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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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I’m not on all sides. I’m on one side. This is a moment for every American to pick theirs. The one positive thing about Trump is that he’s clarified our values. You can’t be sort of against racism or pretty much against white supremacy. You can’t vote for a guy who’s racist and not be racist.





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2 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:


Nice dodge of the data I provided dismantling your pointless Chicago reference.


From your link:

"The year ended with at least 780 homicides (762 by the Chicago Police method of counting) in Chicago, according to Chicago Sun-Times records."


Youse guys never seem to read the articles that you provide...



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1 hour ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Here is Lynard Skynard playing Freebird in 1977, Oakland, California....20 x 40 Confederate Flag as the backdrop.  

No one objected....7 million views, second most popular song of all time, on almost every list.

 It clearly didn't matter in black/liberal Oakland, why must these pieces of heritage be destroyed now?


"second most popular song of all time, on almost every list"


More pointless gibberish. And erroneous.

Just making stuff up.



"It clearly didn't matter in black/liberal Oakland, why must these pieces of heritage be destroyed now?"



Find me one black person in that crowd.

You can't. They stay away from that redneck <deleted> like the plague.


By the way, the South lost. A 150 years ago.

Get over it losers.


We don't need your symbols of hate and division publicly displayed. Put 'em in a museum, in context, where they belong.

Then kids can learn about a disgraceful era of America.


And someone mentioned earlier, should we do away with Jefferson's house and other statues?

I say yes. Get rid of all the BS monuments to mere mortals.

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13 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Obama's partner, who helped him buy his Chicago home, must have been outraged....from his prison cell.

Nice deflection. NOT.


And finally, we get down to the nitty gritty; but, but, but, Obama.



Rednecks, Nazi-Symbols, Confederate Flags, Torches, Richard Spencer and David Duke.



Obama. The Black man.

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David Duke was a Democrat, and switched because he knew they were economic failures.  George Wallace....Democrat...Harry "Klansman" Byrd...same.  You do recall what Wallace did to that black girl on her way to school, don't you.  Oakland Coliseum is in an entirely black neighborhood....but they rarely go to baseball or even football games....they do work almost all stadium jobs, though.

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5 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Speaking as s rightwinger?

No not as a right winger  I was speaking as a person who  seeks equality. 

  I am so left in the 80's I was blackballed and under so much threat in my home city and province ( a red neck right wing province and city)  I had to transfer my job and move within 1 week.I was established and owned 2 houses.  I had to get out. Now when I go back people who know my past stare at me and give me nasty looks.

  No I am not right wing but I do stand for fairness. Most people seem to forget about fair play and equal say for all.  That is why we are where we are in this day and age. 

 It should not matter what a person.s personal views are to stop other from expressing theirs.

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5 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Speaking as s rightwinger?

No not as a right winger  I was speaking as a person who  seeks equality. 

  I am so left in the 80's I was blackballed and under so much threat in my home city and province ( a red neck right wing province and city)  I had to transfer my job and move within 1 week.I was established and owned 2 houses.  I had to get out. Now when I go back people who know my past stare at me and give me nasty looks.

  No I am not right wing but I do stand for fairness. Most people seem to forget about fair play and equal say for all.  That is why we are where we are in this day and age. 

 It should not matter what a person.s personal views are to stop other from expressing theirs.

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32 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

David Duke was a Democrat, and switched because he knew they were economic failures.

George Wallace....Democrat...Harry "Klansman" Byrd...same.  

You do recall what Wallace did to that black girl on her way to school, don't you.  

Oakland Coliseum is in an entirely black neighborhood....but they rarely go to baseball or even football games....

they do work almost all stadium jobs, though.


Ya got nothin'

Just dancing around and around... :laugh:


But direct on with your ignorance:


"Oakland Coliseum is in an entirely black neighborhood....but they rarely go to baseball or even football games....

they do work almost all stadium jobs, though."


"They" probably didn't go to see Reggie Jackson, or the great black players of the NFL...


Just making stuff up again.

But slowly revealing your true character. :thumbsup:

Edited by iReason
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Caroline O, in a pre Charlottesville article called it. Very prescient:


Rally attendees are also planning for counter-protesters and many seem to be looking for confrontation. Michael Hill, head of the neo-Confederate League of the South, is telling people to gear-up for confrontations with counter-protesters, while Timothy “Treadstone” Gionet, aka “Baked Alaska,” is hoping for a confrontation with anti-fascist protesters. Based on their Twitter posts, other rally attendees also appear to be planning for violence and confrontation Saturday.



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5 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Not sure how the would react to Skokie 2017, but over the years they actually have stuck to their principles.


Here is Lynard Skynard playing Freebird in 1977, Oakland, California....20 x 40 Confederate Flag as the backdrop.  No one objected....7 million views, second most popular song of all time, on almost every list.  It clearly didn't matter in black/liberal Oakland, why must these pieces of heritage be destroyed now?


This year it is Huck Finn, next year will be Tom Sawyer, the next year it will be John Wayne movies...be very careful what you wish for.



In the '60's and '70's the Confederate flag was acceptable and displayed as a symbol of rebelliousness.  There was a student in my dormitory who had a large Confederate flag on his dorm room wall; he justified it with the tongue in cheek rationale that he was from south New Jersey.  No, he wasn't a racist or right-winger.


Before the 1930's the swastika was an ancient Hindu symbol of principal and spiritual values. 


However Nazis in Germany and racists in the US have removed any semblance of respectability from these symbols.  It's time to accept they are offensive and only displayed with the intent to offend.

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3 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

David Duke was a Democrat, and switched because he knew they were economic failures.  George Wallace....Democrat...Harry "Klansman" Byrd...same.  You do recall what Wallace did to that black girl on her way to school, don't you.  Oakland Coliseum is in an entirely black neighborhood....but they rarely go to baseball or even football games....they do work almost all stadium jobs, though.

David Duke is a conman and opportunist who served time for ripping off his supporters:


" David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader and politician who spent the last three years overseas preaching ''white survival,'' pleaded guilty today to bilking his supporters and cheating on his taxes. "


" Mr. Duke was accused of telling supporters that he was in financial straits, then misusing the money they sent him from 1993 to 1999. He was also accused of filing a false 1998 tax return claiming that he made only $18,831 when he really made more than $65,000."   http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/19/us/david-duke-pleads-guilty-to-tax-charge-and-fraud.html


The fact that he is still popular with the people he cheated tells us a lot about their intelligence.

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Good news for those detached from reality:  Alex Jones of Inforwars has called the violent murder and injuries of counter-protesters a false flag operation set up by the government.  He offered no proof but no doubt he made this claim very loud and with lots of spittle, so it must be true.   http://www.newsweek.com/alex-jones-calls-charlottesville-violence-false-flag-650152  


Fake news at its finest.

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The rally was in support of keeping the statue of Robert E Lee,  erected in 1924, some 60 years after the end of the Civil War. This was the height of the Jim Crow period, after 50 years of "lost cause" propaganda by the white supremacy movement. 


The truth about Lee is much different then the propaganda. Lee sold off and separated every slave family but one on the plantation he inherited.  A court had to make him free the slaves given their freedom in the will.After the war he did nothing but continue to support white supremacy. 


The profits from the Virginia plantations came from selling slaves to the western States that were still expanding. Lee's continued growing of his fortune was based on that continued western expansion of slavery. By far, the largest asset class in the south was the value of the slaves.  To say slavery would have ended shortly even if the confederacy won is ludicrous.   


The white supremacists who have protested on Lee’s behalf are not betraying his legacy. In fact, they have every reason to admire him. Lee, whose devotion to white supremacy outshone his loyalty to his country, is the embodiment of everything they stand for. Tribe and race over country is the core of white nationalism, and racists can embrace Lee in good conscience.

The question is why anyone else would.




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21 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What has "Old Glory" got to do with this?

These people are so bereft of facts and understanding that they believe the Confederate Flag is "Old Glory". No doubt they read about it on Breitbart.

Google it. It's the flag of the United States of America, the ones who fought against the Confederacy.

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I’m not on all sides. I’m on one side. This is a moment for every American to pick theirs. The one positive thing about Trump is that he’s clarified our values. You can’t be sort of against racism or pretty much against white supremacy. You can’t vote for a guy who’s racist and not be racist.

Pick a side??

Antifa are a fascist, violent hate group funded and organised by George Soros - an actual real life Nazi.

BLM are a racist, violent hate group who hate white people and cops.

I'm quite confused which side I am suppose to choose seeing as you are forcing me to pick.

IMO the far right and the violent leftists deserve each other and instead of triggering the civil war where this is headed to, they should just be allowed to fight and battle with each other over who is the most hateful, violent and fascist and leave the rest of us normal people out of it.
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Just now, KunMatt said:

funded and organised by George Soros


Jeez, what're you guys going to do when Soros is gone?  


Oh, wait, let me guess, he's figured out how to live forever.


I though this was a false-flag operation organized by "the government"? 

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