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Combatting Witchcraft


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This is interesting.I have an Isaan ex-wife and an Isaan new girlfriend.

The Isaan ex-wife has been making death threats to both myself and the new girlfriend. The new girlfriend isn't worried about motorcy & machine guns but of the withcraft that my wife may perform to make her die of a serious illness. (think voodoo dolls & mystery oils)

The girlfriend has now become sick. It's that time of the month - it's what we'd call a 'heavy period' in the UK but what she'd call proof that my wife is trying to kill her in Isaan.

There's no way she's going to convince me this is possible, nor is there anyway I can convince her that it could be a coincidence or that she might just be sick because people do actually get sick.

She is convinced that her dead dad is looking out for her & that's the reason the spells haven't worked so far. But she fears my wife may have found a stronger potion and that she's now suffering because of it.

So - I am thinking that there must be some 'anti-witchraft' card I can play that'll trump the wifes attempts. If I play this card somehow, would the girlfriend then be confident that nothing could touch her ? Is there some spell/amulet/ceremony that would convince these people that their troubles are over.

Any clues ?

Pedro :o

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try to involve a monk, this usually helps

I was going to make the same suggestion.....what does your girl suggest as a remedy?

That's the problem - apparently she thinks all has been done that is possible & now it's in the laps of the Gods. I would like her to think the scales are tipped in her favour.

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Take her to a temple for a week or so as often as time permits and give the monks food everyday, do plenty of chanting with her, do some meditation maybe, make some small donations everyday. Increase the intensity and duration, building up her "merit" might help her combat the witchcraft thoughts.

Even if she temporarily ordains as a nun for 7 days (dont need to shave her head) it can help greatly, especially if she immerses herself in the temple activities.

Visit a good Astrologer or 2, he might help too.

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The MIL knows a good voodoo man who can dispell any "bad" magik. Try to ask around & find one of them. It's a super stupid belief IMO but 2 years ago the MIL brought him in to protect me & hubby as it was "written" that one or both of us would be injured in a car accident. So voodoo man was called in, spat wax water over us, bound our wrists with string & guess what, no accidents so far so hubby, MIL & others are all happy & their belief in voodoo man is stronger than ever :D

Superstition is strong & enforced with examples like the one above. Unless you can find a strong counteraction your gf will carry on beleiving this sillyness.

Good Luck :o

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I agree with Boo, super stupid belief, however her mind needs to be put at ease, as she will believe this 100%, so as far as frame of mind is concerned she needs to deal with it.

Like others have said, get the local monk involved.. a "bai sii" can be performed at these time to gather the spirits around her to protect her.

There are many was like this that her mind can be eased of this worry, talk to the older generation, they will also know what to do.

totster :o

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Something I have not encountered directly - but do good things multipled by 9.

You might want to consider doing bad things for the ex (maybe multipled by 4, as that is a bad number) getting the dog to piss on her photograph might help - however it does seem like joining the bandwaggon and so giving credit to the idea.

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Since you created the problem you must solve the problem. You need to find a witch doctor (you, but don't tell her that). Tell her you can't tell her who the witch doctor is because that would weaken the protection. Take a small container and put some of your hair, the toes from a road killed toad and some dirt. Tell her the dirt came from a famous watt where a powerful monk was cremated and his ashes scattered. Maybe a bit of elephant dung to finish it off. You can just use cow manure for that. It's the thought that counts. Give her the small container and tell her to keep it close to her and it will protect her from any black magic spells. Tell her the witch doctor says it CAN'T fail. Above all, tell a convincing lie. Remember that being a liar is perfectly acceptable to Thai people if it is helping someone.

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