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Re-entry Visa And Driving License

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In a previous post I asked about 1 year visas (marriage), and received some excellent advice. 200,000 in a bank, a few forms, 6 weeks wait and I just got it, which is a massive weight off my mind. Thanks !

I have seen "re-entry visa" mentioned a few times, and I am wondering what this is, and if I need one. I understand that if I leave the country without one and return I will have to start the whole 1 year process all over again. I would like to know if this is a stamp in your passport that allows multiple re-entries, or is it a certificate valid for one entry. Is it easy enough to get at the airport ? Also what is the cost ? I had heard the cost of 500 baht mentioned, but when I asked the guy at immigration he was mumbling 3,900, so I didn't pursue the matter. I have no immediate plans to leave the country, but it would be nice to have.


I currently have an international license, I have heard that it is a pretty straightforward to convert this to a Thai License.

I understand that I need a letter from immigration, a doctors letter, 2 photos and my current licence. What exactly is the letter from immigration I need, and how much should I pay ? Any other advice on the Thai License greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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A re entry permit allows you to enter Thailand again without a new visa. You must now have before any trip outside of Thailand. You can obtain a single entry type and believe the cost is much less than the 39 or 3800 now required for the multi entry type. It is a stamp with control number put in your passport that you put on your new entry card when you return from trip in the visa space. It can be obtained at airport but only after you check-in for flight and have boarding pass AFAIK. If you have no plans to travel no need to get until you do if the expense is a consideration.

Believe the letter from immigration for license is to certify your address and is low or no cost.

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I got a re-entry visa at CM immigration with no problems.

It cost 500B but it has gone up now to 1000B (I think) for a single entry.

Re the license, Lopburi is as always correct, the letter is supposed to be free but some officiers do ask for 200B. You can get the same letter from the Uk embassy but this will cost you 1400B

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I got a re-entry visa at CM immigration with no problems.

It cost 500B but it has gone up now to 1000B (I think) for a single entry.

Re the license, Lopburi is as always correct, the letter is supposed to be free but some officiers do ask for 200B. You can get the same letter from the Uk embassy but this will cost you 1400B

Take your passport when you go to Transport office. You need to evidence your non-immigrant visa status. You will get a one year license this time,thereafter you can get 5 year licenses.

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