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U.S. general - North Korea ICBM threat advancing faster than expected


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U.S. general - North Korea ICBM threat advancing faster than expected



The intercontinental ballistic missile Hwasong-14 is seen during its test launch in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang, July, 4 2017. KCNA/via REUTERS


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. General Mark Milley, the chief of staff of the Army, said on Thursday that North Korea's July 4 test of an intercontinental ballistic missile showed its capabilities were advancing significantly and faster than many had expected.


Milley, in remarks to the National Press Club in Washington, said there was still time for a non-military solution to the crisis caused by North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, but cautioned that "time is running out."


"North Korea is extremely dangerous and more dangerous as the weeks go by," he said.


U.S. media reported this week that the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Pentagon spy agency, had assessed that North Korea would be able to field a nuclear-capable ICBM by next year, earlier than previously thought.


However, two U.S. officials said some other analysts who study North Korea's missile programme did not agree with the assessment, although there was no question that Pyongyang had moved further and faster in its efforts.


U.S. officials said on Tuesday they had seen increased North Korean activity that could be preparations for another missile test within days.


After its July 4 test, North Korea said it had mastered the technology needed to deploy a nuclear warhead via the missile. It also said the test verified the atmospheric re-entry of the warhead, which experts say may be able to reach the U.S. state of Alaska.


North Korea has made no secret of its plans to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the United States and has ignored international calls to halt its weapons programs.


The vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Paul Selva, said last week that North Korea did not have the ability to strike the United States with "any degree of accuracy" and that while its missiles had the range, they lacked the necessary guidance capability.


(Reporting by Phil Stewart, Idrees Ali and David Brunnstrom; Editing by Cynthia Osterman and Grant McCool)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-28
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I wouldn't worry.  Trump promised to resolve this problem... "at some point".



U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that North Korea was a "big problem", but assured Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that issues surrounding the secretive Asian state would be resolved.


It's a big problem, it's a world problem and it will be solved. At some point it will be solved. You can bet on that," Trump said sitting alongside Abe in a bilateral meeting ahead of a Group of Seven summit.


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Why on earth would I believe anything from the Pentagon after the Iraq WMD saga. I would believe Hans Blix if he were to visit and tell us. So the Pentagon tell us that NK had already fired an ICBM, but Russia (whom I believe much more) says it wasn't an ICBM. Who to believe? A bunch of proven liars 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Paul Selva, said last week that North Korea did not have the ability to strike the United States with "any degree of accuracy" and that while its missiles had the range, they lacked the necessary guidance capability.

So they aim for Anchorage, but they miss and hit Nome. Ah, well, no worries then.


1 hour ago, retarius said:

Why on earth would I believe anything from the Pentagon after the Iraq WMD saga. I would believe Hans Blix if he were to visit and tell us. So the Pentagon tell us that NK had already fired an ICBM, but Russia (whom I believe much more) says it wasn't an ICBM. Who to believe? A bunch of proven liars 

Well, in this case they do not appear to beating the drums of war and trying to justify an invasion. Even liars can tell the truth if it serves their interests. I think this is actually a genuine problem, and Trump needs to give it some priority.

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1 hour ago, retarius said:

Why on earth would I believe anything from the Pentagon after the Iraq WMD saga. I would believe Hans Blix if he were to visit and tell us. So the Pentagon tell us that NK had already fired an ICBM, but Russia (whom I believe much more) says it wasn't an ICBM. Who to believe? A bunch of proven liars 

But, seeing as the North Koreans themselves are claiming to have this ICBM capability, they can only blame themselves if they find themselves on the receiving end of a pre-emptive spanking!

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29 minutes ago, saminoz said:

But, seeing as the North Koreans themselves are claiming to have this ICBM capability, they can only blame themselves if they find themselves on the receiving end of a pre-emptive spanking!

That wont happen and why should it, let everyone have ICBM's they wont be used, even Kim isn't that crazy. Let us be fair children, Sammy has an ICBM let little Kim have one as well, now off you go and play nicely.

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1 hour ago, timendres said:

So they aim for Anchorage, but they miss and hit Nome. Ah, well, no worries then.


Well, in this case they do not appear to beating the drums of war and trying to justify an invasion. Even liars can tell the truth if it serves their interests. I think this is actually a genuine problem, and Trump needs to give it some priority.

Trump won't do anything about it.  The Chinese decide and Trump just blusters in his usual moronic way

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Well, in this case they do not appear to beating the drums of war and trying to justify an invasion. Even liars can tell the truth if it serves their interests. I think this is actually a genuine problem, and Trump needs to give it some priority.

Trumps too busy playing survivor at the White House.

There's also that Mueller thing...tic....tic...tic.


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