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Re-entry validity

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 Apologies if this has been covered before but i couldn't find anything relevant in a trawl through past posts in the re-entry subject.

I recently returned from a trip to the UK , I originally had an O-A visa that has now expired and i got an extension of stay which will run out on 23rd Sept 2017, I obtained a single entry re-entry permit before I left for my trip to the UK and this was stamped Length of Stay until 23/09/2017 also, on arriving back at Swampy the immigration officer stamped my passport and wrote in admitted until what looks like 23/9/2018 is this correct ? or has he made a mistake and will I have to do another extension of stay before 23/9/17 or am i ok until 23/9/18 if I don't go out of the country until then ? I'll attach a picture of the stamps for clarification.



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You were stamped in until the correct date as shown on the re-entry permit.

You don't get a new one year entry from the re-entry permit it is only valid to the date you were stamped into which is September 23rd 2017.

You will need apply for an extension stay at immigration before the 23rd of September.

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