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90 Day online back up again.


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Anybody in Chiangmai managed to get approval yet? Anybody tried recently?


I was able to check past online approvals today so part of the system is working at least,maybe see more action when immigration back at work.


Not due until later this month but mail in ready to go,option 2 if online not actually fully working.



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This was included in a weekly newsletter I received today. I don't do 90 day reports so no idea of value:


Immigration 90 Day Reporting is BACK ON LINE  - Also if you have any friends visiting – they can get an EVISA on the same link- advice -
1. Use Internet Explorer 
2. It can only be done between 15 days and 7 days prior to the expiry date - ie if your 90 day is due on April 15 = you have a window of opportunity between 1 - 6 April.
3. the first page scroll down - and click on the blue 'notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days via internet' - leads you to the next page
4. next page says there is a problem with the Internet security page - click on continue to the website
5. next page - scroll down and tick the box 'i have read and fully agree....' then click on accept
6. there are 3 boxes - blue / green / yellow - click on blue
7. fill in all the data - where it has an arrow to scroll down - you MUST use the scroll
8. submit - it will give you a reference number
you should receive notification by email - however if you do not - you can always check - by clicking on the green - check the status of your application - REMEMBER IT IS NOT VALID UNLESS THEY REPLY SAYING IT HAS BEEN APPROVED - and they give you a page to put in your passport
GOOD LUCK!!!! it might save a trip to the Promenada

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4 minutes ago, Mahseer said:

This was included in a weekly newsletter I received today. I don't do 90 day reports so no idea of value:


Immigration 90 Day Reporting is BACK ON LINE  - Also if you have any friends visiting – they can get an EVISA on the same link- advice -
1. Use Internet Explorer 
2. It can only be done between 15 days and 7 days prior to the expiry date - ie if your 90 day is due on April 15 = you have a window of opportunity between 1 - 6 April.
3. the first page scroll down - and click on the blue 'notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days via internet' - leads you to the next page
4. next page says there is a problem with the Internet security page - click on continue to the website
5. next page - scroll down and tick the box 'i have read and fully agree....' then click on accept
6. there are 3 boxes - blue / green / yellow - click on blue
7. fill in all the data - where it has an arrow to scroll down - you MUST use the scroll
8. submit - it will give you a reference number
you should receive notification by email - however if you do not - you can always check - by clicking on the green - check the status of your application - REMEMBER IT IS NOT VALID UNLESS THEY REPLY SAYING IT HAS BEEN APPROVED - and they give you a page to put in your passport
GOOD LUCK!!!! it might save a trip to the Promenada

Hopefully Chiangmai immigration have received the same newsletter. 1507625.GIF

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I applied online last month, but after more than a week it was still pending.  I had to visit Promenada eventually, and I was sent to Office 5 where my application was soon approved.


Hopefully that may have given them an indication that the system is running, and that they should start checking for applications.  If your application is still pending after a few days, try phoning Office 5 and asking for it to be approved.

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The link on the Chiang Mai Immigration web site opens the beginning page at 9:46 a.m. Wednesday, 16 August.  I believe a problem happens when many people access the site and start filling in the application with no intention of finishing because they are not actually do.  This creates too many connections and has a similar effect as a denial of service attack... that is my opinion - I don't have hard facts to back it up.  (https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do)


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16 minutes ago, hml367 said:

The link on the Chiang Mai Immigration web site opens the beginning page at 9:46 a.m. Wednesday, 16 August.  I believe a problem happens when many people access the site and start filling in the application with no intention of finishing because they are not actually do.  This creates too many connections and has a similar effect as a denial of service attack... that is my opinion - I don't have hard facts to back it up.  (https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do)


Not enough people accessing the site to have a dos effect.

Usually it's simply using the wrong browser,all quite clear if they follow the pinned instructions in ChiangMai forum.

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