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Myanmar men appeal against death sentences over British murders in Thailand


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15 minutes ago, lkv said:

The Supreme Court will not reverse the decision for any reasons.


It would mean everybody from the bottom all the way to the top (Prayuth) would lose face, that won't happen.

They wont reverse the verdict but the sentence will be life instead of the death sentence, not sure which is best in this country

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29 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

... and it seems the Court could care less unless you think the Supreme Court is going to reverse the decision based on chain of custody mistakes.

Hardly can be classified as chain of custody mistakes.

In the case of the murder weapon the court used the lack of chain of custody and possible contamination to the detriment of the defence. Whilst with regards the dna the lack of chain of custody to support the prosecution

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There have been 2 court decisions and maybe a third.

-- “The legal team asks the Supreme Court to re-examine the legal process and evidence, and whether the DNA samples collected from the crime scene really matched those of the defendants,” lawyer Nakhon Chomphuchat told The Nation.

-- The death sentences have raised concerns among human right defenders amid claims that the evidence presented by prosecutors had failed to establish the pair’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Critics have also accused the police of failing to properly collect and test DNA samples from the scene.

-- The defendants’ legal team has submitted a 319-page document to the Supreme Court for its consideration, a lawyer on the team said.

-- http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30324491

... and they were able to do all that without your assistance.

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4 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Hunting for the cereal killer member


Is this a joke or someone claiming to be someone he is defnaly not, his spelling on so many post says it all a Joke

I confess I was a cereal killer in my younger days. Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Frosties, Weetabix, Raisin Bran, All Bran, to name a few, were frequently my victims in the early morning. I attacked them without mercy. One bowl was rarely enough, I had to have two. Luckily I never left any remains and I always washed the bowl immediately after committing the crime. Of course this was pre DNA days. Nowadays I would  be discovered in hours

Since moving to Thailand I have managed to curb my lust but I know if I ever returned to dear old Blighty, then the old cravings will return. It is one reason I may never go back. 

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6 minutes ago, bannork said:

I confess I was a cereal killer in my younger days. Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Frosties, Weetabix, Raisin Bran, All Bran, to name a few, were frequently my victims in the early morning. I attacked them without mercy. One bowl was rarely enough, I had to have two. Luckily I never left any remains and I always washed the bowl immediately after committing the crime. Of course this was pre DNA days. Nowadays I would  be discovered in hours

Since moving to Thailand I have managed to curb my lust but I know if I ever returned to dear old Blighty, then the old cravings will return. It is one reason I may never go back. 

Try M***o or T***o

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No it is not a joke.
It has been routinely and I believe irresponsibly suggested on here that there is a serial killer on the loose on Koh Tao.
There is most likely no serial killer on the loose on Koh Tao.
There is no indication that, other than the two SEP 2014 murders, any other noted deaths on Koh Tao, suspicious or not, have been murders.
And if they were in fact murders, there is nothing to indicate that they can all be traced to same person.
I am no criminologist, but I lived in a city with a serial murderer on the loose where people were afraid to go out at night lest they get their heads blown off with a high-powered pistol.

And from that experience, I can tell you, this is hardly the same.



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Hunting for the cereal killer member No joke well that says it all


It seems you have not kept up with what a serial killer is and there have been much worse since those days you read about.


We are talking here and now about Koh Tao and 2 British lives lost and possible two innocent Burmese who may loose their lives not about an old story of 1977 where DNA was not around. But then again I doubt that you know what DNA is.


A serial killer today is used when 2 or more lives are taken.


Go back to your cornflakes.

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3 hours ago, JLCrab said:

If you are asking me about where the guitar went and where it ended up, I don't have the slightest idea. Guess this is just another chain of custody screw-up, huh?

This whole is so far past this kind of minutiae. All that to me seems important to is how these two are going to get themselves out of the capital murder sentence they have already been handed.

Yes, the continued arguments are pointless. I believe them guilty. 

But it's my personal opinion. 

Still I would hate to see them executed. The "team" needs to change its tactic and focus on changing the death penalty. Though it may be too late now. 

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43 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Hunting for the cereal killer member No joke well that says it all


It seems you have not kept up with what a serial killer is and there have been much worse since those days you read about.


We are talking here and now about Koh Tao and 2 British lives lost and possible two innocent Burmese who may loose their lives not about an old story of 1977 where DNA was not around. But then again I doubt that you know what DNA is.


A serial killer today is used when 2 or more lives are taken.


Go back to your cornflakes.

A serial killer today is used when 2 or more lives are taken.


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Yeah, everything is possible. Appeal after appeal. They are just under the blankets, ready to bring out in the light when it suits. I guess there isn´t really any supreme court, which in my opinion must be the last resort. Just wait until Taksin returns, and go to court, get aquitted, and the sister follows. Then we can start the same disatser over and over again, Just like it´s been for decades, centuries and milleniums in this beautiful country. Just sad that that real resident do not understand what thay have to do to continue attract tourism to this country. Even more sad that the people in position to really make a change are actually proven to be dumber.

My guess is that they are just going on empty fuel, as long as it last. That´s because they know that the battle against bad judgement, corruption, the elite, money talks, intelligence and so on. So much more that can´t have place in a small post is already lost. They have accepted, they will obey, they are just waiting to hear the silent swish of the axe falling on their necks.

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2 hours ago, bannork said:

I confess I was a cereal killer in my younger days. Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Frosties, Weetabix, Raisin Bran, All Bran, to name a few, were frequently my victims in the early morning. I attacked them without mercy. One bowl was rarely enough, I had to have two. Luckily I never left any remains and I always washed the bowl immediately after committing the crime. Of course this was pre DNA days. Nowadays I would  be discovered in hours

Since moving to Thailand I have managed to curb my lust but I know if I ever returned to dear old Blighty, then the old cravings will return. It is one reason I may never go back. 

That's creepy 

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Sorry folks, all this talk about evidence is just hot air from the perspective of the people who are deciding the two young men's fate.  They don't care about evidence or doing what's right.  Their concern is 'what does the status quo want?' ....the status quo being:  Thai people in power, rich people, people in uniform.  The writing has been on the wall for many moons.  No one within the Thai power structure is going to waver from the script.  

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5 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

OK you know better please tell the FBI, as that is what they now say, I am sure they will be interested to hear that they are wrong.

FBI definition: Serial Murder: The unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events.

BTW whether 1977 or today when someone shoots you with a high-powered pistol with no previous physical contact and then runs away, there is no DNA left at the crime scene. The 'Son of Sam' serial killer was eventually caught by tracing a parking ticket someone noticed on a car prior to the last crime.


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6 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

OK you know better please tell the FBI, as that is what they now say, I am sure they will be interested to hear that they are wrong.

2 or more killings in separate events. The only killings on Koh Tao were Hannah and David which were the same event.

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13 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

OK you know better please tell the FBI, as that is what they now say, I am sure they will be interested to hear that they are wrong.

OK BTW this is the contact page for the FBI in Bangkok in case YOU want to tell them they are wrong.


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I also don't think there is one serial killer on Koh Tao. In fact, it is highly probable that there is more than one male who is capable of killing if he loses face, gets rebuffed, gets angry, etc. etc. And not only on Koh Tao. Can happen on the highway.


But the big question is, given the latest situation, what will happen to the B2? For the defence to submit a 319 page appeal to the Supreme court is ludicrous in the extreme when the prosecution's basic assertion of guilt is the flawed DNA 'evidence'. IMO, the defence should have focused on the 1st court's report and homed in on whether the legality of the reasons for guilt was acceptable under Thai law, because the SC has to abide with the law (hopefully).   


And it will be around two weeks before the SC accepts or rejects the appeal. If it is rejected, a different appeal would be required. What's that's likely to consist of is anyone's guess. If it is accepted it would take at least two years before a verdict is given - however I am willing to bet on Thailand's reputation for avoiding conflict and saving face will result in the Appeal being rejected, if only to prolong the immediate matter into next year.


Maybe the PM, who denies he knows where Yingluck absconded to, will request that a B2 prison escape would be the preferred solution to the dilemma of having hundreds of TV posts on the subject and continual harassing by BBC's S Asia correspondent Jonathan Head...     


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6 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

By the FBI's definition, there may not be any serial killers on Koh Tao.

Just a few suspicious deaths - possibly carried out by different males losing face, getting rebuffed etc. thereby by-passing the FBI's definition. Clever lot these Thais... 

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'Suspicious' deaths possibly none of them carried by males or anybody else and none of which has been determined to be the result of foul play.

But as long as I'm here, maybe it is time for the B2 defense team to start an extra-judicial PR campaign. This from December 2014:

-- “We are victims of influential people,” they wrote in the letter, according to Andy Hall, a British human rights activist who is based in Thailand and was inside the court.
-- The letter offered no further clues as to who those “influential people” might be. However, long-term Koh Tao residents have told The Telegraph the island is run by a tight-knit “mafia” of powerful Thai families and many there are convinced these families have information about the true culprits.


So maybe it's time to start writing letters to the newspapers in Thailand and elsewhere and to start naming names as long as they have sufficient proof to back up the claims made in 2014.

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2 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

Suspicious deaths possibly none of them carried by males or anybody else and none of which has been determined to be the result of foul play.

Determined by who?


Ah you mean Koh Tao Police?



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Comparing the FBI with Thai investigative prowess, is like comparing the US winter Olympic teams' prowess with Thailand's winter Olympic team.


Ok, in fairness, sometimes Thai detectives do a good job.  But it's extremely subjective, and based on who's paying the most money (for desired results) and who is important and who is not.  In the Ko Tao double murder, the Mafia-like family members are rich and important (from a Thai viewpoint), .....whereas the Burmese scapegoats are v. poor and insignificant.  


 Historically aware Thais haven't forgotten that Thailand lost two major wars against the Burmese.  Like in the Middle East, resentments last hundreds of years.  When the Thai army lost the 2nd time, the Burmese took a prize albino elephant as a war prize.  There's nothing more offensive to Thais of that time.

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I didn't compare anything. Some guy a bunch of posts above incorrectly referred to the FBI definition of a serial killer.

But maybe the defense can put that still mad about the albino elephant claim into their next appeal.

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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 0:00 PM, rockingrobin said:

Basic summary of prosecution and court judgement


B2 playing guitar on the log

Hannah and David walk by

B2 decide to follow

B2 commit crime


How did the guitar end up with the Chef.

By posting that picture, JLCrab was trying to indicate that Sean McAnna must be the guilty party.   :whistling:

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