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Pai shooting (history cont.)

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Some of you may remember a young Canadian woman Carly Reisig, who was shot by a cop in Pai some 8 or 9 years ago. The cop killed the boyfriend and shot Carly in the chest. Why or how is irrelevant. The Pai cops tried to cover it up, but unfortunately for them , this same cop later killed his own young wife…. and confessed to all shootings. He was sentenced to 30 odd years. I have met Carley a few times recently and she is suing the Thai Police Force due to their lies and intentional coverup. She has gone to court over 9 times. The cops admit guilt and the judge has ordered a settlement. This progressed and then the Thai police refused to negotiate. Carly will be back in court in Bangkok during this first week in August. Three final court days have been slated for this settlement hearing. There is no love lost between the two powers…and a Shinawattra was in power at the time.


Thanks for posting this update. We're often left wondering, "What ever happened to...?"  I remember this incident well, but wasn't aware of the subsequent lawsuit. 


If I was Carly Id have a bodyguard from now until well after the court case and possibly until any payment is given.  Strange things have been known to happen in this country, not that Im accusing anyone of untoward behaviour or practices.


Its always best to be safe than sorry.... it may also pay for any hiil tribe people to stay well clear too!  Funny how blame ends up in their 'backyard' on more occasions than not.


I hope all goes well for Carly and she manages to get some form of justice....and its a big hope at that.


Ok judge decides police owe her X Baht, does anyone expect the police to enforce that decision on themselves? Many cases where the police do not enforce court decisions on others and the judge says it is not my job.


What exactly is the point of your post? If it was to provide an update, you should have just have stuck to the actual court proceedings. You undercut your credibility when you interjected your bias into the post. 30 odd years? How about almost 40 years with a sentence of 37 1/2 at hard time?


When did the cops "admit guilt"? I was  unaware they made such a statement. In a country where suspect murderer police are sent to inactive posts, you expect everyone to accept your statement just like that?  Please tell me when  they said they were "guilty".


 The cop killed the boyfriend and shot Carly in the chest. Why or how is irrelevant.

It is only irrelevant when you wish to  provide your sanitized narrative. The  events surrounding the unlawful death have been rehashed enough times, but why and how is most definitely relevant as it was the root of the  drawn out compensatory negotiations. And no I am not excusing the shootings. However, all parties  had some responsibility  in the event outcome. And no I do not offer that as an excuse for the shooting, which we  all recognize was a wrongful act.


The Pai cops tried to cover it up, but unfortunately for them , this same cop later killed his own young wife…. and confessed to all shootings

Unfortunately for your narrative, the two shootings are legally unrelated. And the claim of a confession in the Reisig shooting is nonsensical because it wasn't denied once the  police officer was  investigated. There were multiple witnesses and to deny the shooting meant that the  police officer's excuse of a lawful self defense would not hold.  


What does the reference to a " Shinawattra was in power at the time"  have to do with the case? Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra did not order the shooting and Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra had no involvement in the case.

Apparently, you missed the part about the military running the country for the  past couple of years. Why aren't you blaming the army for not giving you  what you want?  (The army like Mr. Thaksin have nothing to do with this case.) Nonsensical reference and petty.



1 hour ago, Gonzo the Face said:

Geriatrickid,,,,,, whats with you....   One may be forgiven for believing you or maybe your family is somehow involved with the Thai Police Dept.

I am not defending the police, and as I stated, the  shooting was a wrongful act. However, one should not post factually incorrect and misleading statements. Go back and read what I wrote.

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