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SETV to Non O Jomtien

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Today I went to Jomtien Immigration to transfer to a Non O in readiness for a Retirement extension. This is what I was told and can someone verify this please.


1) Get an Income statement from the Australian Embassy  (which I have from the australian embassy in australia)

2) Take this statutory declaration to the ministry of foreign affairs to be stamped.

3) Show bank statements of financials including the embassy statutory declaration income on my non o application. (I qualify suitably for the 65K per month financials)

4) I cannot use the statutory declaration obtained for the non o to be again used in my retirement extension application.

5) I need a medical and police clearance record (which I have from australia)


I find 2 trips to Bangkok for statutory declarations a bit rich at $80 a declaration.


Maybe, this is the correct way to do it, but just wanting clarification. Thanks




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3.  Is not needed if you are using the income option.

4. That is a Jomtien' policy. At other offices they will pull the one used for the visa application from your file.

5. Neither are needed.

You could get two stat declarations or get certified copy at the embassy during the same trip. A stat dec will be accepted that is up to 6 months old.

Only the stat dec for the visa would need to have the consular offices signature verified at the Department of Consular Affairs of the MFA in Bangkok.


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11 hours ago, blankagain said:

4) I cannot use the statutory declaration obtained for the non o to be again used in my retirement extension application.

Thank you for posting this.  In that case, I will be making a "visa run" for my initial Non-O, as it is much easier than the hassle of getting 2nd one of those from my Embassy, and getting the first one stamped by the MFA as required by Jomtien for the Conversion, but not the 1-year extension (yet, anyway). 


Also at Jomtien, you may need a copy of your landlord's ID-card, plus his tabien-bahn, plus the tabien-bahn of the place where you are staying.


For others (not the OP) considering this for a conversion based on marriage to a Thai, add to the OP's list:

A copy of the "affirmation to marry" doc from the amphur where you were married.  Evidently, the proof you are married with the 2 Kor Rors isn't enough for a conversion, though it is fine for a Visa from a consulate nearby, and also sufficient for a 1-year extension in-country.

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