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Yellowstone tourist video prompts fierce Thai social media witch-hunt


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What's the biggest hoot of all - but entirely expected - is the way the Thai TV news has reported this story. It's the aggressive American bullying the poor Thai group, and there is no mention of danger or that the Thai group could have been boiled like lobsters..


Even funnier is that the whole scene is cut before the in-your-face Thai man gets all angry and starts demanding "delete, delete", with typical Thai arrogance.


Maybe the Thai  culture is right after all - Thais are superior and foreigners are idiots - and the whole world outside of Thailand is not worth bothering with, seeing that Thailand is heaven on earth.

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5 hours ago, tonray said:

Good point. Where is the Social Media outrage at the Elephant corral in Ayutthaya (float market) ? Elephants chained with 1/2 meter long chains to an iro post so noisy school kids  can gawk at them in the hot sun all day. How about a campaign to shame them ?

If you can turn that into a big social media country embarrassment, then they would care.


Otherwise, they don't see wrong in much of anything until it embarrasses the nation. 

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"What if one day you too do something stupid out of ignorance, just like in this case?” 

No doubt one day I/we will; BUT these Thai's were not stupid or ignorant, they were arrogant and haugty thinking rules don't apply to them. If it were Farangs doing similar in Thailand they'd be hunted down and persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

“He admitted feeling angry, and failed to find the proper words to request that the foreigner delete the clip.”

Shouldn't embarrassment and shame be the appropriate feeling when you broke a rule or social norm in another country???? Anger?? <deleted> Who the hell does he think he is?
If it weren't for this kind of rude attitude, I could easily find room to say, 'no problem, just try to pay attention better please. We care about taking care of things and keeping things in order here.'
But this along with pulling the race card!? OMG that's the last straw. Get your ass out of the country and go home where you obviously fit in better!
All that said, I wouldn't condone some sort of social media witch hunt. That is taking things too far. If someone knows their contact that well, maybe they could get Yellowstone to write them a letter asking them to respect the park rules or refrain from visiting again. That should be more than enough for a simple stupid mistake (unfortunately blown out of proportion with lame brain self centered excuses, since apparently since they are "from Thailand", that means they are better than anyone else - or more idiotic? - and should be allowed to tromp all over any place they want)

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Needs some balance here. We all do stupid things at times. I once had a shot at the side of a road in Pak Chong as I was desperate I took my Mrs on a tour of Old Trafford and watched her sprint across the Pitch bemused as I saw the signs saying don't go on the grass. She of course didn't understand but if either had been filmed it could have been a similar so called newsworthy item. Anyway I wiped my bum and she scored top right past Peter Schmichel 55

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16 hours ago, dictater said:

Doesn't' surprise me to see Thai tourists going into restricted areas in Yellowstone knowing what they do in their own national parks. I have written often here about the way local tourists abuse the national parks in Thailand and watching it get worse and worse as it has become trendy to camp in once quiet, and clean parks around the country which are all becoming crowded, over built  and covered with litter because local tourists in the me me me culture have no respect for nature. And oh yes I have been called racist here for writing such things as the truth many times. 

Totally agree. Now if they made THAIS pay the 1000% surcharge levied at the farang, they'd still make money AND have better looked after National parks. Seems like a win/win to me.

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22 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


My guess is that there is a nation wide lack of self esteem. Could have to do with the educational system, poor parenting, or just the way they are not taught to be self confident people. So, when you do not feel good about who you are, and someone insults you, your very thin skin causes you to overreact. Perhaps. Just a theory. 


Where I come from someone says something about us, and we say really? Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong. The fact is what you say means less than zero. So, how could I possibly get upset about it? You are looking at me funny? Who cares? Who are you anyway? Water off a ducks back. Men behave like men. Boys behave like boys.

Excellent points.


Just that in Thailand, people seem to take being insulted (like being told they're dark, fat, skinny, whatever) seemingly without being offended (or maybe they are, but they bottle it up inside until something really big happens) and then it all comes out, especially when they are told they are wrong (as opposed to being told something derogatory about what they look like - which, happens to offend me if directed at me though I try not to take it personally). Although it could also depend on the messenger - if a friend says another friend is fat, the one receiving the remark may try to brush it off in order to keep the friendship, but fact is it is a time bomb ready to explode at any minute - as soon as someone makes any minor criticism after bottling up all that anger from being called fat all the time, they go off.


I agree that the educational system and particularly poor parenting are part of the problem. In a country where people still talk about the "importance of family values" they are sure descending on a fast downhill spiral. These days many Thais are foregoing having children, thinking of them as a "burden". Almost all of my Thai friends who have children have just one and they don't want anymore because it's "so tiring". They even go so far as to take contraceptives immediately after giving birth (even though a woman produces natural hormones that have a contraceptive effect for 6-12 months after giving birth) in order to ensure they won't get pregnant again for a while. Know a Thai woman who did exactly that, gave birth recently and took a "3 year" contraceptive. Then they enroll their children in early childhood centres as soon as possible, passing the buck on their own parenting responsibilities. Whenever I see a Thai child, I feel sorrow for them. They aren't being brought up with the values they need to become capable, responsible adults.

Edited by jimster
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On 8/17/2017 at 10:01 AM, Thaidream said:

This is a perfect example of why not to use such social media as Facebook unless it is restricted to a certain circle of friends. Keeping an open social network access to the whole World is not smart in this day and age.


IMHO too much is being made of the incident- they were tourists to the US and spoke little English just as most tourists cannot speak Thai.  Yes, they should not have entered the area they did and they were called out for it by the local 'guide'. They made a mistake. Many tourists come to Thailand and show a lack of respect for Thai sensitivities. Most do it out of ignorance.


Live and let live. More important things in life to be upset about .

Most Thais ignorantly set their Facebook profiles to "public" and don't realize the dangers in doing so.

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Let me make this perfectly clear, not only were the actions of the Thais dangerous to themselves but our national parks are designed as places to be kept as "Natural" as possible and a group walking on ecologically fragile areas can do damage that will take mother nature decades if not lifetimes to repair. I just returned from a trip to Thailand and I was shocked at the filth and lack of caring by the Thais regarding their natural wonders. Visited Maya Bay,...beautiful but so packed with speed boats and tourists that is has been destroyed, ..Emerald Pools?...again beautiful( I think) but they allow so many people to pile into the pools that you cannot even see the beauty.  Its the same thing at virtually every ecological wonder in Thailand , the people have no respect for mother nature and so it is not surprising that when they come to America they think they can treat our natural wonders the same way and we wont stand for that behavior. ...not from our own people, and certainly not from a group of over privileged thais who feel they have the right to behave any way they want in America.

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On 8/18/2017 at 0:32 PM, jimster said:

Excellent points.


Just that in Thailand, people seem to take being insulted (like being told they're dark, fat, skinny, whatever) seemingly without being offended (or maybe they are, but they bottle it up inside until something really big happens) and then it all comes out, especially when they are told they are wrong (as opposed to being told something derogatory about what they look like - which, happens to offend me if directed at me though I try not to take it personally). Although it could also depend on the messenger - if a friend says another friend is fat, the one receiving the remark may try to brush it off in order to keep the friendship, but fact is it is a time bomb ready to explode at any minute - as soon as someone makes any minor criticism after bottling up all that anger from being called fat all the time, they go off.


I agree that the educational system and particularly poor parenting are part of the problem. In a country where people still talk about the "importance of family values" they are sure descending on a fast downhill spiral. These days many Thais are foregoing having children, thinking of them as a "burden". Almost all of my Thai friends who have children have just one and they don't want anymore because it's "so tiring". They even go so far as to take contraceptives immediately after giving birth (even though a woman produces natural hormones that have a contraceptive effect for 6-12 months after giving birth) in order to ensure they won't get pregnant again for a while. Know a Thai woman who did exactly that, gave birth recently and took a "3 year" contraceptive. Then they enroll their children in early childhood centres as soon as possible, passing the buck on their own parenting responsibilities. Whenever I see a Thai child, I feel sorrow for them. They aren't being brought up with the values they need to become capable, responsible adults.

The talk about family values here is largely rhetoric. Most parents here have no idea whatsoever, how to raise a child. The same could be said about the entire planet these days. Parenting is a lost art. Some still put the time and effort into it, but most do not. I have heard parents actually say I do not want to be hard on my kids. If I do that they might not love me anymore. Seems so many parents are trying to be friends with their kids, rather than being parents and disciplinarians. I am fearful for the current generation of youth. Without screens they are completely lost. Without parenting what do they have, except food, and a roof over their heads?


Recently I was at a movie. Two kids were running around the theatre like wild monkeys, shouting  and playing, as if nobody else was there. I approached the parents, and asked them if they could do something about their kids. I politely explained to them, that the theatre was full of people who had paid to see the film. The father said, "what do you expect me to do, they are children". I responded by asking him if he was sure about what he had just said. I told him I thought, based on his response, that they were the parents, and he was the child, completely incapable of being a parent, and imposing discipline on his kids. He responded by saying he would meet me outside after the movie, so he could kick my ass. Funny man. Silly man. Such a lack of emotional development. Some Thais remind me of Trump, the US deflector in chief, with their adolescent behavior. 

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On 8/17/2017 at 6:23 AM, Thechook said:

 Pongsuk said: “He admitted feeling angry, and failed to find the proper words to request that the "foreigner" delete the clip.”


Um Pongsuk, you were the foreigner not the American in America.  It's like in Australia where I and others are still referred to as Farangs by thais living there.

In recent years I've been called a 'falang' by Thai tourists in both, Malaysia and Laos. To all the Thais out there: (in your opinion) Thailand may be the 'center of the world' but guess what, it is not the entire world; there are in fact another 200 odd countries out there where you are the 'falang' (whatever negative or neutral things you mean by uttering this world)...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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27 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

It's a filthy country and the Thais don't care.


They only care about one thing.


Sadly once they are educated enough to care, it will be too late and the beauty of their country will be mostly destroyed.


Interesting that you mention Maya Bay as I was there before the hype in 1991 and it was pristine. Went back in 2001 and it was already on the road to ruin, with yachts and speedboats entering the cove and mooring at the beach. Of course Thais blamed the movie for the damage to the ecology, the usual man-child blameshift for the failure to live up to their own responsibilities.

Thailand was never colonized. Civilised cleaning and sweeping was not passed on.

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52 minutes ago, maxpower said:

Thailand was never colonized. Civilised cleaning and sweeping was not passed on.

Actually Thais are generally very clean in terms of their own personal space. It's the public areas they treat as their own rubbish dump. 

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On 8/17/2017 at 4:09 AM, Thaidream said:

I have to believe if someone would have been able to explain to the Thai tourists that the area was restricted and was a danger to them that they would have left the area. The sign itself was not user friendly- it was way too small and should have had a large disclaimer indicating death was a possibility if entering the area.  While the Thais were wrong and it would have been better if they simply said- Sorry- the 'guide' spoke to them in an impudent way without any explanation of why the area was off limits.

Oh My


The sign seems to be acceptable to the other 190 odd countries in the world but Thais find it too small, feed fish here you get put in jail and fined remember? Simply obey the rules or do not visit. "I am Thai" So what you still obey the rules dear as you ain't back home you are in the US. Now try riding your motorbike down the wrong side of the road and see what happens.


Pathetic excuses from people who missed out on schooling.

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On 8/17/2017 at 9:18 AM, dcnx said:

It was found out that person is Thai. Not a tourist.

That you can see from miles off and by the way our man who only knows delete would just pull his plonker out and do it at the side of the road in full view of all motorists as you see every day driving here

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Just now, DavisH said:

Actually Thais are generally very clean in terms of their own personal space. It's the public areas they treat as their own rubbish dump. 

Wow! That is an amazing statement! We must know VERY different Thai people!
I've been here over 15 years and in and out of many homes, condos, and apartments over the years. I don't recall ever seeing a place that would feel comfortable (in standards of cleanliness) for me to live in. Some weren't too bad, but I definitely wouldn't say they qualified as "very clean"! Many of these places even have more than one maid, but are still not as clean as my place, which I keep clean myself because I've never met a Thai who had a standard close enough to pay them for the job.

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15 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

It's a filthy country and the Thais don't care.


They only care about one thing.


Sadly once they are educated enough to care, it will be too late and the beauty of their country will be mostly destroyed.


Interesting that you mention Maya Bay as I was there before the hype in 1991 and it was pristine. Went back in 2001 and it was already on the road to ruin, with yachts and speedboats entering the cove and mooring at the beach. Of course Thais blamed the movie for the damage to the ecology, the usual man-child blameshift for the failure to live up to their own responsibilities.


So did you guys fly to maya bay or swim there?


I also remember being the only one on Maya bay, it was 25 years ago though. There even were no boats at all in the bay.



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9 hours ago, Sig said:

Wow! That is an amazing statement! We must know VERY different Thai people!
I've been here over 15 years and in and out of many homes, condos, and apartments over the years. I don't recall ever seeing a place that would feel comfortable (in standards of cleanliness) for me to live in. Some weren't too bad, but I definitely wouldn't say they qualified as "very clean"! Many of these places even have more than one maid, but are still not as clean as my place, which I keep clean myself because I've never met a Thai who had a standard close enough to pay them for the job.

Have you never been in a moobaan sir?

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