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Trump dumps controversial chief strategist Bannon in latest upheaval


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The sad thing about all this garbage is that no one seems to have noticed that ALL of Washington ALL of the time (long before Trump) is a reality tv show.  No one seems to latch on to the extent that what we are presented with on tv is politics as celebrity show, where politicians are asked powder-puff questions that they can easily bat away.

Meanwhile, the swamp dwellers behind the scenes, the Wall St bankers and the arms salesmen, get on with business as usual.


This was so under Reagan, Clinton, Bush 2, and now Trump.  The most difficult guy to caricature or find entertaining in the continuing reality show was Obama, cos he was so hopelessly dull and prissy.  

When Pence becomes Potus, the MSM will have a  lot of fun deriding his Christian beliefs and thereby giving the Islamists time off from serious scrutiny.  And so the reality tv show will go on.....

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On 8/19/2017 at 1:37 PM, CaptHaddock said:

In your childish black-and-white thinking there is apparently no possibility other than self-seeking crooks and saints.  FDR accomplished great things for the poor and the middle-class,  including Social Security and the basis for the GI Bill, not because he was some kind of saint.  LBJ, for all that we detested him for the Viet Nam War, instituted Head Start and Medicare, both effective programs.  If it weren't for Social Security and Medicare, elderly poverty in America would be as prevalent today as it was in the 30's.


There's quite a difference between a politician who wants to continue in office and the kind of take-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-rich program that the Republicans tried to ram through Congress to destroy Obamacare.


The Republicans trash talk government to get gullible voters to accept lower taxes for the rich and poverty for themselves.

Yes the Democratic party has helped working people throughout history.... so I believe. What have the Republi-clans done for the working class? Hell they object repeatedly to raising the minimum wage but worker vote for them? I don't get it. Maybe I just not knowledgeable enough a/b politics.

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On 8/19/2017 at 5:42 AM, Briggsy said:

iii) if Bannon is mad and will turn on Trump.


iv) if Bannon is mad but will not turn against the administration because it is his best shot at influencing politics and Trump has a ton of dirt on him. In that case he will take potshots at Kushner every now and then through Breitbart.

iii) Maybe Trump wasn't a great movie buff but as 'Don' Corleone advised, " - hold your friends close but your enemies closer."  More so if Kelly also pink-slips Miller or Gorka (who will run straight back to the welcoming arms at Breitbart).


iv) Bannon probably already has Kushner and Ivanka in his sights.


On the outside Mr Bannon will target a ring of presidential advisers sometimes known as the "globalists". It includes Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, with whom Mr Bannon appeared to have lost a battle over putting more troops in Afghanistan.




Mr Bannon's new venture would probably be funded by Bob Mercer, the hedge fund billionaire and conservative mega-donor, who has previously backed both Breitbart and Mr Trump. Mr Mercer and Mr Bannon met last week to discus plans for after his White House exit. The following evening Mr Mercer had dinner with the president.


Wasn't a South Korean President recently impeached and removed because of her not so covert influence-peddling and leaks of classified information with unacceptable private individuals?

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1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

(snip)Maybe I just not knowledgeable enough a/b politics.

Remember Gingrich and a few others after the election foolishly let slip they used sophisticated analytics to recognise voters concerns in specific areas and then just spoon feed them targeted messaging they wan't to hear. Totally cynical, ice cold, disciplined election campaign by Trump's team - bamboozled  many professional observers.

Edited by simple1
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Literally No One From The White House Wants To Defend Trump On TV Right Now


“To give you a sense of how reluctant Republicans are to talk about President Trump this week, not one member of the current Republican leadership in Congress agreed to come on the broadcast this morning,” Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press,” told viewers. 


“In fact, even the White House was unable, or perhaps unwilling, to provide a guest, right down to the White House press secretary.”


"Fox News host Leland Vittert told viewers that “nobody” from the White House would come on the air to discuss Bannon’s outing."




Instead, the White House recommends reporters go talk to sycophants Jerry Fallwel Jr. and Corey Lewandowski.






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On 8/19/2017 at 4:42 PM, freebyrd said:

All Trump has 'achieved' is the  unraveling of the things that  Obama put in place, the next president will spend 4 years repairing all the damage. He is a complete an utter buffoon who has all our lives, American or otherwise, in his unstable hands. I live in hope that he will be impeached and removed from office sooner rather than later.

I fully believe 45 and his pal Bannon want complete/full control of America. 45 dreams of being a dictator and only voice in the U.S. As time goes on he gains more and more control.

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5 hours ago, selftaopath said:

I fully believe 45 and his pal Bannon want complete/full control of America. 45 dreams of being a dictator and only voice in the U.S. As time goes on he gains more and more control.

Actually, I agree with Ezra Klein's take on it. Trump just wants to be able to mouth off and doesn't much care if the people who make government function don't pay any attention to him. He also wants to profit hugely off the Presidency while he's still in office.

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Bannon is already doing exactly what has been predicted of him: trying to drive a wedge between Trump and the various globalists. Here's the latest headline from Breitbart:


Source: McMaster Fails to Brief Trump Before ‘That’s Too Bad’ Error

A source with direct knowledge of these matters tells Breitbart News that the senior staff at the White House, including National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, did not brief President Donald Trump on the collision the Navy destroyer USS John McCain had with an oil tanker near Singapore before he originally seemingly dismissed the incident saying, “that’s too bad.”

Trump later, after receiving more information on it, tweeted that he hopes for the best for the lost sailors. The collision left 10 sailors missing and another five injured.


Of course what bannon is doing here is playing on Trump's obvious narcissism. Trump can never admit he's made an error. So when he does something like this, it must be the fault of someone else. 

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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Bannon is already doing exactly what has been predicted of him: trying to drive a wedge between Trump and the various globalists. Here's the latest headline from Breitbart:


Source: McMaster Fails to Brief Trump Before ‘That’s Too Bad’ Error

A source with direct knowledge of these matters tells Breitbart News that the senior staff at the White House, including National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, did not brief President Donald Trump on the collision the Navy destroyer USS John McCain had with an oil tanker near Singapore before he originally seemingly dismissed the incident saying, “that’s too bad.”

Trump later, after receiving more information on it, tweeted that he hopes for the best for the lost sailors. The collision left 10 sailors missing and another five injured.


Of course what bannon is doing here is playing on Trump's obvious narcissism. Trump can never admit he's made an error. So when he does something like this, it must be the fault of someone else. 

Vile as Bannon undeniably was, he was also in favor of raising taxes on the rich, protecting Social Security, and avoiding any more foreign wars.  "Globalist" in these articles refers to supporters of the neo-con endless war policy.  Since the remaining staff are either military or Goldman alumni, it's too bad that there is no one left to represent the interests of the middle and working classes.

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4 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Vile as Bannon undeniably was, he was also in favor of raising taxes on the rich, protecting Social Security, and avoiding any more foreign wars. 

In those ways Bannon aligned with Senator Bernie Sanders but Sanders isn't an isolationist nor global warming denier.

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Q&A: What are Trump and the White House's links to the far right?


"We break down how the White House, Breitbart News,

Steve Bannon and Trump’s cabinet are all connected to recent events in Charlottesville"


"While running Breitbart, Bannon proudly declared: “We’re the platform for the alt-right.”

The “alt-right” movement is associated with efforts to preserve “white identity”, defend “western values”

and oppose multiculturalism."


Edited by iReason
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