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How to get rid of that last little bit of fat from my abs?

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My diet and fitness regime since February has gone very well :)  I was in BKK at the weekend to renew my Myanmar visa, and to buy some new clothes.  I bought a new pair of trousers, (same brand as my previous purchase last Christmas).  That previous purchase required a waist size of 34 inches. On Saturday, the same pair/style of trousers that now fits me has a 29 inch waist. (Note my body type is best described as 'wiry' - a 29 or 30 inch waist looks fine for me, not thin).


I also bought a new bike and some new running shoes - the pair that I bought a few months ago are already worn on the soles.


,So everything sounds quite good :)


But I have hit a barrier.  I have lost fat and flab, but I cannot seem to shift the last bit of fat from my lower abs.  It has remained at about the same level for the past month.


I am slowly increasing the muscle mass in that region, which will help to define my abs better (they are visible now and I have about 12% body fat). But what to do to remove that last stubborn bit of fat?


A friend suggested that in addition to my gym work, jogging and cycle, that I do some swimming every day or so, (there is a pool at the hotel where I use the gym).


I know that the calories in - calories out equation should still hold.  But my spreadsheet calculations indicates that I am already calorie-deficient, and I'm not that keen to reduce my calorie intake even more.


I do abs exercises, such as inclined sit-ups, plank etc.


Assuming that I do not reduce my calorie intake any further, are there any changes that should be made to my fat:protein:carbo ratios, or additional/different gym work that will concentrate on building muscle on my abs? (My current F/P/C ratio 12% : 35% : 53%)


I should of course, comment that my desire to remove the remaining fat from my lower abs is purely for vanity - no other reason!  But since I've managed to improve my physique substantially, I might as well complete the job.

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The best tool for fat reduction once you reach your level of body fat (and depending on your age) is likely to be a surgeon's scalpel ... 

16 minutes ago, dundas said:

The best tool for fat reduction once you reach your level of body fat (and depending on your age) is likely to be a surgeon's scalpel ... 

Exactly, age is a big part of it.  Just 10 years ago, I could--and did--drop 10 kilos in 3 months just by giving up beer/liquor and doing my regular walking regimen (about 7 km a day).  Now, at 57?  Don't get me started.


Sounds like the OP is doing everything right.  Since "spot reducing" is not a thing that exists, you may just be stuck with that "last stubborn bit of fat" (which no amount of ab muscle development is going to erase anyway), short of reducing your caloric intake to a point that's not good for your health.


Have you tried exercising on an empty stomach? There is the theory that "fasting exercise" is better at targeting fat. The idea is when carb stores are low in the body, your body will start to burn stored fat.


A lot of people will "carb load" before exercise which is good for increasing muscle mass and stamina but not so good for reducing body fat.


caffeine and yohimbine when you wake up on an empty stomach


get the caffeine from a preworkout like noxplode which contains creatine 


Loosing the last bit of slightly below waist fat is not easy.  I suggest you wear your trousers slightly higher.  If your an older dude,  my hats off to you.12% body fat is awesome!


Get over it, it comes with age. I've got pecs, abs, biceps, traps, and love handles, and  I wear my 'love handles' like a badge with honor.  And by the way, if you 'complete the job' today, tomorrow will eventually find you back at square one.  So Relax! You'll be happier!  :smile: 


It might require starvation. It comes down to your genes which determines where your body uses fat first. . Some people can get get that 6 pack look with 12% body fat, but then for some it might take 3%. And contrary to all the BS trying to sell you things, there is nothing you can do about it other than lose weight. There is no such thing as spot reducing.

8 minutes ago, Dan5 said:

It might require starvation. It comes down to your genes which determines where your body uses fat first. . Some people can get get that 6 pack look with 12% body fat, but then for some it might take 3%. And contrary to all the BS trying to sell you things, there is nothing you can do about it other than lose weight. There is no such thing as spot reducing.

Then again, maybe liposuction. 


Personally I think swimming is the best for burning off those last bits of fat. But it needs to be sustained, long distance swims...doesn't have to be daily or fast. Half mile and more every other day should do the trick. Freestyle is best but alternating lengths with breaststroke while you build endurance is ok.

16 hours ago, simon43 said:

indicates that I am already calorie-deficient, and I'm not that keen to reduce my calorie intake even more.

Well, this is one of the mistakes.....

if you reduce your intake your body functions will slow down, means your body will work will less calories and you will not lose any gram Even possible to gain..

Better to eat only proteins (presume you are over 60) AND go swimming. I am 188 and my weight is 82 kg (one year before 89 kg).

And check you PB AND blood sugar continuously (Monitors on ebay) .


Thanks for all the replies.  Probably the comment that is closest to the truth is:




The best tool for fat reduction once you reach your level of body fat (and depending on your age) is likely to be a surgeon's scalpel ... 



ie liposuction.  I actually consulted my doctor last week about this, when I was in BKK.  He commented that indeed, I had very little fat left on my lower abs (my upper abs are very well-defined).  Since (as many have mentioned), one cannot spot-reduce fat, lipo was one option.  

But my doctor also advised me not to have lipo, because such an immediate removal of fat would leave some loose skin, and (in his own words) 'that wouldn't look good on such a healthy body''!


If I reduce my calorie intake, then I run the risk of exposing my ribcage and looking anorexic.  I certainly don't want that.


Spot-increasing muscle mass is quite feasible, and I engage in gym routines that exercise/stress my lower abs (captain's chair, upsidedown inclined sit-ups etc).  My stomach is like a hard washboard :)


I think I'll try swimming for a few months, (need to fit this into my daily regime).  


This health & fitness programme has not been an overnight process, and I expect things will all take time.  Perhaps I'll see my lower abs well-defined by the time I'm 60....


Try HIIT early morning and on an empty stomach if you can. Start off a couple of times per week, something like sprinting all out for 30 seconds, rest for 20 seconds for 10 times. 


Well done on the progress you have made so far. 


Stop doing useless over cardio and start using wights + do 30 minutes abs daily.


Cardio over 1 hour daily is useless and waste of time.


Bodybuilders use a cream/ointment to apply on abs, I am not sure if it's steroids but I have seen it work very well.



3 hours ago, Silurian said:

Have you tried exercising on an empty stomach? There is the theory that "fasting exercise" is better at targeting fat. The idea is when carb stores are low in the body, your body will start to burn stored fat.


A lot of people will "carb load" before exercise which is good for increasing muscle mass and stamina but not so good for reducing body fat.



Urban legend forever it seems...




Get over your vanity and live with it.  Seems you have done a pretty good job so far and congratulations, but to resort to liposuction, you must be nuts, have you seen any videos of it?  Yuck.

29 minutes ago, bberrythailand said:



Urban legend forever it seems...



I had never  heard of fasting exercise before. But on weekdays I do my workouts about 6 a.m. before breakfast because it is the most convenient time for me before I go to work.  Is there anything  negative about working out before eating?  


There is also the option of Cool Sculpting. It is supposedly FDA approved but not cheap.  Available in Thailand and supposedly works for spot fat reduction.

3 minutes ago, GarryP said:

There is also the option of Cool Sculpting. It is supposedly FDA approved but not cheap.  Available in Thailand and supposedly works for spot fat reduction.


Another new great marketing BS that only retards and lazy can do.


In case you dont know FDA approved only means "I PAID A LOT TO BE ABLE TO SELL IN USA", nothing else.






You need to either increase your cardio to 90min plus endurance where your heart rate is at least 60% of your max. (220-your age is a rough guide) or modify your diet into a state of ketosis, (fat burning state). To do this you can't eat more than 20 grams of carbs a day. this will entail about 2 cups of salad leaves for lunch and 1 1/2 cups  green veg or salad at dinner. Have protein shakes just read the contents on the label and make sure it is less than 1 gram of carbs. The more protein the better as this will keep you fuller longer. No potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and other root veggies. Anything with colours other than green as it is sugar that adds the colour. No sugar at all as this will take you out of ketosis as your body is smart and will go for the easiest energy source. It will take you 3 days to get back into ketosis state. As little as 3 M&M's will take you out of state. Drink plenty of water to flush toxin build up out. Eat small eat regular, 5-6 meals a day keeps metabolism ticking over. Your energy levels may be a bit lower while doing this. When you have the desired result if you gradually add carbs and sugars you will be able to work out what your body needs to stay that way. You may want to take a good multi vitamin to cover anything that you aren't getting though food.

 I have done this diet a few times and it is the best one I have come across, It is just work and lifestyle at the moment that is causing the fluctuations.

 Good luck.

1 hour ago, simon43 said:

Thanks for all the replies.  Probably the comment that is closest to the truth is:



ie liposuction.  I actually consulted my doctor last week about this, when I was in BKK.  He commented that indeed, I had very little fat left on my lower abs (my upper abs are very well-defined).  Since (as many have mentioned), one cannot spot-reduce fat, lipo was one option.  

But my doctor also advised me not to have lipo, because such an immediate removal of fat would leave some loose skin, and (in his own words) 'that wouldn't look good on such a healthy body''!


If I reduce my calorie intake, then I run the risk of exposing my ribcage and looking anorexic.  I certainly don't want that.


Spot-increasing muscle mass is quite feasible, and I engage in gym routines that exercise/stress my lower abs (captain's chair, upsidedown inclined sit-ups etc).  My stomach is like a hard washboard :)


I think I'll try swimming for a few months, (need to fit this into my daily regime).  


This health & fitness programme has not been an overnight process, and I expect things will all take time.  Perhaps I'll see my lower abs well-defined by the time I'm 60....

Yohimbe and morning cardio is required.. But you will lose fat at other places too. I know your problem I am always struggling too to remove the last little bit of fat. Its just the hardest part to remove. 

1 hour ago, bberrythailand said:



Urban legend forever it seems...



Not really an urban legend, there are a lot of people supporting this. 

30 minutes ago, nifty11 said:

You need to either increase your cardio to 90min plus endurance where your heart rate is at least 60% of your max. (220-your age is a rough guide) or modify your diet into a state of ketosis, (fat burning state). To do this you can't eat more than 20 grams of carbs a day. this will entail about 2 cups of salad leaves for lunch and 1 1/2 cups  green veg or salad at dinner. Have protein shakes just read the contents on the label and make sure it is less than 1 gram of carbs. The more protein the better as this will keep you fuller longer. No potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and other root veggies. Anything with colours other than green as it is sugar that adds the colour. No sugar at all as this will take you out of ketosis as your body is smart and will go for the easiest energy source. It will take you 3 days to get back into ketosis state. As little as 3 M&M's will take you out of state. Drink plenty of water to flush toxin build up out. Eat small eat regular, 5-6 meals a day keeps metabolism ticking over. Your energy levels may be a bit lower while doing this. When you have the desired result if you gradually add carbs and sugars you will be able to work out what your body needs to stay that way. You may want to take a good multi vitamin to cover anything that you aren't getting though food.

 I have done this diet a few times and it is the best one I have come across, It is just work and lifestyle at the moment that is causing the fluctuations.

 Good luck.

Sounds like torture. 


I probably am not doing enough exercise to get rid of this remaining fat.  I do about 1 hour of cycling every day, plus 1 hour of running every other day or 1 hour of gym weight work.


Garry, the cool sculpting is a neat liposuction 'trick' to sculpt the appearance of a six pack in the fat that lies on top of the muscles. But in my case, the fat layer is too thin over my lower abs, (and non-existent on my upper abs), and I wouldn't 'cheat' in any case :)


I certainly don't intend to have lipo - it was simply a question that I asked my doctor out of curiosity.

10 minutes ago, simon43 said:

I probably am not doing enough exercise to get rid of this remaining fat.  I do about 1 hour of cycling every day, plus 1 hour of running every other day or 1 hour of gym weight work.


Garry, the cool sculpting is a neat liposuction 'trick' to sculpt the appearance of a six pack in the fat that lies on top of the muscles. But in my case, the fat layer is too thin over my lower abs, (and non-existent on my upper abs), and I wouldn't 'cheat' in any case :)


I certainly don't intend to have lipo - it was simply a question that I asked my doctor out of curiosity.



You probably are.. but the last little bit of fat is hard to remove. They do say yohimbine and morning cardio (you cant eat for a while after yohimbine) will help. But its real hard to get rid of that last little bit. 

5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Have you tried a bit of good ol fashioned bonking….works for me.

Recommend the OP marries a Thai girl and builds a guest house. Sweeping the floors and stairs will get rid of the fat......

1 minute ago, bberrythailand said:


Many support god also...



True.. but i seen proof of fasted cardio and yohimbine. There are some reputable people who support this. 

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