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Transgender military personnel sue Trump over service ban


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53 minutes ago, mesquite said:

When I saw the topic title I thought it was something from the Onion.  Apparently not.


Trump is Commander in Chief and what he says goes.  The fact that they are being allowed to sue him shows that the military has been for quite some time one big social experiment. 


However, having said that, I do think there is a good argument transgendered should be allowed to serve.  The idea that uniformed members of the military are pinned down by enemy fire at any given moment is mostly a myth.  The vast, vast majority of uniformed military members go through their entire careers, no matter how long or short, without even coming close to performing arduous duty.  Virtually all are riding desks at their retirement. 


But it's all up to the current Commander in Chief who happens to be Donald J. Trump.

The fact that these soldiers are US citizens means that have certain rights, including the rights granted under the constitution, which they are sworn to uphold and protect.   


There was an agreement, a contract of sorts, between the soldier and the government.   Donald Trump is violating that agreement.   

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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

When I saw the topic title I thought it was something from the Onion.  Apparently not.


Trump is Commander in Chief and what he says goes.  The fact that they are being allowed to sue him shows that the military has been for quite some time one big social experiment. 


However, having said that, I do think there is a good argument transgendered should be allowed to serve.  The idea that uniformed members of the military are pinned down by enemy fire at any given moment is mostly a myth.  The vast, vast majority of uniformed military members go through their entire careers, no matter how long or short, without even coming close to performing arduous duty.  Virtually all are riding desks at their retirement. 


But it's all up to the current Commander in Chief who happens to be Donald J. Trump.


Dictator worship is unamerican.

Challenging authority is as American as Apple pie.

Challenging the British authorities is what made America possible.

MLK challenged authority.

The right and the means to challenge authority is gun advocates' major argument and the reason for the 2nd amendment.


In modern times, you can't get more American than using the courts to challenge an injustice.



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20 minutes ago, Credo said:

The fact that these soldiers are US citizens means that have certain rights, including the rights granted under the constitution, which they are sworn to uphold and protect.   


There was an agreement, a contract of sorts, between the soldier and the government.   Donald Trump is violating that agreement.   

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say any group or person has the right to be in the military.  Regarding any agreement, one would have to look at the exact wording.  If there was a guarantee that the transgendered military members could remain in the military as long as they liked, well it looks like Trump will lose that lawsuit.  My guess is no such guarantee exists. 

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3 minutes ago, mesquite said:

The CINC runs the military.  THE MILITARY is a essentially dictatorship, not a democracy.

The military in democracy is subject to civilian control. The CNC is answerable to the law and the constitution and to congress and the people and the courts.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

The military in democracy is subject to civilian control. The CNC is answerable to the law and the constitution and to congress and the people and the courts.

You have obviously never been near the US military. 

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3 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say any group or person has the right to be in the military. 

Everyone has a right to apply and, for acceptance, to be judged suitable or not under objective, non-prejudicial criteria.

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4 hours ago, mesquite said:

Trump is Commander in Chief and what he says goes.  The fact that they are being allowed to sue him shows that the military has been for quite some time one big social experiment. 


However, having said that, I do think there is a good argument transgendered should be allowed to serve.  The idea that uniformed members of the military are pinned down by enemy fire at any given moment is mostly a myth.  The vast, vast majority of uniformed military members go through their entire careers, no matter how long or short, without even coming close to performing arduous duty.  Virtually all are riding desks at their retirement. 


But it's all up to the current Commander in Chief who happens to be Donald J. Trump.

You forgot to add that electing Donald Trump was a 'social experiment' and if you are going to be CinC then you have to stop behaving like a spoiled schoolboy dick, and actually act with the responsibility required of the position. Trump is legally responsible to the tax payer for what that army does. The idea you think he can 'do as he wants' is both juvenile and ridiculous and displays a complete lack of understanding of how the military works.


3 hours ago, mesquite said:

The CINC runs the military.  THE MILITARY is a essentially dictatorship, not a democracy.



3 hours ago, mesquite said:

You have obviously never been near the US military. 

And from your comments the closest you have been is via Bruce Willis or Tom Cruise and if you have been in then It would appear you are the one you elude to in your post above that is in the category of not 


even coming close to performing arduous duty.

Now why don't you go and troll elsewhere and stop attributing powers of a Dictator to your lying man child hero (how sad and embarrassing it is to do that). He should not even be trusted to babysit his grand kids let alone be given the stewardship of a super power.


The law suits by the transgenders will be successful and will cost mega bucks,and  even Trumps own Republican Judges will have to judge in favour of the transgenders as Trump is now in breech of the covenant he and the Government have to Military personnel. Trump can't just 'change' it because he hates Obama and is obsessed with wiping everything he did from the record. A man child indeed.

Edited by Andaman Al
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On 8/11/2017 at 7:01 AM, Credo said:

The fact that these soldiers are US citizens means that have certain rights, including the rights granted under the constitution, which they are sworn to uphold and protect.   


There was an agreement, a contract of sorts, between the soldier and the government.   Donald Trump is violating that agreement.   

45 does not care a/b U.S. Constitution/rule of law/democracy. He wants to be a dictator and is moving toward achieving this goal at the aid of the Republican party and ill informed Americans.

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Study: Discharging [and replacing] Transgender Troops Would Cost $960 Million



The study based its estimate by multiplying the number of current trans service members (12,800) by the average per-person cost of recruiting a replacement for each discharged soldier ($75,000). According to their findings, the average annual cost of transition-related healthcare is $656 per trans service member, considering most do not require transition-related care during their time in the military. By spending $75,000 to replace each soldier, who only require $656 annually, Trump's military ban will cost $960 million to save $8.4 million per year—that's 100 times more expensive than keeping things as is. 


Will the winning never end?

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