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Hi all,

Please allow me to to relate my visit to the Mercy Center prompted by Mobi's sterling efforts to promote and support the center over a protracted period of time.

I visited with the Wife on my last visit to Pattaya and found Mai and her husband in attendance who then took time out of their busy schedule to give us a tour.

Mai can speak both English and Thai fluently and can also skip between the two quite proficiently a requirement necessary due to a friend of ours who could speak no English and I can speak little Thai.

We didn't see little Joshua, as he was in hospital due to further chest problems, he was abandoned at two weeks and just left to die, the center heard and promptly rescued him, he is now over 2 years and doing OK.

Kaisa has a lung infection and Du is 2 years old, there is Wea as well, another who has been abandoned, Bea is 2 and Ice is 4 and in January wants to go to school, an option unavailable to her before.

Chen is 5 and Dai is 3 this month, Toey is not well at the moment.

Praem is the oldest female at over 7 and Goff is 5.

There is Fon who is 9, Fai who is almost six, Debbie over 4 and lynda is 2, Jubilee is 6 and very good at school and also very good at sport, although small for her age, loves to sing or dance.

Da is 8 and is also very clever, Beu is almost 4 and loves to dance too, Toni is 5, is not presently at school but can't wait to go.

I am sure these names haven't been taken down correctly, but that really isn't the point, the center is providing an invaluable service and providing a safety net that these incredible young people would have fallen through without the extraordinary dedication of the people in the center.

They need our support.

Money, provisions collection boxes, help, time, support or further exposure will all generate some form of first aid to this worthy cause.

They presently have a drive on to recruit 100 hundred sponsors to provide, I believe 1k baht per month per sponsor, they presently have 20.

Mai will send me a promotional CD to help demonstrate the center so I can present to a Catholic Fund raising group in Oxford, that should be good to see, I havn't presented in front of anyone for years!

If you can help, even in a small manner it would be most appreciated.

Most thanks to Mai and her husband and to Mobi for highlighting the Center and its ministrations.

If you visit I assure you it will be a most humbling experience.

Good Luck


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If you are serious in your support these unfortunate children I strongly suggest that you and your wife adopt one or more of them! Lots of fun and merit in the future. Good luck!



Went there today with my wife and daughter and was very impressed with everything they are doing and trying to achieve there. Again, although we just turned they took time out to introduce us to the kids, give us a tour round the place and explained everything they have been able to do with peoples kind donations and what they hope to achieve in the future. They do need our help and support and I agree with Mossfinn if you go and visit them it is a most humbling experience.

If you are serious in your support these unfortunate children I strongly suggest that you and your wife adopt one or more of them! Lots of fun and merit in the future. Good luck!


I am really not sure what you are trying to say here Viking.

But I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not treat your comment with the contempt it possibly deserves.

Firstly, do you know how difficult it is too adopt Thai Children into the UK


Secondly, are you sure this is the most beneficicial way to support a small community, where the benefit of one is done to the detriment of the whole.

I am not saying adoption is not an option, possibly sponsorship may be better as it will circumvent a whole case load of red tape and conditions and criteria that work hand in hand with adoption.

Do you know whether the Mercy Center approves of adoption, do you know anything about me and yet you come out with a worthless comment like adoption.

On second thoughts I will treat your comment with the contempt it deserves, now butt out if you haven't got anything better to say.


Went there today with my wife and daughter and was very impressed with everything they are doing and trying to achieve there. Again, although we just turned they took time out to introduce us to the kids, give us a tour round the place and explained everything they have been able to do with peoples kind donations and what they hope to achieve in the future. They do need our help and support and I agree with Mossfinn if you go and visit them it is a most humbling experience.

Thanks sumrit,

It was a very humbling experience.

Good Luck


If you are serious in your support these unfortunate children I strongly suggest that you and your wife adopt one or more of them! Lots of fun and merit in the future. Good luck!


I really can't understand you, Viking, you seem to pop up in some strange postings and come up with some mindless remark, are your pockets as empty as your head ?

I know I'm not in Pattaya at the moment but I still chip in to help the kids, have done since Mobi asked for help, I cant do anything else to help out,

Have you ever looked at the difficulties in adopting any Asian child, and the Thai's arent exactly accomadating, they would rather brush the problem away, these kids havent got a lot to look forward to, and most people who read this posting try to do a little to help, no matter where they are

Any chance you could think about what you type BEFORE you post in future :o


I'm rather confused by the negative comments re Viking's post...

I agree that adoption of a Thai child into the UK or other foreign country is difficult. But there are many of us who are married in Thailand with a Thai partner, and who live in Pattaya etc etc. Adoption can certainly be a much easier process for people in those cirucmstances and can help to bring stability into an orphan's life.

'Lots of fun and merit..."? Fun for sure. I have 5 kids already :o Merit? Yes, if you know anything about Thai culture then you would understand this comment from Viking.

Helping the Mercy Centre should feature in everyone's New Year resolutions!



I can imgaine that Viking means 'sponsor' and not 'adopt'.

Why is this forum.......in every topic posted always dealing with other posters' ways of expressing themselves.

There is no post/thread I can read without being confronted with people who directly attack other people. Can someone tell me why?

A forum is a valuable media and can be used for news, ideas and whatever. Everybody should respect this other than just try to be superior.

Some posters put a lot of time and effort in their initial postings and others posters put a lot of time and effort in just responding to them and that the cheapest and easiest part in a discussion: I would like to call them 'forum parasites'.

If you are serious in your support these unfortunate children I strongly suggest that you and your wife adopt one or more of them! Lots of fun and merit in the future. Good luck!


Viking, It would be absolutely the best if we could each adopt one of these children. But circumstances often don't allow. So, I, like you, will continue to help in other ways. Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2007.

I can imgaine that Viking means 'sponsor' and not 'adopt'.

Why is this forum.......in every topic posted always dealing with other posters' ways of expressing themselves.

There is no post/thread I can read without being confronted with people who directly attack other people. Can someone tell me why?

A forum is a valuable media and can be used for news, ideas and whatever. Everybody should respect this other than just try to be superior.

Some posters put a lot of time and effort in their initial postings and others posters put a lot of time and effort in just responding to them and that the cheapest and easiest part in a discussion: I would like to call them 'forum parasites'.

Without having a go at anyone here, if you go back over the previous posts and threads, you will see very clearly what Vikings thoughts are on places like The Mercy Centre.He is entitled to his opinion, I for one strongly disagree with his views. One thing is for sure your first line in your reply is completely wrong.

As for MossFinn.......He speaks the same as most people who visit these Charity Homes. Good on you MossFinn and thanks for reminding us lot that there are people out there who are far less fortunate than ourselves.

On 2006-12-17 Viking wrote "But I have done my far share of contribution in silence".

Tammi, I am not getting involved in any flame wars with either you or Viking. I cannot be bothered looking up the post, I remember it was one started by Mobi D'Ark.

Read the whole article and you will understand :o

On 2006-12-17 Viking wrote "But I have done my far share of contribution in silence".

Tammi, I am not getting involved in any flame wars with either you or Viking. I cannot be bothered looking up the post, I remember it was one started by Mobi D'Ark.

Read the whole article and you will understand :o

It was one I gave a pubic warning and there was more to it then that convenient quote. :D Let's keep it positive and on topic folks, some good statements here already.


Personally, I still do not understand Vikings post.

It is obvious that the "fun and merit", remark was based on my post and his perceived thoughts that I was looking for some Forum Credit for contributing to the Mercy Center.

Tammi, I have never said I have contributed.

Because Mobi has done a great job in bringing this center into the spotlight and brought it to my attention, I thought I would see for myself.

Because of the humbling experience of the visit, I thought it might be a good idea to bump it back into the spotlight and speak of how I felt.

I cannot understand some of the responses but am thankful for the support of the majority, even though this was not my intention either.

Good Luck



I did not see the first post from Mobi BUT did see Moss's and for that I thank you Moss.

I am not back until 27th Jan BUT will now make a point of visiting centre to try and help out even in a small way.

Well done Moss and I hope you and Mrs Moss have a great New Year.

BT. :D:o

Personally, I still do not understand Vikings post.

It is obvious that the "fun and merit", remark was based on my post and his perceived thoughts that I was looking for some Forum Credit for contributing to the Mercy Center.

Tammi, I have never said I have contributed.

Because Mobi has done a great job in bringing this center into the spotlight and brought it to my attention, I thought I would see for myself.

Because of the humbling experience of the visit, I thought it might be a good idea to bump it back into the spotlight and speak of how I felt.

I cannot understand some of the responses but am thankful for the support of the majority, even though this was not my intention either.

Good Luck



Mercy Pattaya is a worthy cause for the work they do. For those of you who live in the area or spend time there they could use a hand in many things, big and small.

If you are admin minded they could use a hand there as Fred and Diane are so busy doing the things that make the place run, they don't get much chance to keep on top of this.

If you are design minded they could use a hand with some promotional material and news letters. (The web master would love some new images too! :o )

If you able bodied and like swing a hammer or mowing lawns or generally making things there are always things needed to do there.

If you have fund raising skills, you will be also welcome.

If you just want to help a little, cash, food or clothing is a big help.

For details of how to find the mission or what goods are in most need look at the web site.


There is detail in the "How can I help" section there.

I did not see the first post from Mobi

Check out Mobi's previous posts BT, he has/is doing sterling work bringing the center to peoples notice.

I am not back until 27th Jan BUT will now make a point of visiting centre to try and help out even in a small way.

You wont be disappointed.

I hope you and Mrs Moss have a great New Year.

Thanks BT, I hope we will too and I will pass on message.

Remember the news I gave you last time we spoke, well definately confirmed now.

BT. :D:D

Good Luck and pass on our best wishes to your better half :o

Did you ever find that perfect condo?

Good Luck



Hi Moss

Thanks for posting this...

This is a very touching and moving project.

I was looking for something to donate to, and help and see it used in a legit way.

I live in Pattaya but from ireland , and am looking at the site, and I shall go and see the place in the next few weeks,

and do some of the donation.

Its very touching even to read the web site... sometimes in this generation of gratification, (and I am just over 30 ish),

its all ME ME ME, and we forget about these things.

Yes, I was looking for something like this, and these good things always appear when the time is right.

Good on you for posting it. I am going to, once I see the place, email the site to as many contacts as possible...

As for the person who made the smart comment...if they have nothing positive to say about such a good cause, or smart answers,

its probably best not to post. what goes around comes around.

God Bless



Charity begins at home..

so I've heard somewhere, and for those not wealthy enough to contribute here there and everywhere as much as we would like then may I cite just one case where helping one child helps.

My English friend took his Thai wifes' son to UK at a schooling age and integrated him into the lifestyle after a lot of hard work and effort to enable his move from Thailand to the UK.

I also tried to help my wife's brother in a similar way but failed due to the myopic reasoning of British Emabassy in Bkk and the Home Office in Uk..it led to his early death.

Each to his own :o

Hi Moss

Thanks for posting this...

This is a very touching and moving project.

I was looking for something to donate to, and help and see it used in a legit way.

I live in Pattaya but from ireland , and am looking at the site, and I shall go and see the place in the next few weeks,

and do some of the donation.

Its very touching even to read the web site... sometimes in this generation of gratification, (and I am just over 30 ish),

its all ME ME ME, and we forget about these things.

Yes, I was looking for something like this, and these good things always appear when the time is right.

Good on you for posting it. I am going to, once I see the place, email the site to as many contacts as possible...

As for the person who made the smart comment...if they have nothing positive to say about such a good cause, or smart answers,

its probably best not to post. what goes around comes around.

God Bless


When I went there a few days ago Fred was telling me some of the expats here meet once a month to discuss how they can help with anything that needs doing and fund raising etc. I left my phone number so they could contact me if there was anything I could do. I'm sure if anybody else wanted to do the same it would be much appreciated

Hi Moss

Thanks for posting this...

This is a very touching and moving project.

I was looking for something to donate to, and help and see it used in a legit way.

I live in Pattaya but from ireland , and am looking at the site, and I shall go and see the place in the next few weeks,

and do some of the donation.

Its very touching even to read the web site... sometimes in this generation of gratification, (and I am just over 30 ish),

its all ME ME ME, and we forget about these things.

Yes, I was looking for something like this, and these good things always appear when the time is right.

Good on you for posting it. I am going to, once I see the place, email the site to as many contacts as possible...

As for the person who made the smart comment...if they have nothing positive to say about such a good cause, or smart answers,

its probably best not to post. what goes around comes around.

God Bless


When I went there a few days ago Fred was telling me some of the expats here meet once a month to discuss how they can help with anything that needs doing and fund raising etc. I left my phone number so they could contact me if there was anything I could do. I'm sure if anybody else wanted to do the same it would be much appreciated

I will be back in Thailand tomorrow, God willing.... I am doing a 12 hour stint between flights sitting in Frankfurt Germany Airport. once I get organised, I will come and see the place, and get involved.

I have alot of business contacts in Ireland...so once I see it, and do something myself, I will be able to think of the best way to approach these people and contacts in ireland , and see if anyone will put their money where their mouth is.

Of course in the meantime I am on PM here if anyone wants to PM me.



Hi Moss

Thanks for posting this...

This is a very touching and moving project.

I was looking for something to donate to, and help and see it used in a legit way.

I live in Pattaya but from ireland , and am looking at the site, and I shall go and see the place in the next few weeks,

and do some of the donation.

Its very touching even to read the web site... sometimes in this generation of gratification, (and I am just over 30 ish),

its all ME ME ME, and we forget about these things.

Yes, I was looking for something like this, and these good things always appear when the time is right.

Good on you for posting it. I am going to, once I see the place, email the site to as many contacts as possible...

As for the person who made the smart comment...if they have nothing positive to say about such a good cause, or smart answers,

its probably best not to post. what goes around comes around.

God Bless


Hi Gerry, I am glad to be of assistance, but please don't credit me with anything, I only posted this to recall my experience and to bump it back up the lists and of course to bring it to the attention of people who hadn't been aware of it before, like your good self and BT earlier.

Big Credit should go to Mai and her husband and staff of the center and to Mobi for bringing it to the attention of this forum and keeping it there for a considerable time.

Good Luck on kicking arse in Ireland and raising further sponsorship, By the way, as an aside, where are you from in Ireland?

Good Luck


Charity begins at home..

so I've heard somewhere, and for those not wealthy enough to contribute here there and everywhere as much as we would like then may I cite just one case where helping one child helps.

My English friend took his Thai wifes' son to UK at a schooling age and integrated him into the lifestyle after a lot of hard work and effort to enable his move from Thailand to the UK.

I also tried to help my wife's brother in a similar way but failed due to the myopic reasoning of British Emabassy in Bkk and the Home Office in Uk..it led to his early death.

Each to his own :o

Absolutely agree with you OeJ,

You cannot help everybody all of the time, but one small step is one step further to the end of the journey.

Every small donation helps and with lots of people donating small amounts, it will by return create an overall large contribution.

I also agree that the Mercy is not for everyone and people prefer to donate to a favourite charity, your particular favourite is also a good cause.

Sorry to hear about your difficulties with the B.E, I am afraid you are not alone there either.

Good Luck



Hi Guys,

Sorry for being a late contibutor to this thread, and thanks to Mossfin for all that you've said and for all the positive responses.

It is good for others to go and visit Mercy and start their own threads, as there is always the cynics out there who think I'm up to something and lining my own pockets.

Just for the record, the question of apotion came up some time ago, and I did repsond at the time, but clearly the situation needs re-stating.

One of the key points of the Mercy Mission activities is that it takes care of the kids who "fall between the cracks".

There are a number of worthy, and not so worthy orphanages, some with government financial backing, who look after "genuine" orphans - ie. kids whose births have been legally registered, are Thai citizens, and both their parents have been legally declared dead.

As you can imagine, this leaves an awful lot of kids who do not fit this "orphan" description and are left out in the cold. These are kids who may be stateless, who have been abandoned by their mothers, whose fathers have long since disappeared, and who are srtarving, destitute, often disease ridden, and with nowhere to turn for help. Even the Thai social services refer such cases to Mercy as they are unable to help, due to their own red tape.

So because of their backgrounds , very few - if any- of the Mercy kids will ever be available for legal adoption. Indeed, in many cases, the mission takes care of them for a while, only to have their mother or some other relative turn up, out of the blue and reclaim them - and there's nothing Mercy can do to prevent this - even though most will return to the degradation and misery that they were rescued from - and some, sad to say will be sold again as sex toys, and yet others will die - as happened in the the tragic case of Mallachi.

So I'm sorry Mr Viking - for in the case of Mercy - adoption is simply not an option.


I wanted my wife to visit this place when she went to pattaya in November but given the time she had available I thought it inappropiate. However I will promise to see this for myself whenever I have the opportunity to visit the lovely Pattaya.

Not an empty promise Mobi ( cos I wanna share a soda with you ) as to see kids suffer like this is unbearable.

A picture is worth a thousand words...so keep at it Mobi, I applaud your devotion and no-one has any right to post derogatory remarks to a thread like this or similar.


Let's keep this thread on subject!

We all want to help out the underprivileged in our own ways, for which each us have our own reasons!



Hi Moss

Thanks for posting this...

This is a very touching and moving project.

I was looking for something to donate to, and help and see it used in a legit way.

I live in Pattaya but from ireland , and am looking at the site, and I shall go and see the place in the next few weeks,

and do some of the donation.

Its very touching even to read the web site... sometimes in this generation of gratification, (and I am just over 30 ish),

its all ME ME ME, and we forget about these things.

Yes, I was looking for something like this, and these good things always appear when the time is right.

Good on you for posting it. I am going to, once I see the place, email the site to as many contacts as possible...

As for the person who made the smart comment...if they have nothing positive to say about such a good cause, or smart answers,

its probably best not to post. what goes around comes around.

God Bless


Hi Gerry, I am glad to be of assistance, but please don't credit me with anything, I only posted this to recall my experience and to bump it back up the lists and of course to bring it to the attention of people who hadn't been aware of it before, like your good self and BT earlier.

Big Credit should go to Mai and her husband and staff of the center and to Mobi for bringing it to the attention of this forum and keeping it there for a considerable time.

Good Luck on kicking arse in Ireland and raising further sponsorship, By the way, as an aside, where are you from in Ireland?

Good Luck


Originally Moss, I am from the lovely, Castleblayney Co Monaghan, in the North East (the ISAN of Ireland ha ha), which sits right on the border with Northern Ireland. Sort of an "Emmerdale Farm" type of town!

But after the usual late 80s famed irish emmigration stint to North American (canada in my case), I spent 12 years in Dublin....which was a great place. but last few years has change, become a pressure cooker of materialism, and the new NYC type attitude. not my style no more.

Anyway, I you or someone (back on topic) said they got a DVD of the place, so I am sure they won't mind me copying a few and getting them off the people in ireland. I want to go out though and visit and drop me some of their urgent gorcery list a few times, before I do that. Lead by example, put my own money where my mouth is and all that, before I start to rattle a few people at home.

I know people in Ireland, who are consistently at these 5 star charity balls in ireland at 200 euro or more a plate, never mind the amount of champagn they glut down... so if they scoff at this, there will be some heads banged on my next trip home! LOL! ;-)

Originally Moss, I am from the lovely, Castleblayney Co Monaghan, in the North East (the ISAN of Ireland ha ha), which sits right on the border with Northern Ireland. Sort of an "Emmerdale Farm" type of town!

But after the usual late 80s famed irish emmigration stint to North American (canada in my case), I spent 12 years in Dublin....which was a great place. but last few years has change, become a pressure cooker of materialism, and the new NYC type attitude. not my style no more.

Anyway, I you or someone (back on topic) said they got a DVD of the place, so I am sure they won't mind me copying a few and getting them off the people in ireland. I want to go out though and visit and drop me some of their urgent gorcery list a few times, before I do that. Lead by example, put my own money where my mouth is and all that, before I start to rattle a few people at home.

I know people in Ireland, who are consistently at these 5 star charity balls in ireland at 200 euro or more a plate, never mind the amount of champagn they glut down... so if they scoff at this, there will be some heads banged on my next trip home! LOL! ;-)

Good stuff Gerry, you sound like one of the good guys, banging heads and all that.

Co Monaghan, land of the little hills and of course one of the three.

I have not received the CD as yet, I may chase them, but I am loathe to do that as they are very busy.

But, I have been PM'd by a poster who has said he will e-mail me some promotional stuff, if you send me your e-mail I will pass it on.

Good Luck


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys

Just to update you, the center is having a meeting of all volunteers this week where we intend to do a skills audit and perhaps spread the load, I have produced a newsletter and leaflet which will be presented at this meeting. We are still short of sponsors at 1000 baht a month. In February we will be holding a media day where we will celebrate the center's first birthday in their current premises, at the same time we will launch a capital appeal to raise 15 mill baht by next January to enable us to buy and refurbish the center as the lease runs out at that time and the owner has indicated they will be disposing of this asset. Hopefully all the local clubs like the ex pats, rotary plus newspaper and TV media will attend and spread the message.

As always the center always welcomes donations of goods or cash and volunteers are also welcome, if anyone wants a copy of the dvd please pm me and I will ensure you get sent a copy. Again if you have any questions pm me and I will endevour to get back to you with the information asap.

John C

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