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Britain says free movement of people with EU will end after Brexit


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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

Please grace us with some wisdom oh wise elderly one.


Here's something to be going on with re your "We voted" comment:


"The sole legal right of electors under the English constitution is to elect

members of Parliament. Electors have no legal means of initiating, of

sanctioning, or of repealing the legislation of Parliament. No court will consider

for a moment the argument that a law is invalid as being opposed to the opinion

of the electorate; their opinion can be legally expressed through Parliament, and

through Parliament alone’


(Dicey 1885 [1959]: 59)"

Core Principles of the British - Department of Politics and International .


It means that at some time in the future Parliament will do whatever it wants to do/feels it can do/can get away with.  When it does that it will take into account the mood of the "Mob" (that's you and me) and act with that in mind.


How will the Mob (split pretty much 50/50 at the moment) feel at that unknown time in the future?


We'll just have to wait and see.


PS The EU will be as "flexible" as is necessary in its application of membership rules and time limits if it thinks that the UK is moving in a "helpful" direction. 




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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Khun Han is of course a storch (six)  Brexiteer so we permit him his victories however small. ?


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15 minutes ago, kannot said:
29 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Khun Han is of course a storch (six)  Brexiteer so we permit him his victories however small. ?


Edited 13 minutes ago by kannot


Is that supposed to be 'storch (sic)' or 'staunch (six)' or some such? Can anyone make any sense of it? Who cares?

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

I want my greater family to be able to work where they like, live where they like and retire where they like.

Most of us posting on here are living proof that it is quite possible to work, live and retire in a country that doesn't have freedom of movement and that isn't part of the EU.

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12 minutes ago, rixalex said:

Most of us posting on here are living proof that it is quite possible to work, live and retire in a country that doesn't have freedom of movement and that isn't part of the EU.

This board is extremely biased against Brexit as they are losing money on their pensions because the exchange rate dropped when we voted to leave the EU.


They would happily sell out the country to the future European Federation and EU army as well as the forced migration quotas from the 2 million economic migrants from the homeland of ISIS just so they can continue to get a good exchange rate here.


That's the reason most people here are against the UK leaving the EU mafia.  They don't care about the UK or the people who will live there.  They only care about themselves here.

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1 hour ago, rixalex said:

Most of us posting on here are living proof that it is quite possible to work, live and retire in a country that doesn't have freedom of movement and that isn't part of the EU.

for the time being - if the balloon ever goes up on this tinderbox I hope you have a Thexit strategy.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

I want my greater family to be able to work where they like, live where they like and retire where they like.


What kind of Numpty would not agree with that? ( a few fruit & veg pickers and some bar staff. Great!)


Is is ingnoramuses or ignoremi? Replies on a post card please!

Thailand hasn't historically attracted the shapest knives in the drawer.

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2 hours ago, rixalex said:

Most of us posting on here are living proof that it is quite possible to work, live and retire in a country that doesn't have freedom of movement and that isn't part of the EU.

One lives, works and retires here under licence NOT by right.

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

This board is extremely biased against Brexit as they are losing money on their pensions because the exchange rate dropped when we voted to leave the EU.


They would happily sell out the country to the future European Federation and EU army as well as the forced migration quotas from the 2 million economic migrants from the homeland of ISIS just so they can continue to get a good exchange rate here.


That's the reason most people here are against the UK leaving the EU mafia.  They don't care about the UK or the people who will live there.  They only care about themselves here.

I do love an intellectual debate.

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Heard a different view on it today on a radio talk show following a survey that many of the EU workers here are actually in the medium to highly skilled bracket. Portugese guy phoned in to say he couldn't care less about Brexit, he figured his job would be safe, even if he had to go the work permit route. However he was thinking of leaving anyway, as had some of his friends and others were doing so. Not Brexit that bothered them but the cost of living. Something I can heartily concur with.

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2 hours ago, KunMatt said:

This board is extremely biased against Brexit as they are losing money on their pensions because the exchange rate dropped when we voted to leave the EU.


They would happily sell out the country to the future European Federation and EU army as well as the forced migration quotas from the 2 million economic migrants from the homeland of ISIS just so they can continue to get a good exchange rate here.


That's the reason most people here are against the UK leaving the EU mafia.  They don't care about the UK or the people who will live there.  They only care about themselves here.

Hedged, Dear Chap. :cool:

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24 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I do love an intellectual debate.

You should try it some time instead of just calling everyone else numpties and  just saying that your degree means you are smarter than everyone else and you can talk in 3 languages so therefore you are right about something.


How you are allowed to derail every single thread which is even slightly about Brexit with the above tactics every time is quite surprising to me after all of this time.


I guess this is why we cannot have a real debate about the topic.

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7 hours ago, KunMatt said:

You should try it some time instead of just calling everyone else numpties and  just saying that your degree means you are smarter than everyone else and you can talk in 3 languages so therefore you are right about something.


How you are allowed to derail every single thread which is even slightly about Brexit with the above tactics every time is quite surprising to me after all of this time.


I guess this is why we cannot have a real debate about the topic.

We rarely get rational input from Brexiters; no real discussion of the likely pros and cons of specific actions.


I have laid out my reasons for wanting to remain in the EU on many occasions. I do not draw a pension and the weaker pound makes it cheap for me to visit the U.K. ( much of my businesses' income is in THB or SGD)


If you don't wish to be considered a numpty, say something sensible!


Incidentally, not all those pro Brexit are numpties. But many are!


Did you see Vince Cable on immigration?



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8 hours ago, Grouse said:

One lives, works and retires here under licence NOT by right.

The point is that it is possible and that for people who want to live, stay or retire here, they find a way.


I'm sure your "greater family", for whom you are concerned will no longer be able to live, stay or retire anywhere they like in the EU, they too will find a way to make it happen, freedom of movement or not, if that is really what they want.

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27 minutes ago, rixalex said:

The point is that it is possible and that for people who want to live, stay or retire here, they find a way.


I'm sure your "greater family", for whom you are concerned will no longer be able to live, stay or retire anywhere they like in the EU, they too will find a way to make it happen, freedom of movement or not, if that is really what they want.

Yes, you are correct.


However, one can easily be kicked out of Thailand for a misdemeanour or for failing to meet a particular visa requirement. One cannot easily work here, there are many protected jobs and professions.


Contrast that with having the RIGHT to live, work and retire anywhere in the EU. That's a big deal in my book. I benefitted from this twice in my life and I am grateful for that. I was able to get mortgages and excellent health care with ease.


When I contrast that with the hassle of going to work in the USA  (three times), there's no contest.


Finally, right now my Thai daughter (UK passport) can go to university in Germany or The Netherlands and be taught in English with no tuition fees. I'm not happy about losing that privilege.


But British vegetable pickers and waitresses can not face competition from the EU so I will have to put up with it ?

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18 hours ago, Grouse said:

Senseless morons 


What is the point of making that statement now?


Goodbye single market, goodbye customs union


I was aware that an embarrassingly large proportion of the electorate are numpties, but I am surprised to see numpties in positions where they can cause real damage!

I was aware that an embarrassingly large proportion of the electorate are 'remainder' numpties, but I am surprised to see numpties in positions where they can continue to whine and complain about leaving the despised EU! Two sides to every argument, Pal!

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35 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Yes, you are correct.


However, one can easily be kicked out of Thailand for a misdemeanour or for failing to meet a particular visa requirement. One cannot easily work here, there are many protected jobs and professions.


Contrast that with having the RIGHT to live, work and retire anywhere in the EU. That's a big deal in my book. I benefitted from this twice in my life and I am grateful for that. I was able to get mortgages and excellent health care with ease.


When I contrast that with the hassle of going to work in the USA  (three times), there's no contest.


Finally, right now my Thai daughter (UK passport) can go to university in Germany or The Netherlands and be taught in English with no tuition fees. I'm not happy about losing that privilege.


But British vegetable pickers and waitresses can not face competition from the EU so I will have to put up with it ?

"Easy to get kicked out of Thailand"? Come on. Let's be serious. How many people do you know who have been "kicked out"?

Considering how easy it is to live here within the criteria authorities set, how low the bar is set, i'd suggest that pretty much anyone who gets "kicked out" deserves it.


And this whole idea of having it as a RIGHT, to walk into a country you never been to before, and decide you are going to live there, work there, retire there, whatever, seems bizarre to me. Why should it be a RIGHT? You don't speak the language, have never contributed to local taxes, have no connections to the area. I think it should be a RIGHT of those people who live in the area you decide you want to move your life to, to have a say in who comes in and who doesn't.

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18 hours ago, Grouse said:

Surely some mistake? The Brexiters never stop telling us that it had nothing to do with immigration!

Surely some mistake? The remainders never stop telling us that immigration is unimportant! "Head, sand, bury, In" - comes to mind.....

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14 hours ago, the guest said:


Yes, unfortunately a large proportion of the British public are dum, unaware of what opportunities will be lost as a result of the UK deciding to go it alone. Apparently they will have to learn the hard way.

Yes, unfortunately a large proportion of the British public are dumb, unaware of what opportunities will be gained as a result of the UK deciding to go it alone. Apparently they will have to learn the hard way.

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13 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

I was aware that an embarrassingly large proportion of the electorate are 'remainder' numpties, but I am surprised to see numpties in positions where they can continue to whine and complain about leaving the despised EU! Two sides to every argument, Pal!

And what is your line of argument, "pal"? Do tell....


(what do mean by remainder BTW? That would be a good opening gambit!)





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14 hours ago, lungbing said:

Presumably you mean 'dumb', not dum.  

Yes, we will lose opportunities.  The opportunity of having Roumanian families living under bridges,  Latvian gangsters running car washes, Polish rapists coming to enjoy the UK's superior benefit system.  I hope we will also have lost the opportunity of watching gangs of east Europeans selling a few copies of "The Big Issue" which qualifies them as being able to claim UK benefits.  Racist am I?  No, I welcome qualified Europeans who will benefit the UK.  They were welcome before, they will still be welcome.  

At last - a voice of sanity. Good post. I would add, Sharia law, good riddance to the European version of human rights and lastly, the opportunity to make our own way in the world, without being strangled by European power grabbing.

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