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Donald Trump Jr. hires lawyer for Russia probes


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7 minutes ago, dcutman said:

I have not seen proof or fact one yet since the Lib witch hunt began. Is all I have seen is retracted, dead, stories This one is going to be no different.

Stop reading only Fox, Breitbart and other sites like that. LOL.  To much is out there to say otherwise.  But then again, there are still people who believe the world is flat. LOL


Even Putin is now saying it's possible Russia did the hacking! LOL



The Russians have hacked into many countries election systems.  Easy to research this if you open your mind.

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1 hour ago, dcutman said:

This story is about to go very quiet as the Obama administration gets dragged into this.


1 hour ago, dcutman said:

Try and keep up with the news man.


49 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I am.  Read multiple sites multiple times a day.  Maybe you can give us a link, man.


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Give a link then, lets not be cryptic.


Waiting... zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

How about provide us a credible link.  Otherwise, you're just trolling.


8 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Give me a list of what you consider credible sources. If its only CNN then it aint gonna happen.




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Just now, dcutman said:

Sounds like somebody that believes only what CNN has to report.

Your trolling.  As I said before, CNN is only one of many sources.  Which I listed some of them.  How about you show us yours?  With credible links.  Otherwise, your just trolling.

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5 minutes ago, dcutman said:

I guess we will see come this Sunday morning when not one word of this will be mentioned again and onto another Russian conspiracy story.


Ahh, now it's been pushed back to Sunday...

Got a crystel ball do ya?


1 hour ago,  dcutman said: 

Try and keep up with the news man


Do you mean, a "Russian conspiracy" like this one:


Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections 


Key Judgments:


"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election." 


"Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton,

and harm her electability and potential presidency."


"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."


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Kushner pushed for more aggressive defense of Trump Jr. meeting

Trump’s son-in-law has urged the press shop to go into combat mode over the latest Russia scandal twist. (sub-title)


"Jared Kushner has been pressing other White House aides to more vigorously defend the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Kremlin-linked lawyer that Kushner also attended, but has faced resistance from some of Trump’s top press aides, according to six sources familiar with the matter."


"But some of the communications aides, including press secretary Sean Spicer, and other senior staffers have expressed reservations."


"They say it’s best to leave it to outside counsel to handle the furor around Trump Jr., and fear inviting further legal jeopardy if Trump aides and allies more forcefully defend a meeting that they don’t fully know the details of, according to the sources."



The inept one's surrogates:

Not me. I ain't going out there. :whistling:

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12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

yay….link produced…job done….tyvm.

now get the proof that irrefutably supports this claim.

Credible links only…


Of course it's obvious you didn't look at the linked. (no surprise there :laugh:)


And now you are being just plain silly.

And pathetically desperate.

Or, just your usual Trolling...



Youse guys are hopeless...


Screen Shot 2017-07-14 at 10.57.27 AM.png

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27 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

yay….link produced…job done….tyvm.


now get the proof that irrefutably supports this claim.


Credible links only…lol.


10 minutes ago, iReason said:


Of course it's obvious you didn't look at the linked. (no surprise there :laugh:)


And now you are being just plain silly.

And pathetically desperate.

Or, just your usual Trolling...



Youse guys are hopeless...


Screen Shot 2017-07-14 at 10.57.27 AM.png

When the KGB concurs, then he'll believe it.

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52 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

yay….link produced…job done….tyvm.


now get the proof that irrefutably supports this claim.


Credible links only…lol.

You are right to doubt all major American intelligence agencies, many European intelligence agencies, all major news organizations (including Fox) in America and abroad, all Democrat and many Republican senators and congresspeople, major world leaders, major think tanks, including the Rightwing Heritage Foundation— it is a conspiracy so deep and wide and obvious that it's mind boggling how gullible the sheeple of the world are.


Alex Jones knows the truth. That's why "they" are trying to shut him up, discredit him, depict him as a conman charlatan. But you and I know better, don't we? See you at the next convention. Bring your own adult diapers; you can't have mine.




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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Youse guys are hopeless...

youse guys…..I only heard one poster use this expression before the elections when he was claiming hillary would trounce trump….

then he got egg all over him…..and left…..now you're back it seems with more scurrilous behaviour.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

youse guys…..I only heard one poster use this expression before the elections when he was claiming hillary would trounce trump….

then he got egg all over him…..and left…..now you're back it seems with more scurrilous behaviour.

I know what you mean. Citing a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Scurrilous!

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I know what you mean. Citing a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Scurrilous!

Cant trust any agency with anti-trump personnel in it. They are just afraid that he is about to shake up their decades long way of doing things…that haven;t made life better for america.

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Cant trust any agency with anti-trump personnel in it. They are just afraid that he is about to shake up their decades long way of doing things…that haven;t made life better for america.

You mean by putting Goldman Sachs alumni in charge of the economy? In politics, as in most affairs. the most reliable rule is follow the money.

Nice try at deflection though.

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Cant trust any agency with anti-trump personnel in it. They are just afraid that he is about to shake up their decades long way of doing things…that haven;t made life better for america.

Every agency has anti-Trump personnel in it.  Just like before when Obama was president, and before that, etc, etc, etc.


Luckily, a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump. LOL

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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

youse guys…..I only heard one poster use this expression before the elections when he was claiming hillary would trounce trump….

then he got egg all over him…..and left…..now you're back it seems with more scurrilous behaviour.


:laugh: Hook, line and sinker.


Thanks for that. :thumbsup:


Took you longer than expected 'tho...


Now, back on topic, did you read the link you deflected from before?

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Trump's lawyers knew about Trump Jr. emails weeks ago: report


"President Trump’s outside legal team representing him in the ongoing Russia probe knew about the email chain surrounding a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer more than three weeks ago, according to a new report."


"Trump said in an interview Wednesday with Reuters that he only found out recently about his son’s meeting with the Russian lawyer last summer who was presented as having compromising information on campaign rival Hillary Clinton."


"But the sources told Yahoo News that Marc Kasowitz, the president’s chief lawyer in the Russia investigation, and Alan Garten, executive vice president and chief legal officer of the Trump Organization, were both informed about the emails in the third week of June, after they were discovered by lawyers for Kushner, who is now a senior White House official."




So, the Senior Advisor to the occupier of the White House knew, his lawyers knew, the chief legal officer of the Trump Organization knew yet, the surrogates went out on T.V. along with the occupier and continually lied about it?


This is great stuff.

These inept clowns just keep on giving.


They must be high-fiving over there at Special Councel Mueller's office...


There are so many dots it's beginning to look like a starlit sky.

And it's only just beginning. :thumbsup:



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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Every agency has anti-Trump personnel in it. 


well, there you go….so all claims from them cannot be taken at face value….specially since he threatens their business as usual way of doing things.


Is there any link that lends credence to this…..well, one cannot outsource critical and independent thinking to a bunch of links…thats the recourse for lazy people.

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well, one cannot outsource critical and independent thinking to a bunch of links…thats the recourse for lazy people.


Actually no.


The lazy ones are those in a small minority who prefer to exist in fact-resistant bubbles.

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