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Donald Trump Jr. hires lawyer for Russia probes


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52 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Puh-leeze... his entire inner circle?  Cue the dramatic music & darken the screen on this movie.... blah-blah-blah.  I'm reminded of a Shakespeare play: Much Ado About Nothing.  Politics in action, preaching to the choir.  Sad when you get down to it; it's all a waste of time and money, at taxpayers expense.  Been happening since water was wet.

His son, son in law, campaign manager, etc.  These 3 ran his campaign and ARE his inner circle.


So you are OK with these guys meeting with known agents of a foreign country?  Potentially in violation of campaign laws?  Even The Junior admitted he'd do things differently if he could.  But that was after he lied about all this.


Lovely group of people.  You don't seem to be able to grasp this.

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51 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:


Again, you are OK with this?




Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who has been lobbied by Akhmetshin, told CNN earlier this year that the lobbyist is someone with "an ulterior motive" who is "involved with people who've got an agenda" and has "international connections to different groups in Russia." When asked if he thought Akhmetshin was connected to the Russian security services, Rohrabacher said: "I would certainly not rule that out."

That's a Republican saying this.  Somebody with a lot more knowledge about this than we'll ever know.  And he's expressing his concerns.  But you seem OK with it?  Wow...

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

His son, son in law, campaign manager, etc.  These 3 ran his campaign and ARE his inner circle.


So you are OK with these guys meeting with known agents of a foreign country?  Potentially in violation of campaign laws?  Even The Junior admitted he'd do things differently if he could.  But that was after he lied about all this.


Lovely group of people.  You don't seem to be able to grasp this.

If some posters are actually sincere with their commentary, not in reality trolls or have a poor sense of humour, the US has some seriously destabilising political problems.

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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

His son, son in law, campaign manager, etc.  These 3 ran his campaign and ARE his inner circle.


So you are OK with these guys meeting with known agents of a foreign country?  Potentially in violation of campaign laws?  Even The Junior admitted he'd do things differently if he could.  But that was after he lied about all this.


Lovely group of people.  You don't seem to be able to grasp this.

Yup. I'm clearly missing the conspiracy.  Thanks for cluing me in; after all. we all want to be a part of an elite group who knows what no one else does. 

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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

If some posters are actually sincere with their commentary, not in reality trolls or have a poor sense of humour, the US has some seriously destabilising political problems.


Well, that would somewhat depend how many of said posters are actually Americans.


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3 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Yup. I'm clearly missing the conspiracy.  Thanks for cluing me in; after all. we all want to be a part of an elite group who knows what no one else does. 

From another Republican:





Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger used a Friday morning appearance on CNN's "New Day" to say he would "absolutely not" take a meeting offered to him by a foreign government during an election.

"To dismiss this and say, 'Anybody would have met with anybody,' that may be the case if you have an email that says, 'Hey, I have some information on your opponent,' but when you see that it is from the Russian government, courtesy of your friend Vladimir (Putin) or whatever, that's when you hit hard stop on that."


Kushner and The Junior are newbies when it comes to politics.  And they made a huge mistake here.  The repercussions are going to be strong.  As they should be.
No conspiracy.  Just hard facts.  Which are easy to find out if you take the time.
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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Again, you are OK with this?   http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/14/politics/donald-trump-jr-meeting/index.html

That's a Republican saying this.  Somebody with a lot more knowledge about this than we'll ever know.  And he's expressing his concerns.  But you seem OK with it?  Wow...

It's a quote from one minor politician.  Posted on a website, from a group of journalists that have never been pro-Republican.  You're not taking into consideration the news source. However, your google search of pro-Democrat, liberal political opinions has once again served to make you feel you carry the correct outlook.


Furthermore, If it makes you happy, I'll let you be delusioned that is makes a difference if you or I actually give a crap.  You seriously need help. 

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

From another Republican:


Kushner and The Junior are newbies when it comes to politics.  And they made a huge mistake here.  The repercussions are going to be strong.  As they should be.
No conspiracy.  Just hard facts.  Which are easy to find out if you take the time.

FACTS?  Funniest thing you have ever posted. 


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7 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Yup. I'm clearly missing the conspiracy.  Thanks for cluing me in; after all. we all want to be a part of an elite group who knows what no one else does. 

Don't worry, just take a other nothing burger and keep defending the clown and his family. We will not blame you, with all those nothing burgers your brain is not functioning right.

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Just now, dutchisaan said:

Don't worry, just take a other nothing burger and keep defending the clown and his family. We will not blame you, with all those nothing burgers your brain is not functioning right.

I see things much more clearly than all those with their vision clouded by an overly emotional outlook fueled by hate of the conservative viewpoint, Republicans and the current US President, the Cabinet and his advisors. 

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1 minute ago, Ramen087 said:

I see things much more clearly than all those with their vision clouded by an overly emotional outlook fueled by hate of the conservative viewpoint, Republicans and the current US President, the Cabinet and his advisors. 

Do your self a favour, get a eye exam.

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5 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I see things much more clearly than all those with their vision clouded by an overly emotional outlook fueled by hate of the conservative viewpoint, Republicans and the current US President, the Cabinet and his advisors. 

I'm a conservative.  Former Republican.  Just don't like liars.  Which the White house seems full of now.


You seem unable to open your mind to alternatives.  You seem to have just jumped into this thread.  MIght be worth going back a few pages and read some of the reports that have been posted.

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14 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

FACTS?  Funniest thing you have ever posted. 


So you are saying The Junior and Kushner never met with these people?  People he's admitted to meeting?  You seem to not understand the definition of facts! LOL

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

So you are saying The Junior and Kushner never met with these people?  People he's admitted to meeting?  You seem to not understand the definition of facts! LOL


Well, there are them "alternative facts".

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A little background:




"A Russian bank under Western economic sanctions over Russia's incursion into Ukraine disclosed on Monday that its executives had met Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and a top White House adviser, in December."


"A U.S. Senate committee investigating suspected Russian interference in the election wants to interview Trump associates, including Kushner, 36, who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and has agreed to testify."


"Kushner previously acknowledged meeting the Russian ambassador to Washington last December and only on Monday did it emerge that executives of Russian state developmentbank Vnesheconombank (VEB) had talks with Kushner during a bank roadshow last year."



Kushner's been a busy little fellow...

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3 minutes ago, iReason said:

A little background:




"A Russian bank under Western economic sanctions over Russia's incursion into Ukraine disclosed on Monday that its executives had met Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and a top White House adviser, in December."


"A U.S. Senate committee investigating suspected Russian interference in the election wants to interview Trump associates, including Kushner, 36, who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and has agreed to testify."


"Kushner previously acknowledged meeting the Russian ambassador to Washington last December and only on Monday did it emerge that executives of Russian state developmentbank Vnesheconombank (VEB) had talks with Kushner during a bank roadshow last year."



Kushner's been a busy little fellow...

Another topping of nothing for the burger.

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An ex-CIA officer: the Trump Jr. meeting shows how the Russians exploit intelligence targets


"I reached out by phone to Glenn Carle, a 23-year veteran of the CIA and former deputy officer on the National Intelligence Council."


"He told me that the meeting with Trump Jr., while unusually brazen, fits a broader pattern of Russian intelligence attempting to engage with the Trump family over the years."


“This is how it’s done,” he said."



An insightful interview.



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1 hour ago, PattayaJames said:

Another topping of nothing for the burger.

Nope! A pattern is clearly setting up and it is becoming evident that Kushner AND his family have been trying to use the 'Trump' connection to raise 500M-1 Bill for his tower block on 5th Ave that they grossly overpaid for and are now in serious risk of losing it! Why do you think that meetings in China have been 'engineered' for Mr and Mrs Kushner ??


There is a machine full of very dirty washing and it will all come out soon enough.

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32 minutes ago, iReason said:

Chris Wallace and Shep Smith discuss the deception and endless lies coming from TrumpWorld:



You mean that right leaning, conservative media outlet that supports Trump said this?  LOL


Just to show I look at many news sources:


FNC’s Wallace: ‘There Is a Huge Problem With the Credibility of the White House’

He added, “I think this is the biggest problem here. I think there is very little legal jeopardy for Donald Trump, Jr., but there is a huge problem with the credibility of the White House because they kept saying there is no collusion, there have been no contacts, this is all a hoax, it is all fake news. And then it keeps coming up that people we haven’t heard about did have these meetings.”

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4 hours ago, iReason said:

Chris Wallace and Shep Smith discuss the deception and endless lies coming from TrumpWorld:



Astonishing that this is on Fox News!


It must be close to the denouement!

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Fox news has two distinct camps now. They have the real journalists like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith who report it as it is, no matter how ugly. Then there are all those on the Hannity and Fox Friends side who are brown nosing sycophantic wasters. I like Shep Smith and wonder why Fox have not sacked him already, and Wallace does ask his guests those questions you would not expect to hear on Fox news.

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More gas to throw on the fire.



Trump Campaign Paid Lawyer Now Representing Son $50,000 in June

From Reuters!





WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump's campaign paid $50,000 to the law office now representing Donald Trump Jr. a little more than a week before news surfaced of an unreported meeting with a Russian attorney that has prompted new accusations of collusion.

The payment to the Law Offices of Alan S. Futerfas, dated June 27, was disclosed in a filing with the Federal Election Commission on Saturday. It was described as covering "legal consulting" fees.


But Trump said he had not heard about the story until the emails were released !




The campaign also paid $89,561 for "legal consulting" to The Trump Corporation, which is owned by the president. The payment was dated June 30th.


The Federal Election Commission has previously ruled that candidates and federal office holders may spend campaign funds on legal fees incurred because they were a candidate.


Follow the money. I bet Donald is getting quite warm now. Obviously the 'Trump Corporation' is not a legal services company, so the Trump Organisation is giving Legal Advise to it's owner and charging for it!!


Trump is going down, not just impeachment, he will go to jail.




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Trump campaign shoulders big legal bills as Russia probes rapidly expand


"WASHINGTON — President Trump already has stockpiled nearly $12 million for his 2020 re-election campaign, but his spending on legal expenses is soaring as his administration deals with a rapidly expanding investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and the Russian government, documents released Saturday afternoon show."


"Trump's campaign racked up more than $677,000 in "legal consulting" fees between April and June, more than twice the $249,000 he spent on legal bills during the first three months of his presidency, newly filed Federal Election Commission reports show."


"The payment to Futerfas came before The New York Times broke news of Trump Jr.'s meeting with the Russian lawyer and nearly two weeks before it was publicly announced that Futerfas would represent the president's oldest son."

"a rapidly expanding investigation" :thumbsup:
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Trump campaign paid firm of lawyer representing Trump Jr. before emails were made public


"President Trump’s campaign committee made a payment to the law firm of an attorney representing Donald Trump Jr. last month, nearly two weeks before it was announced that the same attorney would be representing the president's son in Russia-related probes, according to a campaign finance report filed Saturday."


"Trump Jr. has offered a series of evolving explanations for his meeting with the Russian lawyer — also attended by Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior aide, and Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chair — since it was first made public."


"He first said the meeting was about adoptions, then acknowledged that it was set up with someone who might have useful information for his father's campaign."



"nearly two weeks before"

Appears to coincide with Kushner being notified by his lawyers that they had discovered the emails.

The same Kushner who kept mum about them while the White House continued to claim no meetings took place and it was all a "hoax" and "fake news."

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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Trump campaign shoulders big legal bills as Russia probes rapidly expand


"WASHINGTON — President Trump already has stockpiled nearly $12 million for his 2020 re-election campaign, but his spending on legal expenses is soaring as his administration deals with a rapidly expanding investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and the Russian government, documents released Saturday afternoon show."


"Trump's campaign racked up more than $677,000 in "legal consulting" fees between April and June, more than twice the $249,000 he spent on legal bills during the first three months of his presidency, newly filed Federal Election Commission reports show."


"The payment to Futerfas came before The New York Times broke news of Trump Jr.'s meeting with the Russian lawyer and nearly two weeks before it was publicly announced that Futerfas would represent the president's oldest son."

"a rapidly expanding investigation" :thumbsup:

It's reassuring that these legal bills are being paid by idiot Trump supporters (i.e., campaign contributions) and not the taxpayers.  Trump also makes out when these fundraisers and rallies are held on Trump properties.  The guy is like the teflon Don, he never has to pay for anything and always makes out...at the expense of the minions.

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Russian lawyer obtained Hill hearing seat from former Florida Trump campaign chair's husband


"The husband of the former Florida chair of the Trump campaign obtained a front-row seat to a June 2016 House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian attorney who had met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower eight days prior."


"Lanny Wiles, the husband of former Florida campaign chair Susie Wiles, saved the prominent seat for Veselnitskaya at the June 14 hearing on “U.S. Policy Toward Putin’s Russia,” ABC News has confirmed."


"Photos and video of Veselnitskaya at the hearing show her seated directly behind Michael McFaul, former United States ambassador to Russia from 2012-2014."


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when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy

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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy

Yes you are right, specially the posting from you and the other trumpeteers.

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