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Britain says free movement of people with EU will end after Brexit


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14 hours ago, Grouse said:

Err? Because it's a negotiation? Dear god....???

Err? Because it's sensible to let the British public know what's happening? As the remainders are always bleating on about? "Dear god...."? 

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18 hours ago, KunMatt said:

We voted for Brexit.  And Brexit means Brexit.

And it also means and end to the UK's acess to the common market and a huge decline in the UK economy and loss of jobs. Britain, just like great counties in the past are in decline and will have little more imporance than other like great counrties of the past.

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15 minutes ago, rixalex said:

"Easy to get kicked out of Thailand"? Come on. Let's be serious. How many people do you know who have been "kicked out"?

Considering how easy it is to live here within the criteria authorities set, how low the bar is set, i'd suggest that pretty much anyone who gets "kicked out" deserves it.


And this whole idea of having it as a RIGHT, to walk into a country you never been to before, and decide you are going to live there, work there, retire there, whatever, seems bizarre to me. Why should it be a RIGHT? You don't speak the language, have never contributed to local taxes, have no connections to the area. I think it should be a RIGHT of those people who live in the area you decide you want to move your life to, to have a say in who comes in and who doesn't.

The fact remains that we do have those rights in the EU and I for one see that as a valuable benefit.


To answer your question, a friend who has a small construction company, married, one child has been kicked out for 1 year for a two month overstay.


Another was kicked out for declining to pay a police "contribution" for a motoring offence.


Look when I lived in Denmark in the 80s, I had been offered a job. Going there with my young family, buying a house and learning the language was a privilege and a pleasure. Same when lived in Germany.


I guess you never benefitted similarly? BTW, I am in Thailand with six companies due to the charms of a woman. I guess everyone makes errors of judgement! 

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14 hours ago, Grouse said:

Fair question


I am highly educated, well informed, speak 3 languages, have lived all over the world, and am comfortably off.


My decision was originally 60:40 but now 100% to remain.


I want my family to benefit from the overwhelmingly positive aspects of being closely integrate with Europe economically, socially and culturally.

Highly educated? But, like many of your "highly educated" ilk, you're still appear too dumb to think for yourself, or display what many of us would call 'common dog'!

And you, personally, are living where while your family enjoys the restrictive and draconian measures of the EU?

By the way, do you mean, (being highly educated and all that), that you are comfortably well off? Being highly educated - I expect you do know where the spell/check is on your computer, don't you?

May 'Dear god' and tranquility make your 3 day holiday in Thailand, a happy one. You are in Thailand, aren't you? 

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14 hours ago, Grouse said:

Well, I don't think you have considered fully the balance of what would be lost v what would be gained


I think much of our immigration policies are due to the poor control of our borders and failure to leverage regulations open to us


I think that leaving the customs union and single market will be a massive blow and that is related to the way we deal with immigration


The EU is ready, I believe, to agree adjustments to free movement


The EU has been a boon to me and I hope others will benefit!



Maybe the OP has considered fully the pros and cons of leaving the EU? Maybe, you just haven't done so yourself? Do you really believe that the EU is 'ready' to agree any adjustments? Are you actually living in cloud cuckoo land? The EU is a self-serving, beaurocratic, undemocratic, corrupt and failing monstrosity. I firmly believe it will collapse on itself within 10 years.

Please expand on how the EU has personally been a 'boon' to your good self? 

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14 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


I'm not a Brit, so no rights to vote, but it was clear to me from the 23th of June 2016 that the winners of the referendum were the losers, they only didn't realise it.


I think many of them regret it now, and others just want to keep their heads high, but the subject of the OP is a fact and I hope it will be strictly enforced.

You speak like a lot of our european cousins, I don't think anybody is bothered if we go or stay, the only worry for you all is that your subsciptions to EU country club will have to rise considerably, so many of you talk with a tinge of sour grapes.

I'm glad you just think that many regret it now because I think many don't.

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Bundooman, welcome to the forum. Your erdudite debating style will be a boon to your fellow Brexiters.


I will refrain from responding to your ad hominem insults.


For your information I have been in Thailand for 15 years and have 1 wife, 2 kids and 6 companies.


I am a Semiconductor physicist by profession. I have a grown up son who is an airline captain in East Asia and a daughter who is a GP in the U.K.


Now, can we please get back to the discussion?

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34 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Yes, unfortunately a large proportion of the British public are dumb, unaware of what opportunities will be gained as a result of the UK deciding to go it alone. Apparently they will have to learn the hard way.

Your posts remind of arguments I would have with my sister when we were both in primary school.

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12 hours ago, KunMatt said:

This board is extremely biased against Brexit as they are losing money on their pensions because the exchange rate dropped when we voted to leave the EU.


They would happily sell out the country to the future European Federation and EU army as well as the forced migration quotas from the 2 million economic migrants from the homeland of ISIS just so they can continue to get a good exchange rate here.


That's the reason most people here are against the UK leaving the EU mafia.  They don't care about the UK or the people who will live there.  They only care about themselves here.

Whooah - hang on there!!!!!!!  As a Brexiteer I have seen a drop in my income of around 25% - I would still vote to leave as I am sick to death of propping up ailing countries and Britain being flooded with immigrants who only wish to benefit from the Uks very generous welfare society.

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12 hours ago, KunMatt said:

This board is extremely biased against Brexit as they are losing money on their pensions because the exchange rate dropped when we voted to leave the EU.


They would happily sell out the country to the future European Federation and EU army as well as the forced migration quotas from the 2 million economic migrants from the homeland of ISIS just so they can continue to get a good exchange rate here.


That's the reason most people here are against the UK leaving the EU mafia.  They don't care about the UK or the people who will live there.  They only care about themselves here.

Having posted that, Khun Matt, I can confirm that I am pro-Brexit, a pensioner and losing a lot of money on the current rate of exchange with my State, NHS and Royal Navy pensions. I still believe that Brexit is right, just, and a great opportunity for the UK. You obviously believe that you only, have the right to believe and choose for yourself, the forward way of thinking for the country of my birth!

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7 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

What does 'storch' mean? Do you mean 'staunch'? Being highly educated, of course!!

Sometimes it amuses me to set people thinking! What is the probability of two malaprops in the same sentence? Or six?

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The Brexit debate is essentially old versus young. Young people to enjoy freedom of movement and the freedom to work anywhere in Europe. The old just want to bring in the drawbridge and be isolated.

I guess that makes be an outlier (or maybe an outright liar) as I am 63!


Closer correlation iswith educational attainment.

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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Sometimes it amuses me to set people thinking! What is the probability of two malaprops in the same sentence? 

Those of us with lesser breeding would have used the expression 'Hilda Baker' instead of malatrops.

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12 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Thailand hasn't historically attracted the shapest knives in the drawer.

Is that an example of a cutting remark ? :whistling:


Knife one ! :cool:


I forked-off to Thailand, spoon after I saw the way the UK was going, about 15-years ago. :unsure:

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I find it sad that no-one on this thread has mentioned the post-Brexit plight of Brit expats who chose to live in France, Spain or other EU member states rather than Thailand or another SE Asian country.


If nothing else, I’d have expected some concern for those who might lose everything and be forced back to a country they deliberately left, in the same manner as did those of us now living here. Expected ….yes, but I’d forgotten this is the Thai Visa forum, famed for its lack of compassion and empathy.


My mistake.

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24 minutes ago, buddhalady said:

I find it sad that no-one on this thread has mentioned the post-Brexit plight of Brit expats who chose to live in France, Spain or other EU member states rather than Thailand or another SE Asian country.




If nothing else, I’d have expected some concern for those who might lose everything and be forced back to a country they deliberately left, in the same manner as did those of us now living here. Expected ….yes, but I’d forgotten this is the Thai Visa forum, famed for its lack of compassion and empathy.




My mistake.


Its 'cos you're missing the point - there are far more EU people in the UK than UK 'expats' in the EU.


So its easy to surmise that an agreement will be reached on this issue.

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1 hour ago, Jonnapat said:

UK and US, two once great nations slowly sinking down the plughole with their nationalist policies.Time will eventually catch up with them,I hope.

The only thing time is catching up with unfortunately is me.

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21 hours ago, Grouse said:

Surely some mistake? The Brexiters never stop telling us that it had nothing to do with immigration!

No, you like many other remainers are confused. Brexiteers knew it was about immigration as well as controlling our own laws and making our own decisions. There was and still isn't any confusion. Except for you.

Edited by jinners
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2 minutes ago, jinners said:

No, you like many other remainers are confused. Brexiteers knew it was about immigration as well as controlling our own laws and making our own decisions. There was and still isn't any confusion. Except for you.

Apart from that small moment when the legal authorities were denounced as Enemies of the People for opposing Royal Prerogative.

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59 minutes ago, buddhalady said:

I find it sad that no-one on this thread has mentioned the post-Brexit plight of Brit expats who chose to live in France, Spain or other EU member states rather than Thailand or another SE Asian country.




If nothing else, I’d have expected some concern for those who might lose everything and be forced back to a country they deliberately left, in the same manner as did those of us now living here. Expected ….yes, but I’d forgotten this is the Thai Visa forum, famed for its lack of compassion and empathy.




My mistake.


The expats who voted for Brexit can go back and live in Sunderland.

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18 minutes ago, jinners said:

No, you like many other remainers are confused. Brexiteers knew it was about immigration as well as controlling our own laws and making our own decisions. There was and still isn't any confusion. Except for you.

Which laws can we look forward to changing so that they represent the best of British?

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