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Thailands Lottery

Gonzo the Face

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I have had several people , over the years, ask where can you see [on internet] the winning numbers after a draw.  There used to be a site where you just type in your number and it would come right back, win or not.  I forgot what that site was and now when trying to Google up the site, you get a vast multitude of sites but none showing a full list of the numbers drawn.  Why the big secret.  I am guessing that as it is a government run lottery, that it is alright to talk about it.  Why is it such a big deal to see what the winning numbers are????  Does anyone have a website that gives the simple winning numbers in all the brackets??   Doesn't the government lottery office publish the winning numbers someplace?

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Well the lazy mans question just came up again.  Does anyone know of a Lottery website showing the winning numbers for a given date, NOT just all the winning numbers, but also has a little block that you type in your ticket number and it comes right back with yes or no from all the categories.  Saves a lot of time and is not subject to ones propensity to make a reading error as much.  There used to be such a site, I just can't find it or remember it.

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