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Air pollution alert in 14 Thai provinces


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I have lived in 5 of those mentioned provinces. Family in 2 but obviously they arent testing in kanchanaburi during burn season or in the villeges renowned for charcoal manufacturer. Worse place ive lived to get clean air yet we live on a big property with no close neighbours. Amazing thailand.

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We stopped burning outdoors in my home town of Pittsburgh in the USA over fifty years ago.  Went from the most poluted city in the world to one of the cleanest, most beautiful.  Can be done, but takes business and government working out a plan together...
PITTSBURGH yesterday and today--
600 Liberty Avenue 1948--(at noon every day, had to turn on headlights!!!)
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10 hours ago, taharkin said:
We stopped burning outdoors in my home town of Pittsburgh in the USA over fifty years ago.  Went from the most poluted city in the world to one of the cleanest, most beautiful.  Can be done, but takes business and government working out a plan together...
PITTSBURGH yesterday and today--
600 Liberty Avenue 1948--(at noon every day, had to turn on headlights!!!)

Dozens of Pittsburgh air pollution 1940s shots in this Buzzfeed article [link]

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/9/2017 at 0:38 PM, Destiny1990 said:

Interesting is it with a top notch air purifier there is maybe no need to place extra filters on ur A/C Units? As the air purifier will clean all the air in the unit?

Just for info... Running ACs do make a difference particularly those that use ionizers. Again I have verified this using metering equipment. Part of the reason is to do with the removal of water from the air caused when the air is cooled. I generally run a humidifier at the same time and this constant (invisible) flow of water though the air cleanses the air in a similar way to how rain and lightning (ionizing) do. I also run a HEPA filter and the count in my home in the center of BKK is usually between 2 and zero for PM 1,  2.5, and 10.  

Before you all think I'm insanely paranoid; I am Asthmatic so air matters to me :-)

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On 8/9/2017 at 11:14 AM, mrfill said:

Well, why not look it up for yourself on http://aqicn.org/city/usa/newyork/


Currently the highest around New York is 64, London 64, Paris 62, Berlin 51

Well I'm in Paris now staying in the 13th district. Generally the air is remarkably good PM 1, 2.5, 10 around 1, 3, 5 respectively on most days.

We had 3 or 4 days of really muggy hot weather last week and the air quality went from the above readings to around 15, 25, 30 so from that one can deduce that air quality, in Paris at least, is HIGHLY variable and dependent on the weather.

Higher temperatures seem to come with greater pollution. A few weeks ago I was staying about 30 minutes from Rome on the coast 5 minutes walk from the sea and the air quality there was a nightmare for a whole week registering from 20 to 55 in the PM 10 category. This is likely to be due to the fires they have been having there recently.

Open fires are the greatest producers of small PM. I was once in Central world having dinner in a BBQ place on one of the top floors. I was quite surprised to find out that they used real fires in this enclosed place and despite the high tech fumes removing system the PM readings most of the time were hitting 500 to 600.
I suspect however that what also matter is what is in the PM... natural burning materials like woods are probably not as toxic as plastics and petrochemical derivatives.

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/9/2017 at 5:36 PM, CanuckThai said:

There are different perspectives to consider about the "Donald"  Paris accord stance.  I agree, a good example is Thailand.  This country will rape, pillage and salt the fields, for additional manufacturing plants and exports, and do almost nothing, to enforce, that which will compromise profit/income/graft.  Especially environmental issues.  This is not specific to Thailand, but LOS is the epitome of what the Paris accord is up against, and why many think it's a farce.

Most western countries have implemented environmental laws and enforcement (eg: emission controls, IC engine efficiency standards, phasing out of coal/dirty energy (or are enforcing EPA regulations for scrubbers/emission controls), all of which are increasing the cost of living/cost of business.  China alone is still introducing a coal fired electrical plant per week + (agreeing to cut back within 20 years).

We all agree something must be done, but until global standards and sanctions against countries/companies are introduced/enforced......we're hooped.  


This is where the UN can start to earn their keep.


The US is already ahead of most (not all) countries, with environmental standards.

What you said is 100% correct - the Paris Climate Agreement is a farce.  That POTUS Trump withdrew was right on two counts - he said he would if elected, and it is a total and utter farce.


Under the PCA China is allowed to increase its pollution for 13 years!!  China stands head and shoulders above other countries in greenhouse gas output. In 2007 Chian had overtaken the United States as the world’s biggest carbon dioxide polluter. In 2015, China released almost 10.4 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and industry, equal to 29 percent of total emissions worldwide. The United States emitted 5.4 billion tons in 2015.


Thailand is a signatory to the PCA.  Thailand is a signatory to the PCA.  Yes I said that twice - it was worth repeating as it clearly shows the value of being a signatory to the PCA - nothing.  Air pollution in Thailand is not getting better - it is getting worse. 


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On 9/4/2017 at 2:38 AM, aegdawson said:

Just for info... Running ACs do make a difference particularly those that use ionizers. Again I have verified this using metering equipment. Part of the reason is to do with the removal of water from the air caused when the air is cooled. I generally run a humidifier at the same time and this constant (invisible) flow of water though the air cleanses the air in a similar way to how rain and lightning (ionizing) do. I also run a HEPA filter and the count in my home in the center of BKK is usually between 2 and zero for PM 1,  2.5, and 10.  

Before you all think I'm insanely paranoid; I am Asthmatic so air matters to me :-)

I am intrigued. What kind of capacity airconditioner, air volume and humidifier do you use? Is the HEPA filter and add-on to the aircondioner or a standalone device?

I am pretty sensitive to bangkoks air and would like to do something similar.  I like your numbers being between 2 and zero! I have a small pied-à-terre in Bangkok (30m2, about 75m3) and have an airconditioner inverter with ionizer running 24/7, mostly to keep the air clean and the temp to 25.

What is the effect of the humidifier on the airconditioner? Does the compressor run more often?

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