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Citing indelible memories and people, the Phuket Gazette bows out in a nostalgic farewell


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Citing indelible memories and people, the Phuket Gazette bows out in a nostalgic farewell

Phuket Gazette 


1_2017711162938933_aIUhxxIWDWvnbIKFQMJmRftfZqNXbWvCfPjcNszQ_jpeg.jpgFounders Rungtip Hongjakpet (left) and John Magee in a 1997 story in The Nation.


PHUKET: -- Times change and old media continue to bow to the new. With great regret, the Phuket Gazette is retiring from the field and will cease operations with effect from the end of this month – midnight, July 31.

Other than our office, owned by a shareholder (not the Gazette itself), our primary asset has long been the Gazette Online. It has now been sold to a well-funded and rapidly expanding tech-based company in Hong Kong. The sale and the buyer’s plans for the site will be announced shortly. 

Meanwhile, we continue to wind down in a process that started in November last year with an advisory to our staff. We announced the stoppage of the newspaper in May and have since been in direct communication with all of our stakeholders to ensure that no one would be caught short. 


Full story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Citing-indelible-memories-people-Phuket-Gazette-bows/66765?desktopversion#ad-image-0

-- © Copyright Phuket Gazette 2017-07-12
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They used to seem to me just an extension of the real estate market and other businesses.


Personally I think they upped their game when the online blog we can't mention came along and seemed to force them to push the envelope a bit more. It was a lot less sycophantic but maybe the reality of life here had settled in. Recently thy have been putting words like 'accident' and 'brake failure' in quotes as well- the rose coloured glasses have been fogging up a bit.


I also like to read the pathetic excuses on Issues & Answers but that ceased to be updated online a while back.


For better or worse i will miss their local news.

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I don't know if this is new information, but I just noticed the online Phuket Gazette has risen from the ashes with new management, new look, video news (Tim Newton) and a radio station.

Management company is The Thaiger Co Ltd and has Singapore connections. 


I presume quoting from their articles isn't banned here?


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