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Saudi Arabia investigates video of woman in miniskirt


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42 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

She turned around and the camera go her face. It was put on Facebook by friends. Therefore you get the owner of the Facebook account put crocodile clips on their gonads and apply voltage. Viola you have the name of the girl no investigation needed.


Likely to be soon. She has been arrested and i bet right now is crapping herself.


Many people in Saudi have said " If it were a foreigner - no problem is it,"  and they refer to the recent visit with Melania and Ivanka wearing short skirts, "but if its a Saudi woman it is an outrage".


Well this is the nation that is now President Trumps new BFF! Great! Decent folks traveling to Disney world worry about visa's now and the USA sells these lowest of the low on the human rights list 100 billion worth of war machines. The moral of the story - who gives a frakk! Money is everything.


I think some people imagine due process, or Thai style dragging of feet...none of this when the moral fiber of the kingdom is at stake. And she's probably not the only one under arrest, someone had to take these pics...


Don't think either Melania or Ivanka wore anything that revealing during the visit itself, though. Still hypocrisy, but not same same.


Trump is hardly the first US president to to sell arms and deal with Saudi Arabia, and the same goes for other Western countries and leaders. If it wasn't the US selling them toys, there would be someone else.

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9 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I think there are a few Trump supporters on here that offend you :wink:

The supporters themselves are merely stuck in odd ways of thinking.  Trump jangles their prejudices in ways that make them look to him as their savior. That may sadden me a bit, but doesn't offend me. 


What offends me are things like trashing the environment, pushing species to extinction, corporations toxifying food, and EPA head who wants to trash the environment, and 5th Avenue advert hucksters selling sugar-laden/trans-fats crap to kids - wrapped in sparkly colors with cartoon animals yelling at kids to buy the junk.   So yea, I guess there are things that offend me.

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5 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

Are Prejudices all Bad.?.The Lefty Liberals seem to call anyone with Family Values prejudiced these days.?


Only when attempts are made to impose one group's family values on everyone else.



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