stress/anxiety issue.  My wife is completely sure that I just get anxious more easily.

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MB no offense but I have known you on this board quite a while and you tend to worry excessively about your health (and maybe other things, who knows, but definitely that).


Nothing you have said suggests this latest fear has any basis.


If you cannot shake it, take your machine in with you, see a doctor and ask him to check your BP the old fashioned way himself and compare on the spot between the two machines.


Ignore the automated machines at the nurses station. They are often miscalibrated and not very accurate.

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11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

MB no offense but I have known you on this board quite a while and you tend to worry excessively about your health (and maybe other things, who knows, but definitely that).


Nothing you have said suggests this latest fear has any basis.


If you cannot shake it, take your machine in with you, see a doctor and ask him to check your BP the old fashioned way himself and compare on the spot between the two machines.


Ignore the automated machines at the nurses station. They are often miscalibrated and not very accurate.

Fair comment.


I think it is a confidence issue but thankfully not identity.  Increasingly I find things not as they should be despite fact checking, and this extends way beyond health issues to general business pressure.  I suppose if machines at hospital could be wrong,then that provides a perfect example of what sends me in to a bit of a tailspin. 


The healthy thing would be to ignore these things and carry on calmly as normal.  But in business one can not be so casual.

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