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Recommended weight loss / muscle gain Supplements from pharmacy ?

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Hi , I live in Pattaya , age 50 , male, reasonably fit looking apart from slightly flabby belly, eat pretty well, dont smoke , drink nid noi.  Sex drive still good and I want it to stay that way BUT I would like more muscle ... just a little and something close to a six pack. I do not want big , and I do not want anything as extreme as injecting . I also dont want boobs or shrinking testicles . I am thinking of some supplements I can take orally from say pharmacy next to Tims bar . I know this shop but would like a little knowledge/ guidance beforehand. I read about some supps called 'nitric muscle build ' in combo with 'anabolic rx24' .... is this safe / any good / or even available from the pharmacy ?... Whats your recomendations ? ..... I exescise every day , 100+ sit ups , 80+ press ups etc 2 or 3 times a day plus a little running, stretching etc... no time for gym though , just at home...thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Completely wrong approach.
You need a diet and an excercise regime to reach your goals and not supplements.

If you have a bit of a belly and want abs you need to lose some weight. Get into a caloric deficit and have patience.

If you want relatively safe supplements that work you are talking about anabolic steroids and diuretics; both coming with inherent risks when misused.


Ok thanks, I do have an exercise and diet regime to a degree, perhaps not strict enough though . What would be your definition of misuse ( I dont plan overdosing on anything ) and what are the risks ? I've considered just using Testocaps to see how it goes . I dont want to be relying on anything, I want to be able to stop without having any problems . I've actually improved my diet more recently ( Eggs, Almonds, Black Coffee,Salad, Salmon, Tuna, Celery , Fruit , Veg, Olive Oil etc... No added sugar or salt etc and no junk food/processed food ) though, 

I am not interested in logging exact calories. I do feel better for this diet and girlfriend says I have 6 pack already , but I havn't...she's just 'pakwaan' haha. I do have a little boy to care for so there are limits to the effort / time I can put in .


I dont know what testocaps are but if they are testosterone boosters you can better save the money as they dont work.

In my view anabolics can be used responsibly by having your bloodwork done regularly and discussing the results with a doctor. Misuse will be going after results and accepting (temporary) unhealthy bloodwork levels. The risk is lasting negative side effects.

Your diet changes seem like a good start. And i would recommend counting calories, even if its just for 3 days only to get a better idea of what you are eating and how much. I've been counting my calories for about 2 years now on a daily basis and it doesnt take more than a couple of minutes a day (it goes quicker after a while).

Also keep in mind your age. Making big changes now is harder than when you were 20. A 6-pack can be nice but shouldnt be your priority.

On 28-9-2017 at 5:13 AM, Bob12345 said:

I dont know what testocaps are but if they are testosterone boosters you can better save the money as they dont work.

In my view anabolics can be used responsibly by having your bloodwork done regularly and discussing the results with a doctor. Misuse will be going after results and accepting (temporary) unhealthy bloodwork levels. The risk is lasting negative side effects.

Your diet changes seem like a good start. And i would recommend counting calories, even if its just for 3 days only to get a better idea of what you are eating and how much. I've been counting my calories for about 2 years now on a daily basis and it doesnt take more than a couple of minutes a day (it goes quicker after a while).

Also keep in mind your age. Making big changes now is harder than when you were 20. A 6-pack can be nice but shouldnt be your priority.

Testocaps are liquid testosterone supposedly they don't harm your liver like other oral ingested steroids. 


Millions of people are doing TRT and if done at the right dose with regular bloodwork there is no real danger. However like you say if you go to high in dose (bodybuilder doses) you create negative side effects. But even just TRT levels will help someone that is exercising especially if they had low test to begin with. 

  • 5 weeks later...

I take 40mcg of "clen" (clenbuterol) one hour before my daily cycle ride when I am at home in our Summer (UK.)


Not ideal, admittedly, but it works and is not a steroid. Safe enough in moderate doses as long as the health guidelines re: age and condition are adhered to.


I acquired a Vibrapower (Slim2) Pad  four months ago and it is absolutely marvellous for muscle tone and also claims to use calories. It does, but not as much as the machine measures. I have gradually worked my way into efficiently applying the suggested mild exercise routines whilst on it and it is possible to target areas better this way.


Between the three (cycling, clen and pad) I have lost 1.5-2.0 stones since May. Of course this is accompanied by a sensible diet (including one total carb-free day per week) and moderate (for the most part) alcohol intake.


The problem is that I will likely re-instate a lot of this fat during my 4/5 months of relative inactivity and more booze in LoS.


Both are fun though, but as I age I am beginning to prefer the high exercise, low alcohol, healthy lifestyle than the other. At least I don't go quite so "mad" when I come to Thailand now and there is a degree of moderation.


Ok thanks guys . I am taking Andriol Capsules now . 2 per day so very mild dose ..seems good but certainly nothing extreme in its effect . Feel more positive , even more horny  and muscle/weight loss mild improvements to . I am eating good and exercising so its hard to pin down exactly why but as a package it works .  I also drink 3 cups of coffee a day ( Before I never drunk it) which brings me on to BeechBoys mention of Clenbuterol . Ive never tried it but reading up on it I see is in the same family as caffeine so good for energy and weight loss. I might give it a go ( In small doses). I see these big guys in pharmacy spending ages going through a huge 'menu' of supplements/drugs  in pharmacy. To a novice it looks extremly bewildering. Dont worry I wont buy anything without reading up on it. I dont want 'big big' anyway ..just lean athletic moderate muscle . My chest arms always look half decent  ..just need to kill that  flab on the belly ( Waist is 32 inch , Im 178cm tall) .


You want to kill fat on your belly? Rules haven't changed since the beginning of time calories in has to be less than calories out. There is no magic bullet not even roids . You are the last person that should be getting on the gear. You sound like a kid "I want to be big but not big, big and have a six-pack" ridiculous. If you think clen is not much different than caffeine that just shows how far out of your depth you are. Get as far as you can after a few years of a proper weight training, cardio, diet and conditioning program then look into "supplements"  If you really want a six pack even if you are genetically blessed you will need to drop and hold your bf% below 10 your not going to get that by doing a couple of push ups and sit ups everyday.


Thanks (not) for the patronising reply Starky. Dont need you saying I sound like a kid quoting things I didnt even say ..... In fact youve misquoted almost every comment Ive made .

9 hours ago, starky said:

You want to kill fat on your belly? Rules haven't changed since the beginning of time calories in has to be less than calories out. There is no magic bullet not even roids . You are the last person that should be getting on the gear. You sound like a kid "I want to be big but not big, big and have a six-pack" ridiculous. If you think clen is not much different than caffeine that just shows how far out of your depth you are. Get as far as you can after a few years of a proper weight training, cardio, diet and conditioning program then look into "supplements"  If you really want a six pack even if you are genetically blessed you will need to drop and hold your bf% below 10 your not going to get that by doing a couple of push ups and sit ups everyday.



Sorry, have to agree with Starky.


You are looking for a short-term solution for a long-term problem. Taking some pills now will maybe get you quick results, but it will teach you nothing about staying at that level or improving from there onwards. Most people who start using AAS will continue to use because it becomes the only way they know how to get results. It might start small, but it ends up with spending ages going through a huge "menu" at the pharmacy.


It seems you already made some smart choices in your lifestyle (coffee, exercising, good food) so why not first see how far that can take you without further help? It might go slower, but there is a better chance of long-term good results. Once you tried that road for a couple of years, you can always think about going a step further.


p.s. I can completely understand your feeling. I have been toying with the idea of taking AAS but I have decided I need 3-5 years of solid, continuous, training in before looking further into it. I figured if i cannot keep up with it for 3-5 years, what is the use of going for a shortcut (with risks) only to drop it all in 3-5 years?


Talk about looking for the holy grail! Pop a pill or two and with minimal exercise and dietary changes lose the belly and get a six pack.at 50 and have a 32 inch waist is not bad going,what was your waist size at 25,30,35 etc.you probably need to move more every day, walk a lot more use stairs,fidget,kick a ball around,take up tennis,no alcohol,cheese,sugar,white flour, all oils are highly calorie but you need some,read labels on stuff you buy in supermarkets, a tablespoon of ketchup is a sugarspoon of sugar.A lot of stuff you see to eat is made from whiteflour,saturated fats sugar and flavouring, pure white and deadly.

14 hours ago, Rolanddrums said:

Thanks (not) for the patronising reply Starky. Dont need you saying I sound like a kid quoting things I didnt even say ..... In fact youve misquoted almost every comment Ive made .

Not trying to be rude just trying to get you to be realistic about your goals. What you want to achieve you can't do by just taking supplements and doing some exercise in your lounge room. Have you ever had a six pack? We're you active as a kid? Play competitive sports? Muscle memory, history and genetics can be a huge factor in older guys who want to get their shape back. If you want to turn the clock back with as little effort as possible and you have a ton of cash HGH would be the one I would look into, If you want something that actually produces real measurable results. Even then you are looking at 6-8 months before you will see the difference and realistically you would need to stay on it forever or you could try TRT from a reputable doctor, it's far safer than getting some bro science tips from members who may or may not have any idea what they are talking about. 


Ok thanks guys . I was mildly porky from 35 onwards ( 34" waist ) . I was a drummer for 20 years plus which is perhaps why my upper body ok . I read alot ( and see pics) of people that just use own  bodyweight exercises , no heavy weights , and have in my opinion the best physique. I like the idea of stretching alot , and also standing straight with good posture ...comes automatically now. For supplements I hear what your saying . TBH perhaps some 100% natural supplements in addition could be a good idea . I read about horny goat weed etc etc . I dont want to become reliant on anything . For TRT I am concerned about injecting ...I have heard about sex drive deminishing once you stop ..so I wont be doing that, but Gels/Capsules  ok I can try, though all the bodybuilders say it does almost zero . Yes I have reduced sugar a lot , but I still sneak a Mc Vities chocolate digestive at 2 am  ( just the one ) . Oils I use probably too much but I restrict to virgin coconut and olive oils , no fried takeaway for sure . Im crazy for avocados , nuts, apples  & eggs which cant be bad .

On 01/11/2017 at 8:23 AM, Rolanddrums said:

Ok thanks guys . I am taking Andriol Capsules now . 2 per day so very mild dose ..seems good but certainly nothing extreme in its effect . Feel more positive , even more horny  and muscle/weight loss mild improvements to . I am eating good and exercising so its hard to pin down exactly why but as a package it works .  I also drink 3 cups of coffee a day ( Before I never drunk it) which brings me on to BeechBoys mention of Clenbuterol . Ive never tried it but reading up on it I see is in the same family as caffeine so good for energy and weight loss. I might give it a go ( In small doses). I see these big guys in pharmacy spending ages going through a huge 'menu' of supplements/drugs  in pharmacy. To a novice it looks extremly bewildering. Dont worry I wont buy anything without reading up on it. I dont want 'big big' anyway ..just lean athletic moderate muscle . My chest arms always look half decent  ..just need to kill that  flab on the belly ( Waist is 32 inch , Im 178cm tall) .

what pct are you doing to avoid the crash when you decide to stop?


Orlistat is the active ingredient in the obesity treatment Xenical, currently the only prescription medication available for weight loss. 


Eezeergood ...I dont think 2 Andriol Capsules a day is going to cause any 'crash when I stop', though correct me if I'm wrong . It is a very mild dose and many things I read say they work alongside bodies natural testosterone production anyway . Either way I am continuing eating foods which are high in assisting natural production of it.  eg Celery, avocado, oily fish etc . I do take a zinc tablet a day for whats its worth , but again I love the oysters and shellfish which are naturally high in zinc  . I dont intend taking any anabolic steroids , but if there are any supplements I can take to assist me ( natural ones included) that dont fall into this category , or cause any issues if I stop taking them,..... then I am all ears .

On 06/11/2017 at 3:17 AM, Rolanddrums said:

Ok thanks guys . I was mildly porky from 35 onwards ( 34" waist ) . I was a drummer for 20 years plus which is perhaps why my upper body ok . I read alot ( and see pics) of people that just use own  bodyweight exercises , no heavy weights , and have in my opinion the best physique. I like the idea of stretching alot , and also standing straight with good posture ...comes automatically now. For supplements I hear what your saying . TBH perhaps some 100% natural supplements in addition could be a good idea . I read about horny goat weed etc etc . I dont want to become reliant on anything . For TRT I am concerned about injecting ...I have heard about sex drive deminishing once you stop ..so I wont be doing that, but Gels/Capsules  ok I can try, though all the bodybuilders say it does almost zero . Yes I have reduced sugar a lot , but I still sneak a Mc Vities chocolate digestive at 2 am  ( just the one ) . Oils I use probably too much but I restrict to virgin coconut and olive oils , no fried takeaway for sure . Im crazy for avocados , nuts, apples  & eggs which cant be bad .

I have had a great body twice in my lifetime,when I was 33 and used the gym weights and cardo was on my feet all day working as a cook six pack etc started going to bars again gym stopped.Again at 43, stopped drinking and started doing yoga at home after work 6 days a week,can't remember what got me started on yoga but believe it or not I acquired the book teach Yourself yoga and it worked,started 20 minutes a day, a year later had the best body and felt great of course it all fell apart when I started to drink again.if you want a great body, become aware of what you put into it, feel as good as it's possible to feel take up yoga,ignore all the hippy dippy stuff and concentrate on the physical side and discipline it can bring that means doing for six days then a day free I guarantee you a six pack in six months.

22 hours ago, sinbin said:

Orlistat is the active ingredient in the obesity treatment Xenical, currently the only prescription medication available for weight loss. 

sometimes google is not your friend

19 hours ago, Rolanddrums said:

Eezeergood ...I dont think 2 Andriol Capsules a day is going to cause any 'crash when I stop', though correct me if I'm wrong . It is a very mild dose and many things I read say they work alongside bodies natural testosterone production anyway . Either way I am continuing eating foods which are high in assisting natural production of it.  eg Celery, avocado, oily fish etc . I do take a zinc tablet a day for whats its worth , but again I love the oysters and shellfish which are naturally high in zinc  . I dont intend taking any anabolic steroids , but if there are any supplements I can take to assist me ( natural ones included) that dont fall into this category , or cause any issues if I stop taking them,..... then I am all ears .

Everyone is different, however any androgen introduced has the potential for natural production suppression - to what extent & with what side effects vary wildly. However the propensity for aromatization is high. Hence the use of anti - estrogens would perhaps be advisable.  Was not a finger pointing question.


I thinking stretching/yoga  is very important. I will be doing more of this for body and mind. 

Eezeergood.. ok no problem. Do you think that just zinc tablets and eating oysters  is enough 'anti estrogen' ? I havn't grown any man boobs yet , but i do keep looking in the mirror to check haha.

2 hours ago, Rolanddrums said:

I thinking stretching/yoga  is very important. I will be doing more of this for body and mind. 

Eezeergood.. ok no problem. Do you think that just zinc tablets and eating oysters  is enough 'anti estrogen' ? I havn't grown any man boobs yet , but i do keep looking in the mirror to check haha.

in short no, however I would get my testosterone levels checked frequently along with cholesterol/lipids & fasting blood sugar. 

1 hour ago, yellowbutterfly said:

In my case, I drink a lot of water before I eat my meal so that I would not eat that much. I do have daily exercises. 

not a great idea 


Another thing that gets overlooked is 'How long do you chew a piece of food for?'  A good example is a single almond nut ..i will take 50+ bites/chews ( 2minutes maybe)  whilst in my mouth ...gets maximum enjoyment , and excellent breakdown by the saliva to . I watch some over weight persons eat ..it doesnt even touch the sides ..they chew maybe once and  swallow it , then onto the next mouthfull . I  would take 15 minutes to eat one apple . I think it helps . I dont know about water before a meal but theres certainly arguement to say generally more water makes you less hungry.

  • 2 weeks later...

Before starting your idea to lose some pounds, you should be confident that your extra weight is not because of health/heart problems.

You need to make blood tests and if it is ok, firstly go to nutritionist and only after work out program.

I messed this steps and as a result had to have medical treatment, I was taken UV blood treatment.

I came back to exercises only after my treatment was over.


So start your plan carefully and well-considered.


Goog luck!

On 9/30/2017 at 10:20 AM, robblok said:

Testocaps are liquid testosterone supposedly they don't harm your liver like other oral ingested steroids. 


Millions of people are doing TRT and if done at the right dose with regular bloodwork there is no real danger. However like you say if you go to high in dose (bodybuilder doses) you create negative side effects. But even just TRT levels will help someone that is exercising especially if they had low test to begin with. 

Yes I agree with you. It is better to consult a specialist first. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

only time in my life i had six packs was when i was around 40 and ate DNP fatburner pills a few weeks.


for strength, anavar/oxandrolone all the way, no taking it up the arse, no fermenting into estrogen, no dysfunctional nuts, and got really stronk real fast

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