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Black pigs for sale

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My wife and I came to her farm, inherited from her father, with the aim of getting it working again.  We bought two black female piglets from one source then 4 females and two males from elsewhere. Built a compound, all in together and returned to Australia to clean up there.  The inevitable happened and we ended up with breeders and inbreeds.   We keep the two groups separate. So we

have about a dozen inbred pigs about five months old. Also 4 well bred males, we are keeping the well bred females.          Price for quick sale , inbreeds 500-700baht according to size, good for the pot I'm sure as all look healthy.  The ones with the shakes died very quickly.   Well bred 5 month old male 1000baht.  Willing to haggle and reduce price in exchange for well informed advice. We are 36km south of Buriram, 18km north of Nangrong, route 218






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No replies so far so I'll bring this matter back to the top one time.   These piglets are apparently healthy, no good as breeders if you want a genetically healthy herd, which I do.   On a spit they will look even better.  Plus I need advice, the missus won't entertain the idea of white pigs so is there a market for these animals or is this a zoo we're creating.  Any help is welcome.

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sister in law has a pen full of these black pigs, not sure how much she paid for them ,bought very young-small.... i will ask her how much she paid and the sell-able - market for them.

for me people in the villages will eat almost anything... its just can you make a profit on them..... depends how many you get per litter and how quick they grow out and at what cost......

sister in laws black pigs dont look like they grow out that well, a lot smaller than the same or younger white piglets she has.....

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Thoongfoned, thanks for your interest.  We are selling these inbreeds cheap- ( their parents were 500 baht each as babies) )because they are eating us out of house and home and have no value as breeders. Turn up here with a couple of hundred baht and sensible advice and you'll go home with a pig.  We are going to cull one shortly and see how it tastes, if nothing special I might begin to lose interest and go for white pigs like my neighbours.  The missus like them because they are less trouble than white ones.  A profit would be nice but break even and self sufficiency will do, it's a long time ambition to be a farmer. Do let me know your SIL's remarks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/16/2017 at 6:01 PM, nanglong218 said:

On a spit they will look even better.  Plus I need advice, the missus won't entertain the idea of white pigs so is there a market for these animals or is this a zoo we're creating.  Any help is welcome.

There is no market for them, its a money losing exercise. The family had about 20-30 at one point, ended up giving them away + plus a big BBQ to get rid of them. They were given the breeding stock for free (tells you something in its self)


The only advantage is they can eat pretty poor quality feed and still survive 


On the plus side they taste OK if you like gamee tasting pork.


Much better of with White pigs or if she is against it at least a European black pig such as Berkshires/ Kurobuta if you can find a source for them.



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On 9/3/2017 at 7:49 PM, nanglong218 said:

Surin 13, your advice is welcome.  They are lovely, friendly animals but the missus is building a zoo. I want to stick one  on a spit to see how it tastes.   We are on a loser here, big argument will follow.

The families pigs weren't friendly so easier to eat them 555, as most farmers will tell you, don't become friendly with the animals as it makes the final purpose of them that much harder, but you have a zoo so that doesn't matter 555


I personally think they taste great bbq'ed, as to your sausage idea, would be a good earner as long as you don't tell the customer the true source of the pork. 555



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