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Al Gore says 'ethical reasons' could end Trump presidency early


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Here is the actual "inconvenient truth" that gets swept under the rug.
Slightly dated, but still relevant. These are not philanthropists funding these efforts and movies.  
Gore intimating that Trump is not with the Paris Accords has little to do with protecting the earth against climate change and a whole lot to do with the fact that Trump understands the underlying capitalist and investment motivations of the climate change rhetoric.  As such, he is a threat to the program and their proponents, and as Gore is aptly saying, there are powerful people who want him removed one way or another.  
If you firmly believe in climate change, that's fine, but please exercise due diligence and at least lift up the rocks and see what is crawling underneath them.  There is much more to this story than is being published by the primary media corporations.  


Edited by connda
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9 minutes ago, connda said:

Here is the actual "inconvenient truth" that gets swept under the rug.
Slightly dated, but still relevant. These are not philanthropists funding these efforts and movies.


yeah terrible, businesses and investor groups, a number of which are from Trump's milieu chanting MAGA.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Handed a disaster ?


I'll agree that foreign policy was a mess, but corporate profits at an all time high, rising employment, housing stable, etc etc. where was the disaster ?

Yes, the Obama economic recovery continues, but you can't credit Trump with that.



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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

Yes, the Obama economic recovery continues, but you can't credit Trump with that.

I left the states 3 years ago.  Money was so tight patients weren't coming in for their physicals because they didn't want to pay the 20 dollar co-pay.  I told front desk to waive the co-pay so patients would come in.  I didn't see any recovery anywhere.

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I've heard mention that Trump has directed Fed agencies which deal with CC issues, to delete data which supports Climate Change.  I don't know whether it's true, but it's believable - particularly when we hear that Trump wants to hamstring the EPA via funding and staff cuts.


Science, for Trump and his fans, is considered to be fringe weirdness espoused by liberals.  They'd rather believe that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim with a bone in his nose and a penis gourd, doing rain dances around a fire fed by puppy carcasses.

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4 minutes ago, joeyg said:

I left the states 3 years ago.  Money was so tight patients weren't coming in for their physicals because they didn't want to pay the 20 dollar co-pay.  I told front desk to waive the co-pay so patients would come in.  I didn't see any recovery anywhere.

Money is always tight for some people. 


You chose to leave the country rather than help your parents with a $20 co-pay?  Is Trump helping them with their co-pay?

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Just now, heybruce said:

Money is always tight for some people. 


You chose to leave the country rather than help your parents with a $20 co-pay?

What are you talking about?  My parents are dead.  And I did instruct the front office to waive the co-pay as I said so patients would come in for their physicals. I retired because I wanted to and could.

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3 hours ago, joeyg said:

Fact is; 

Climate change warrior Al Gore's Nashville estate expends '21 times more energy than the average US home uses per year'

  • A conservative think-tank published a report claiming Gore 'guzzles' electricity
  • It claims Gore's Nashville estate used 230,889 kilowatt hours over the last year 
  • Ex-vice president also spends about $22,000 on electricity bills a year, it claims 
  • The study was released ahead of the premiere of Al Gore's latest environmental documentary film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, on Friday
  • http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4758152/Al-Gore-s-mansion-uses-21-times-energy-average.html




27kW average. Large but not huge by any means.

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19 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Is this an approved source LOL!!!?

One doesn't even need this article persay.  Research 'cap and trade', European Climate Exchange (ECX), the now defunct The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), Gore's company Generation Investment Management (GIM) and it's relationships to the CCX and Carbon Neutral Company (CNC).  This article simply asks the question: Cui bono - who benefits?  And by this it means, who benefits monetarily?  
These issues need to be understood independently from Gore's assertion that Trump is unethical due to Trump's stance on climate issues.  At South by Southwest (SXSW), Gore himself has stated on the record with these two statements: 'Punish Climate-Change Deniers' and 'Put a Price on Carbon'.
So, eliminate any dissenting opinion, and advocate for support of carbon trading, which Gore has a financial interest in promoting.  This is a bit of a slippery slope to stand on in a supposedly free and democratic world.  
All I'm saying is to critically look at all sides of these issue before buying into Gore's statement that Trump must be removed due to ethical misconduct related to climate issues, which is a contentious topic, but one that needs to be discussed openly and freely.  

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16 minutes ago, joeyg said:

What are you talking about?  My parents are dead.  And I did instruct the front office to waive the co-pay as I said so patients would come in for their physicals. I retired because I wanted to and could.

Sorry, I misread your post.  Let's try this:


You cited broad based economic trends as evidence that Trump is good for the economy.  I replied by pointing out that the economy was following the improving trend begun under Obama.  You then mentioned that money was still tight for some people.  That will always be true.


Let's get back to the big picture.  Trump's only contribution to the US economy has been to rescind some environmental regulations and allow more pollution in the air and water.  His only attempted "contribution" to health care, which you seem to care about, was to eliminate health care for tens of millions of people.  His plans that could affect the economy, infrastructure spending and tax reform, are even less thought out than his (lack of) health care plan, and stand even less of a chance of passage. 


When the Obama recovery runs out of steam due to neglect, Trump will have nothing with which to replace it.  Though I'm sure his quick fix will be to allow even companies to pollute more.

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4 hours ago, joeyg said:

There are many different points of contention. But my hot button is that he told Hillary during the debates that, "when I become president you'll be going to jail." If that doesn't happen I've lost all faith in any of them. And as we all know it won't happen...

So the man-child shoots his mouth off yet again and says he'll make sure HRC goes to jail if elected and you're disappointed he doesn't come through even though there is nothing she can be jailed for despite years of desperate GOP efforts to find anything at all?

Well, that's an opinion.

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9 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

he made 100 million dollars flying around the world in a private jet warning everyone about "global warming". :cheesy:


he is a smart guy. he could teach the Thais how to scam.


look how the deep state is freaking out about Trump.

they will do anything to stop him.




And you can back up what you say with actual facts from reliable sources, right? Sure you can? NOT.

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4 hours ago, Becker said:

So the man-child shoots his mouth off yet again and says he'll make sure HRC goes to jail if elected and you're disappointed he doesn't come through even though there is nothing she can be jailed for despite years of desperate GOP efforts to find anything at all?

Well, that's an opinion.

The same opinion by shared by millions. It was great to see HRC face as he made that statement.

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                           I can't justify Gore living in a large house, and using a lot of electricity-sucking appliances.  Personally, I take showers using water pumped from a PV electric pump, and heated by passive solar tanks I built for Bt.900.    


                        Yet, Gore is a messenger.  He won the Nobel Peace Prize.   He's been educating a lot of people ww about the consequences of emitting greenhouse-causing gases.  It's estimated that each person on the planet accounts for an average of 1 ton of CO2 emissions/year.  That's nearly 7 billion tons of CO2 annually.  Look at any Chinese city by satellite photo, and you'll see a dirty yellow blob.  Similar for most other cities ww.


                          When a care-giver goes to a place where there is mass starvation, does that person starve also?  No. The care-giver gets meals (at HQ or wherever), but hopefully that person and his/her organization are effective at handing out aid and water to the starving thousands.


                         When Trump stumps about helping the poor & unemployed in the US, do we expect him to also be poor and unemployed - in order to be credible?

I take your point but might we not expect moderation and a good example from such a person?

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6 hours ago, Grouse said:

27kW average. Large but not huge by any means.

For a man who preaches the dangers of climate change, it is huge. Being such a concerned activist, you would think his home would be equipped with LED lighting and the latest in energy efficient appliances, so I guess we're down to air conditioning 50 or 60 rooms and heating the swimming pool(s).

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17 minutes ago, halloween said:

For a man who preaches the dangers of climate change, it is huge. Being such a concerned activist, you would think his home would be equipped with LED lighting and the latest in energy efficient appliances, so I guess we're down to air conditioning 50 or 60 rooms and heating the swimming pool(s).

In the warm climates, a/c typically takes 70%, hot water 10%. 


I assure you that there are much great specific target than Al Gore and targets generally.


See what Elon Musk has to say....

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

In the warm climates, a/c typically takes 70%, hot water 10%. 


I assure you that there are much great specific target than Al Gore and targets generally.

How much bloody hot water does a family need? More to the point, how much energy does a climate change and energy conservationist need to use before he becomes a hypocrite?


BTW I live in a warm climate, my energy usage for a/c is zero, water heating only slightly more.

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49 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

The same opinion by shared by millions. It was great to see HRC face as he made that statement.

The opinion shared by millions but not by anyone of those who actually know what they're talking about and made the decision not to prosecute her for any of the number of issues the GOP bloodhounds were after her for.

Now, a thinking person might start to question if this was all a pathetic witch-hunt. In fact, a thinking person might conclude that he or she has been completely conned by the man-child.


Was it great to see HRC's face when he made that statement? If you'd seen your own face whenever you step on a dog turd you would have seen the same thing. And that is also something you share with millions.


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4 minutes ago, halloween said:

How much bloody hot water does a family need? More to the point, how much energy does a climate change and energy conservationist need to use before he becomes a hypocrite?


BTW I live in a warm climate, my energy usage for a/c is zero, water heating only slightly more.

Then clearly you are an outlier


Instant water heaters are typically 6kW to 10kW


Gore obviously has a big house. So what?


It's not the main issue!


I have clients in Phuket with pool heaters! One is 300kW!

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7 hours ago, connda said:

Here is the actual "inconvenient truth" that gets swept under the rug.
Slightly dated, but still relevant. These are not philanthropists funding these efforts and movies.  
Gore intimating that Trump is not with the Paris Accords has little to do with protecting the earth against climate change and a whole lot to do with the fact that Trump understands the underlying capitalist and investment motivations of the climate change rhetoric.  As such, he is a threat to the program and their proponents, and as Gore is aptly saying, there are powerful people who want him removed one way or another.  
If you firmly believe in climate change, that's fine, but please exercise due diligence and at least lift up the rocks and see what is crawling underneath them.  There is much more to this story than is being published by the primary media corporations.  

                           The fine print on the Paris Accords may look unfair to some people - particular those in ivory towers who are worried the US may have to pay more, proportionately, to lessen emissions, than other countries.  Yet, that should be a secondary concern.   More important are the following 2 points: 


>>>   nearly every country ww agreed to a watered-down version of the Paris Accords.  To get nearly every country, including N.Korea, to agree to any sweeping accord is a major achievement. 

>>>   The Paris Accords acknowledge that there is a pollution/warming problem which affects most people in the world.   By pulling out, US right-wingers are giving the finger to science, and giving the finger to the rest of the world.   Others notice.  To many other countries, it's a green light to continue/increase their polluting ways, figuring, "well, if the world's #2 polluting country can turn its back on cleaning the environment, then why should we make efforts to do our part to clean things up?"


6 hours ago, connda said:

All I'm saying is to critically look at all sides of these issue before buying into Gore's statement that Trump must be removed due to ethical misconduct related to climate issues, which is a contentious topic, but one that needs to be discussed openly and freely.  

                   There are tens of millions of Americans who hope Trump will be removed.  Ethical violations are just one of dozens of violations/law-breaking that Trump and his minions are immersed in.  The WH Ethics chief quit recently, because he was overwhelmed with complaints from US citizens.  When he tried to tell Trump about the complaints, he was continually turned away.   Trump cares about ethics the way a soi dog cares about table etiquette. 

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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Then clearly you are an outlier


Instant water heaters are typically 6kW to 10kW


Gore obviously has a big house. So what?


It's not the main issue!


I have clients in Phuket with pool heaters! One is 300kW!

Why do you refuse to address the main issue, the man is a hypocrite who refuses to practise what he preaches.

I don't care if he has a big house, or a lot of money, 600kw/d is excessive. IF there is a need to cut back on energy consumption should the wealthy be exempt?


BTW An instant water heater of 6kw used 10mins per day uses 1kWh

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8 minutes ago, halloween said:

Why do you refuse to address the main issue, the man is a hypocrite who refuses to practise what he preaches.

I don't care if he has a big house, or a lot of money, 600kw/d is excessive. IF there is a need to cut back on energy consumption should the wealthy be exempt?


BTW An instant water heater of 6kw used 10mins per day uses 1kWh

And where do you get your information from about Gore's current usage of power?

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11 minutes ago, halloween said:

Why do you refuse to address the main issue, the man is a hypocrite who refuses to practise what he preaches.

I don't care if he has a big house, or a lot of money, 600kw/d is excessive. IF there is a need to cut back on energy consumption should the wealthy be exempt?


BTW An instant water heater of 6kw used 10mins per day uses 1kWh

Well your water heater maths is correct!


Look, I'm all for fighting climate change but I will still fly business class!


If you want to make a difference get the Thais to install insulation and heat pumps!

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