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4 minutes ago, iReason said:


"To be white in the U.S. is to be a perpetuator of the power apparatus 

unless one actively and consistently resists."

Pathetic dodge, deflection and truncating of a quote.
Nice try. NOT.

Still a fairly all encompassing statement, and definitely a troll post. Nice try on the trolling by the way.

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14 minutes ago, Ahab said:

I do lean right on many issues, but racism is not a strictly right OR left issue. Many people in the USA vote left but have views on race that are repugnant and the same goes for the right. But in neither case is it a majority and in most cases issues such as immigration have little to do with race and may be an issue with people who do not wish to be a part of the society that they have emigrated to. I have met very few open racists among the expats I have met here in Thailand, maybe it depends on where and with who you associate with?

I have met some very extreme racist expats in Thailand and over time far too many for my liking.  It was my meeting a couple of days ago with one American in particular that prompted me to create this thread. It is not as some have assumed that the most racist and bigoted are all fat gutted, beer swilling morons who hang around in bars. In-fact the worse expat racists I have encountered over the years in Thailand have been intellectuals and at first glances come across as being pillars of the expat community.


Over time I have accumulated many Thailand expat friends and acquaintances. On occasions we socialise and many have befriended me on facebook. I too enjoy socialising over a meal or a few drinks, having a good moan and putting the world to rights. But during some of the conversations with some people, I have been astounded when these people have let their guards down and they have exposed their true opinions. The same with some on facebook. I found some of the stuff they post on FB to be obscene and deleted them. I have also noticed even on TV the amount of Thai bashing on these threads is inconceivable or when people of colour are the main subjects in the Thailand News Clippings section of TV, the racist posters come out in force.


BTW, I am white British and have not experienced racism against myself and don`t have any political agendas, in-fact I hate politics. Over time even that I`ve only had associations with a small minority of Thailand expats I do believe that those with extreme racist and bigoted views are more wide spread among the expats then many of us may realise. I consider that a type of western imperialist, Xenophobic forms of racism attitudes and bigotry that is still held firmly by many expats that to me is now evident, is bad for Thailand and what concerns me is; the more foreigners that come into this country, the more their type of rhetoric will spread, especially when they have the social media to spread the words with ease. I don`t like it, it`s dangerous, it`s as simple as that.






23 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I have met some very extreme racist expats in Thailand and over time far too many for my liking.  It was my meeting a couple of days ago with one American in particular that prompted me to create this thread. It is not as some have assumed that the most racist and bigoted are all fat gutted, beer swilling morons who hang around in bars. In-fact the worse expat racists I have encountered over the years in Thailand have been intellectuals and at first glances come across as being pillars of the expat community.


Over time I have accumulated many Thailand expat friends and acquaintances. On occasions we socialise and many have befriended me on facebook. I too enjoy socialising over a meal or a few drinks, having a good moan and putting the world to rights. But during some of the conversations with some people, I have been astounded when these people have let their guards down and they have exposed their true opinions. The same with some on facebook. I found some of the stuff they post on FB to be obscene and deleted them. I have also noticed even on TV the amount of Thai bashing on these threads is inconceivable or when people of colour are the main subjects in the Thailand News Clippings section of TV, the racist posters come out in force.


BTW, I am white British and have not experienced racism against myself and don`t have any political agendas, in-fact I hate politics. Over time even that I`ve only had associations with a small minority of Thailand expats I do believe that those with extreme racist and bigoted views are more wide spread among the expats then many of us may realise. I consider that a type of western imperialist, Xenophobic forms of racism attitudes and bigotry that is still held firmly by many expats that to me is now evident, is bad for Thailand and what concerns me is; the more foreigners that come into this country, the more their type of rhetoric will spread, especially when they have the social media to spread the words with ease. I don`t like it, it`s dangerous, it`s as simple as that.






It's just odd how you use the word "extreme" what did this yank do roll up his sleeves to reveal his KKK allegiance? It's like your saying it's ok to be a bit racist but to be an extreme racist is off the menu. What could this guy have said for you to define him as an extreme racist. I think you do not know what extreme racists are to use the term and I'd be sure you would know much sooner than to have to wait until they have got comfortable over a meal.


You would even need to think if they are so extreme what topic of conversation were you having to give them the green light in the first place. Which is why I think to some extent you likely hold some racist views but even you could not stomach these extreme racists and you drew a line and typed this topic?



10 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

It's just odd how you use the word "extreme" what did this yank do roll up his sleeves to reveal his KKK allegiance? It's like your saying it's ok to be a bit racist but to be an extreme racist is off the menu. What could this guy have said for you to define him as an extreme racist. I think you do not know what extreme racists are to use the term and I'd be sure you would know much sooner than to have to wait until they have got comfortable over a meal.


You would even need to think if they are so extreme what topic of conversation were you having to give them the green light in the first place. Which is why I think to some extent you likely hold some racist views but even you could not stomach these extreme racists and you drew a line and typed this topic?



Looking at your posts all through this thread, you do ask a lot of questions and don`t seem to get the gist of what posters are saying that frustrates you and then become argumentative. How else would you like it explained? Drawn in pictures, website links? Regarding topics of conversation giving a green light, that`s one thing I won`t do on here, meaning placing the racism into categories that will then sway this thread into the politics of other countries.  As it seems you cannot grasp the basics of what this thread is about, here`s a clue: the title of this thread.

50 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

It's just odd how you use the word "extreme" what did this yank do roll up his sleeves to reveal his KKK allegiance?

It's like your saying it's ok to be a bit racist but to be an extreme racist is off the menu.

What could this guy have said for you to define him as an extreme racist.


Don't know.


Were you there?


45 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Looking at your posts all through this thread, you do ask a lot of questions and don`t seem to get the gist of what posters are saying that frustrates you and then become argumentative. How else would you like it explained? Drawn in pictures, website links? Regarding topics of conversation giving a green light, that`s one thing I won`t do on here, meaning placing the racism into categories that will then sway this thread into the politics of other countries.  As it seems you cannot grasp the basics of what this thread is about, here`s a clue: the title of this thread.

Actually when I have questioned this topic I see a lot of other posters have too and all along its been your reluctance to provide examples and now you have and it leads me to ask more questions and my main concern is your use of extreme. I doubt your ability to spot extreme racism and I believe you have incorrectly labelled the people you are concerned about. I've not discussed politics I've not gone off track I've kept on point and it is you with your reluctance to be more specific that has let this thread go so wayward. 


Cyberfarang, you only have to see how clicky some of these Chiang Mai Social circles are to know what you are getting yourself into?


I have had my share of expats 'clicky groups' put me on the totem pole of being low-so and wipe my wifes and I friendships out just on the fact base of that. It's not racism I find here that does my head in but class distinction and both farang and Thai are good at that! 


Yes, I have seen my share of racism here but it is no different to anywhere else in the world I have been.





I'm sorry.....But I just haven't run into any of this that the OP has....

My circle runs from athletes, to Doctors, to craftsmen, to retired military, to some missionaries  & I've just not seen it....

I am from the US, either ran my own businesses or in upper management with thousands of staff members....I also participated in a couple of sports nationally (and internationally) where respect is earned based on merit - not color or "status" - there's something good to be said for that kind of pursuit....

I can think of only 2 instances in my lifetime where racist insinuations came into play....Both were innocent - but both interpreted badly.....

I once used the term "atta boy" in parking lot in Los Angeles & a black outside the circle of discussion came at me from behind enraged at the use of the term boy - even though he had no knowledge of the situation....

Another time I stopped, lost trying to find an address in the south....I rolled down my window to ask an older black man for directions = he evidently thought I was going to curse him or worse....I felt bad about that encounter - still do....

Guess I've either lived a charmed life - or have not "looked" for this kind of turmoil.....Or maybe - just maybe called it out & stopped before it had a chance to take root....

We're pretty quick about culling the bullsh!t out in the colonies....


I shun the negative....People, thinking, or situations.....


The OP has no trouble pointing a vaguely aimed finger....Usually it's the finger pointers/blamers/spectators that like to stir the pot.....Because it's easier than confronting the situations straight on (in their lives) & it's easy to condemn on an anonymous forum.....


Honestly - when I read the OP my first thought was senior snowflake saber rattling.....I've read it a few times since and still see it that way....


You know....It's really easy to wake up every day and find something to be offended about.....


No offense.....


Ralph Waldo Emerson — 'In my walks, everyman I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.'

6 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

Cyberfarang, you only have to see how clicky some of these Chiang Mai Social circles are to know what you are getting yourself into?


I have had my share of expats 'clicky groups' put me on the totem pole of being low-so and wipe my wifes and I friendships out just on the fact base of that. It's not racism I find here that does my head in but class distinction and both farang and Thai are good at that! 


Yes, I have seen my share of racism here but it is no different to anywhere else in the world I have been.




Anybody that looks "down" on anybody else is only the poorer for it.....

Ralph Waldo Emerson — 'In my walks, everyman I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.'

6 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Anybody that looks "down" on anybody else is only the poorer for it.....

Ralph Waldo Emerson — 'In my walks, everyman I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.'

Thanks for sharing that quote.


I see all as equal, and we can all learn from each other.


In one of my previous roles, I worked with Australian Aboriginals. They all would call me 'Boss', and no matter what I could do to stop this, every morning at our group meeting, I would get the 'Boss' card pulled. 


I did not like it at all. Nothing I could do would stop this. Now fast forward 20 years. I was on the Great Wall of China, and out of the blue, this voice calls out to me. 


'Hey Boss, what you doing?'


One of my old workers was with a group tour of Aboriginal and Torris Straight Islandes, and he yelled out to me.


So what can you say?...

3 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

Thanks for sharing that quote.


I see all as equal, and we can all learn from each other.


In one of my previous roles, I worked with Australian Aboriginals. They all would call me 'Boss', and no matter what I could do to stop this, every morning at our group meeting, I would get the 'Boss' card pulled. 


I did not like it at all. Nothing I could do would stop this. Now fast forward 20 years. I was on the Great Wall of China, and out of the blue, this voice calls out to me. 


'Hey Boss, what you doing?'


One of my old workers was with a group tour of Aboriginal and Torris Straight Islandes, and he yelled out to me.


So what can you say?...

Wow - I did ok......

7 hours ago, binjalin said:

I believe, and I might be wrong, that it is not possible for a black person of colour to be racist against a white. That there is no legal equivalent. Seems a tad unfair as 'non-coloured persons lives matter' too.

I'd have to disagree with that statement. Chinese and Japanese can be very racist. Their use of the terms "gweiloh" and "gaijin" respectively, meaning barbarian, is a fair indicator of that. The term "falang" is mild in comparison. Although some Thais refer to Westerners with body hair as "ling", meaning monkeys.

Or try the Zulus in South Africa. It wasn't so long ago they regarded it as their birthright to kill any non-Zulus. Xhosas and Bantus were fair game.

There's also a tactic called reverse racism. It's when a non-white accuses a white of being racist to gain advantage. Sometimes used when work performance is the subject matter.



On Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 11:46 AM, seajae said:

problem is apologists are just as bad as red necks because both refuse to see the truth, people need to be able to comment on the bad as well as the good without being labelled racist etc. In Australia I have worked amongst aboriginals and had many of them as very good friends over many years, I saw their good side as well as their bad side and I have always been open about it because I believe in the truth, too many refuse to accept the truth and simply blame others for what happens to them, if people like me tell the truth of what they have seen/witnessed we are called racists because some  refuse to accept the truth of it even when many aboriginals say exactly the same things about their own people. Its the same in many countries including Thailand, telling the truth about what happens etc is not being racist or thai bashing, being unable to accept the truth and white washing what happens does more harm than good. My wife and her family will openly criticize some thais for the same things because that is being honest about it, the ones that need reigning in are those that white wash the bad and those that really do have something against all thais. If all it is is a difference of opinion then you are wrong, not telling what you see as racist etc is bad because it means you are judging people on  own views which may well be just as wrong but you are not game to post them in case you  get criticized yourself. As they say, opinions are like ar*ehole, every body has one

Mate your spot on I grew up right next to a mission. Could never understand why they could call us white c@*+! and gubber and all the rest all day long without being racist but you call em a black c@*+!  and your the worst bloke in the world. Anyway this is ridiculous Thais like most asians are the most racist pricks on the planet.


Damn those racists! Time for them to listen to some "Kent Jones - Don't Mind" and process those lyrics:


Now I got a lesson that I want to teach ya
Ima show you that where you from don’t matter to me
She said "Hola, ¿Cómo estás?, she said "Konnichiwa"
She said "Pardon my French", I said "Bonjour Madame"
Then she said "Sak pase" and I said "N'ap boule"
No matter where I go, you know I love 'em all
She said "Hola, ¿Como estás, she said "Konnichiwa"
She said "Pardon my French", I said "Bonjour Madame"
Then she said "Sak pase" and I said "N'ap boule"
No matter where I go you know I love them all




18 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

. I've been the subject of it several times. I'm not interested in PC articles written for consumption by the credulous.

Incidentally, the correct verb is "educate". Or maybe you are just too lazy to proofread your posts. That's consistent with the rest of your thinking.

On ‎26‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 5:13 PM, Rc2702 said:

The funniest ones are the guys who bare children to thai women then slag off non whites or blame their countries take on immigrants and yet they are pretty much in the same boat as the people they complain about.





On ‎27‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 6:17 PM, TheLobster said:

Funniest ones are those that think guys can bear children :wink:

I have a Thai wife and support her, immigrants are generally different, they come expecting housing and benefits.


On ‎27‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 6:57 PM, Rc2702 said:

Lobster, an immigrant is simply a person who lives permanently  in a foreign country. - debatable yes but the differential is very little and whilst you may not have the opportunity to claim benefits you very likely do not contribute to upkeep and maintenance of the country 

I contribute everywhere I stay or live, you have no knowledge otherwise and your comments are Bigotry, the thing this topic is complaining against amongst ex-pats.


On ‎27‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 8:03 PM, TheLobster said:

You seem like a bit of an ignorant twit from your post, but I'll give you a chance to explain before unloading both barrels. Where is my free ride?


17 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

but your wrong and the fact you do not pay tax in thailand means your getting a handout from thailand as we all are really so whatever you coin it your an immigrant if you live in Thailand.


I'm trying to be polite rather than the double barrel but it is difficult when dealing with an intellectually challenged individual. As an English teacher I can tell you that your (yes not you're) command of the English language is rudimentary. Men cannot bear (not bare) children. 


I pay tax in Thailand every day and live here legally. Where are the handouts? Mr. Bigot 



1 hour ago, TheLobster said:



I contribute everywhere I stay or live, you have no knowledge otherwise and your comments are Bigotry, the thing this topic is complaining against amongst ex-pats.



I'm trying to be polite rather than the double barrel but it is difficult when dealing with an intellectually challenged individual. As an English teacher I can tell you that your (yes not you're) command of the English language is rudimentary. Men cannot bear (not bare) children. 


I pay tax in Thailand every day and live here legally. Where are the handouts? Mr. Bigot 



So you like to promise yet do not deliver. I'm sorry about my grammar but your smart enough to understand the content and I'm too lazy to write to you formally and choose to provide 1 thumb typing to you on a phone. My point gets delivered unlike your promise.


The weakest argument is always the grammar junkie. You picked up on one word; immigrant and that is exactly what you are but your view is that immigrants are the ones who claim handouts so you want to establish you are different.


As I said expat or immigrant, it's a strong case that the two are one in the same but the samong noi amongst us don't like the word immigrant. I'm sorry but given the diabolical level of English in this country I don't think your earning your crust and I'm not just saying that so again another area where you likely fail to deliver. 


That was me being polite too, you are not here to do extra marking you are here to join in a discussion btw. Your contribution has been the bare minimum thus far so don't ride others waves, try forming your own ideas instead of needing to grandstand on others.


Mr Des Lynam. the man who commentates on the comments. but he supports his wife I forgot to add so it's all good.


All this over two words.  Bare and immigrant. I see 15-20 people understood it clearly enough but the english teacher cannot. Strange that.







1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

So you like to promise yet do not deliver. I'm sorry about my grammar but your smart enough to understand the content and I'm too lazy to write to you formally and choose to provide 1 thumb typing to you on a phone. My point gets delivered unlike your promise.


The weakest argument is always the grammar junkie. You picked up on one word; immigrant and that is exactly what you are but your view is that immigrants are the ones who claim handouts so you want to establish you are different.


As I said expat or immigrant, it's a strong case that the two are one in the same but the samong noi amongst us don't like the word immigrant. I'm sorry but given the diabolical level of English in this country I don't think your earning your crust and I'm not just saying that so again another area where you likely fail to deliver. 


That was me being polite too, you are not here to do extra marking you are here to join in a discussion btw. Your contribution has been the bare minimum thus far so don't ride others waves, try forming your own ideas instead of needing to grandstand on others.


Mr Des Lynam. the man who commentates on the comments. but he supports his wife I forgot to add so it's all good.


All this over two words.  Bare and immigrant. I see 15-20 people understood it clearly enough but the english teacher cannot. Strange that.







In an attempt to lighten this up a little, i don't know what it is but for some reason i find myself typing 'here' when i mean 'hear', there when i mean 'their' and quite a few others as well. I know the differences but i think more about age and being careless than stupidity or lack of intellect.

3 hours ago, TheLobster said:



I contribute everywhere I stay or live, you have no knowledge otherwise and your comments are Bigotry, the thing this topic is complaining against amongst ex-pats.



I'm trying to be polite rather than the double barrel but it is difficult when dealing with an intellectually challenged individual. As an English teacher I can tell you that your (yes not you're) command of the English language is rudimentary. Men cannot bear (not bare) children. 


I pay tax in Thailand every day and live here legally. Where are the handouts? Mr. Bigot 



Nothing impressive about being an English teacher, just an average job, certainly doesn't make you anything special!

4 minutes ago, rogeroc said:

In an attempt to lighten this up a little, i don't know what it is but for some reason i find myslef typing 'here' when i mean 'hear', there when i mean 'their' and quite a few others as well. I know the differences but i think more about age and being careless than stupidity or lack of intellect.

I cannot recall the last time I read a BBC article and did not spot a spelling mistake.  Btw you spelt myself incorrectly. Sorry just trying to add to the humour... 

2 minutes ago, rogeroc said:

i hope you noted i corrected it !!!! belatedly

Had you not it would not have mattered it was perfectly understood.


Btw you did not use a capital on I....

1 hour ago, rogeroc said:

In an attempt to lighten this up a little, i don't know what it is but for some reason i find myself typing 'here' when i mean 'hear', there when i mean 'their' and quite a few others as well. I know the differences but i think more about age and being careless than stupidity or lack of intellect.

I blame it not on my expensive but totally wasted education but on a combination of the pre emotive spell checker and my Thai purchased (possibly of questionable origin) ipad. 


Whilst it grinds me to see see my mother tongue used in what could be perceived as a careless manner I think about how bad my French or Spanish or Swedish or Russian would look to a native of those countries.


my mum always said to me " physician heal thy wounds first" and " let him without sin cast the first stone"  a philosophy I have taken on board though I have no proper  excuse for my bad grammar, punctuation and occasional spelling fail. 

8 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

So if reverse racism does not exist, that then means that only whites can be racists! Brilliant!


Racism can exist no matter what your race. White people have no monopoly on this ugly thing. Also I feel dumber for having read that article, total politically correct garbage. I will say it again, only someone who has become "well educated" at a university could spew such incomprehensible gibberish (and believe it). Common sense and reason are becoming endangered species,

16 hours ago, bazza73 said:

I'd have to disagree with that statement. Chinese and Japanese can be very racist. Their use of the terms "gweiloh" and "gaijin" respectively, meaning barbarian, is a fair indicator of that. The term "falang" is mild in comparison. Although some Thais refer to Westerners with body hair as "ling", meaning monkeys.

Or try the Zulus in South Africa. It wasn't so long ago they regarded it as their birthright to kill any non-Zulus. Xhosas and Bantus were fair game.

There's also a tactic called reverse racism. It's when a non-white accuses a white of being racist to gain advantage. Sometimes used when work performance is the subject matter.



You have misunderstood my comment sir, I did not say they 'cannot' be racist, I said in legal terms. HiSo Thais are amongst the most racist people I have met. They loath dark skinned Thais and look down on farangs as only they are the 'chosen ones'. Maybe you misread?

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