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In blustery call, Trump pressured Mexico on border wall payment


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23 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Conservatism, a better America for the people.

Conservatism as in:


The sanctity of a third marriage (with opt out clause when third wife is pregnant which allows husband to take another married woman "furniture shopping", if you know what I mean)?


The importance of honesty (at least some times!)?


Following the tenets of Jesus Christ, like caring for our fellow man by taking away healthcare?


Taking responsibility for one's actions like blame the minority party when you, the majority party, fail to repeal and replace?


Respecting women? (Lock her up, Trump that B!itch, blood coming out of her wherevers, fat pig)


Yeah, I think America's had enough of that conservatism. 


Thanks, but no thanks.



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Surely my command of American English is not good enough since the term "Spoiled Brat" comes to my mind when reading the transcripts.
"ME ME ME I want I want and if you are not with me you are against me" seems to sum it up. 
For now not even going into the newly introduced ludicrous changes in interpretation of International Law, founded on a "MY election promises concept", that the President of a country simply assumes he can tell Leaders of other countries what to do, and can ignore existing arrangements.
It seems I am not capable to rationalise and understand how such new dictatorial concepts fit in a democratic society and am happy to stay where I am..

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15 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

It's dangerous no matter who did it. No one should have the ability to do this.

if the conversations were held in a logical, responsible and constructive manner, and statements and demands were substantiated by rationale and facts instead of ego, there would be no reason to warn the American voters, and the world, about the decision making process of the leadership in the Greatest Country to be.

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