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Trump and Putin did not have a secret G20 meeting: Kremlin


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Trump and Putin did not have a secret G20 meeting: Kremlin




MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin did not have "a secret meeting" at the G20 summit earlier this month, but confirmed they did chat informally over dinner.


The Kremlin was responding to questions about a previously undisclosed conversation between Trump and Putin that caused alarm among some U.S. politicians unhappy about Trump's handling of U.S.-Russia relations. [nL1N1K9132]


Trump's interactions with the Russian leader at the summit in Germany were scrutinised closely because of allegations that Moscow tried to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump win the White House, something Russia denies.


When asked about the nature of the G20 dinner chat, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters: "There was no secret second meeting."


The two men had chatted informally over dinner, said Peskov, and had discussed adoption.


Putin in 2012 approved a law that banned Americans from adopting Russian children in retaliation for a new U.S. human rights law which he said was poisoning relations.


Peskov said there were no current plans for a new meeting between Trump and Putin, but there was a chance that such a meeting would occur "at some point."


Russian news agencies earlier on Thursday had cited Peskov as saying it was "absolutely absurd" to describe the informal dinner conversation between Putin and Trump as secret or undisclosed.


"The use of a term like 'undercover' or 'secret meeting' raises eyebrows", Peskov told state TV, according to the agencies.


"They had a bilateral meeting that had been officially agreed through diplomatic canals, then they repeatedly exchanged views and remarks on the sidelines. There were no undercover or secret meetings and to assert that there were is absolutely absurd," Peskov was quoted as saying.


Trump, in a New York Times interview, said his conversation with Putin had lasted about 15 minutes and was mostly "pleasantries." [ID:nL1N1KA27M]


Ian Bremmer, the president of political risk consultancy Eurasia Group, has said the meeting lasted about an hour


(Reporting by Denis Pinchuk; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-7-20
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21 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

"There was no secret second meeting."

"...they were colluding in plain sight."


Trump isn't being accused by credible people as having a "secret meeting" but of having an "undisclosed meeting" in the sense that he did not inform the national security people or the state dept people of the contents of the hour long conversation, as would be normal procedure.


It's hard to believe that it was an entire hour of "pleasantries" as Trump said (he also said it was "15 minutes"—another lie). These are two world leaders—we're not talking about Kramer and Newman (Seinfeld reference) shooting the breeze in the park.


But with Trump, you never know; it could've been an hour of shooting the breeze. Sometimes it looks like the guy doesn't seem to realize he is The President.



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I think these sort of statements (not the first instance) supporting Trump's version of things, or denying others are, at least in part, orchestrated so that issues will not go away. Without the statement, we'd be heading for the next episode of Trump's weekly (to be charitable) nonsensical/outrageous reality show. This is sure to keep it on the news cycle a while longer.


Also, it is unlikely that the Russians are unaware of how such statements and denials are generally received in the West, so it would seem calculated to promote exactly the opposite reaction, and further undermine Trump's (and by extension, the US's) image. Fueling mistrust and suspicion is an added bonus.

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"Lets not tell anyone - let it be our secret."


If neither side told anyone about the meeting, then it was a secret.


It was not a few minutes over dinner. It was a separate meeting that lasted over an hour. To get those two men into the same space for an hour takes organization and planning. Their time is too short and there is no exchange of the kind like: "Eh Don, are you free for a few minutes?" "Ah Vlad, I was having forty winks but come on up and we can have a chat."


Given than no one keeps stuff secret for no reason, we now ask why it was a secret, what was the subject of the meeting etc. Why was a secret meeting planned?

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Jennifer Hayden (@Scout_Finch)
Here's Donald Trump desperately trying to get Vlad's attention at the G20 dinner. 
If you look at the gif, Trump is pointing to Vlad, then to himself and doing a hand gesture, as if to say "want me to give you a handjob?"
It's all good. Who are we to stand in the way of true love? Vlad could be Trump's fourth partner in life and come live in the WH.
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15 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Well, if the Kremlin says so, then it must be true! Jeez, these people must think we are all morons. Or Trump voters.

Exactly, the Russian government is obviously lying as CNN says the meeting happened and they never lie...well, lets ignore all those many times they were actually caught out lying as they would never lie about something like this.

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Trump says he sat with Putin at dinner because the wife of Japan's leader doesn't speak English. But she does.

President Trump says he went over to chat with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a dinner in Germany this month because his seat mate, the wife of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, didn't speak any English.

Akie Abe “doesn’t speak English … like, not ‘Hello,’” Trump told the New York Times in an interview Wednesday.

Not so.


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                         Putin can do whatever he wants, but Trump needs to be reminded that he works for the American people - that's the theory anyway. He is paid a salary, and uses facilities paid for and staffed by people who are paid by US taxpayers. Trump has no concept of that.  Everything he says and does indicates he's in the game for himself and the people around him. All his recent tweets and outbursts have been about him only.  Plus, he acts like the Justice Dept is his private lawyer service.  


           The man has zero sense of, or experience with public service.  A 4th grade kid who picks up a candy wrapper and puts it in a waste can at a fire station, has done more public service than the Dufus in Chief has ever done.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump says he sat with Putin at dinner because the wife of Japan's leader doesn't speak English. But she does.

President Trump says he went over to chat with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a dinner in Germany this month because his seat mate, the wife of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, didn't speak any English.

Akie Abe “doesn’t speak English … like, not ‘Hello,’” Trump told the New York Times in an interview Wednesday.

Not so.


Trump probably started the conversation with his tried and tested Japanese conversation icebreaker: "hey can you introduce me to any Japanese AV models?"


She pretended to not understand. He assumed she couldn't speak English. 


Mystery solved. You are welcome. 




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29 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Trump probably started the conversation with his tried and tested Japanese conversation icebreaker: "hey can you introduce me to any Japanese AV models?"

She pretended to not understand. He assumed she couldn't speak English. Mystery solved. You are welcome. 


He probably told her.  "Don't worry. I won't grab your pussy.  You're not a 10 anyway.  Do you have a young daughter?   I heard a lot of Japanese chicks are 10's."

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4 hours ago, Rancid said:

Exactly, the Russian government is obviously lying as CNN says the meeting happened and they never lie...well, lets ignore all those many times they were actually caught out lying as they would never lie about something like this.

First of all, a lie is an intentional statement of mistruth So were those journalists lying or mistaken? But the the sake of argument, let's say they were lying.  So how many are "those many times they were actually caught out lying." I'm sure you wouldn't write such a thing if you didn't have a clear idea of how many times this happened.


And finally, not even the Russians denied the meeting happened. You got some sources that they don't?

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Nobody has denied the 2 of them spoke a 2nd time at dinner. I find it interesting how many people have 1st hand knowledge of that dinner meeting, what they discussed and exactly down to the second on how long it lasted considering that NONE of them were allowed to attend it. Thank GOD the wait staff were all secretly working for the Washington Post and CNN.

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According to the informations I found about this case at: https://warsawinstitute.org/ their "secret meeting" is a confirmed case. And in my opinion: when two full grown men want to talk about something behind cameras and everyone's back they'll always find their way. So this discussion about that if they met or not, talked or not is pointless - or it might be a way to spread misinformation :P

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17 minutes ago, heartbeating said:

According to the informations I found about this case at: https://warsawinstitute.org/ their "secret meeting" is a confirmed case. And in my opinion: when two full grown men want to talk about something behind cameras and everyone's back they'll always find their way. So this discussion about that if they met or not, talked or not is pointless - or it might be a way to spread misinformation :P


It isn't any two "full grown men" - one is president of a democratic country and the protocols of that country are that such a discussions, whether taking place in a room or on the sidelines of a dinner, be reported to the national security advisor and/or the Sec. of State. Trump didn't. THAT'S what makes it suspicious.



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